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  • 参考译名《应用生理学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率8.30%



JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY《应用生理学杂志》(月刊). The Journal of Applied Physiology publishes the highest quality original research and reviews&nb...[显示全部]







4、官网邮箱:Editor-in-Chief: Sue Bodine


Journal Supervisor: Zeki Erim


Associate Managing Editor: Teki Best


Peer Review Coordinator: Iliana Torres








About the Journal of Applied Physiology

The Journal of Applied Physiology publishes the highest quality original research and reviews that examine novel adaptive and integrative physiological mechanisms in humans and animals that advance the field. The journal encourages the submission of manuscripts that examine the acute and adaptive responses of various organs, tissues, cells and/or molecular pathways to environmental, physiological and/or pathophysiological stressors. As an applied physiology journal, topics of interest are not limited to a particular organ system. The journal, therefore, considers a wide array of integrative and translational research topics examining the mechanisms involved in disease processes and mitigation strategies, as well as the promotion of health and well-being throughout the lifespan. Priority is given to manuscripts that provide mechanistic insight deemed to exert an impact on the field.

More information on specific article types considered by the Journal can be found here.

Article Types

Research Articles

Research articles present important new research results including the entire contents of a research project. Research articles include an abstract, an introduction, methods and results sections, a discussion, and relevant citations. Inclusion of links to data supplements and source data are permitted; see policy. Articles are peer-reviewed.

Case Studies in Physiology – original research articles

"Case Studies in Physiology" provides a forum for unusual studies that have as their subject, for example, world class athletes or physiologically unique and rarely accessible animals. These by definition are almost always studies of a single subject, and thus, while they pose statistical and interpretive problems, can offer unique and revealing insights into physiology that conventional studies may not.

The key elements of such articles are:

The title must begin "Case Studies in Physiology:..............." with the specific title following the colon

Articles must be limited to studies with data – this is not a platform for presenting theories.

Text including references should be limited to 3000 words (approximately 3 printed journal pages). The number of figures and tables should be commensurate with the amount of data reported. We expect Case Studies articles to be no more than 5 printed journal pages.

There must be critical statistical consideration so that even when n=1, the major outcome(s) are qualitatively reliable, and, to the extent possible, quantitatively robust.

The Discussion must clearly present the limits on experimental design/methods based on the particular situation, should discuss general applicability of results, and justify why the case is of value.

The article must support a broader message than merely the description of findings, and be of instructional value to readers.


To allow for the publication of high quality topic reviews, an article category has been created named "Synthesis". Authors wanting to publish a review in the Journal of Applied Physiology (JAPPL) would begin by sending the Editor a letter of intent (LOI): a) describing the area to be covered, b) providing a rationale for why we should consider it for JAPPL, and c) indicating a target date for submission. An abstract-sized summary of the review plus the CV's and publication list of all proposed authors must accompany the LOI. The criteria used to decide on whether to allow a submission will be that the article is:

(Co)authored by a respected, leading investigator in the field. Specifically, we will not accept literature reviews conducted by trainees in the course of their thesis preparation.

Rationalized well as to topic relevance to the journal and timeliness.

A scholarly synthesis in the field, ideally integrating reports from different labs, bringing together data from several levels of study (ranging from modeling to whole organism and everything in between), reconciling differences where possible, explaining them when they cannot be reconciled, and ending with a statement of future research directions.


Viewpoint articles are intended to present an insightful, thoroughly documented slant on a topic for which opinions are either controversial or undecided in the literature. The hope is that the readership will benefit from a new unconventional viewpoint on a topic. In addition, brief commentary (250 words, 5 references) will be solicited from the readership. The hope here is to use the journal to promote communication among scientists and therefore further understanding. Hopefully, new ideas and improved designs for future research on these topics should follow. Some articles will be invited; we also welcome unsolicited manuscripts. Viewpoints must be authored by experts in the field under discussion, such expertise having been demonstrated by original research published by the author(s) in peer-reviewed journals indexed in the major services, such as PubMed. The determination whether a proposed Viewpoint is within scope and acceptable for publication is a matter committed to the discretion of the editors.

The Viewpoint manuscript must be concise, to the point, and bring novel new insights on a specific problem. Refer only to already peer-reviewed, published findings. Maximum length is 1200 words, 30 references, and one single-panel figure. No abstract is required; the title of the manuscript should be as descriptive as possible of the problem and or viewpoint being presented. All manuscripts will be submitted to the usual peer review process. Also please provide a list of 5-10 names and emails of individuals who may be interested in providing commentary on your Viewpoint.





Information for Authors



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