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  • 参考译名《波兰妇科》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向医学-OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 妇产科学



GINEKOLOGIA POLSKA《波兰妇科》(月刊). Ginekologia Polska is an official journal of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (formerly&n...[显示全部]














Author Guidelines

Ginekologia Polska’ — Information for Authors (modified: September 23rd, 2016)

 I General Guidelines

Ginekologia Polska’ (GP or The Journal) is a monthly medical journal, since May 2016 published exclusively in English.

The Journal follows editorial recommendations of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (available at http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/). Via Medica strongly recommends journal editors to adhere to the principles of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), particularly to deal with acts of ethical misconduct. For more information Authors, Readers and Editors may visit the COPE website: http://publicationethics.org/.

GP publishes original articles, review articles, clinical vignettes, letters to the editor and other papers. ‘GP’ will accept submissions relating to any aspect of gynecology, obstetrics and directly related areas. Since April 14th, 2016 classical case reports are no longer accepted for publication.

All manuscripts reporting data from studies involving human participants must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki and ethical standards. Formal review and approval by an appropriate ethics committee is required and the Authors are requested to attach a statement confirming that they had obtained such approval. Also, they must state that they had received the informed consent from the study participants. Authors must abide by the principles set out in the Personal Data Protection Act.

Authors presenting results of clinical research on drugs and medical procedures should include detailed description of sources of funding, the role of the sponsor in the planning, realization and analysis of the results, as well as information on how the sponsor influenced the content of the article. Only international names of drugs may be used.

Scientific misconduct. In order to prevent ghostwriting and guest-authorship GP Editors require the following:

i) Authors’ statement defining contribution of each author to the manuscript, including their affiliations and authors of the concept, assumptions, methods, protocol, analysis, data interpretation, etc. The Editors will disclose all cases of scientific misconduct.

ii) Financial disclosure – placed within body of text, Authors must disclose relevant sources of financial support for the publication, participation of research institutions, associations and other parties.

Authors’ statement form be available during the registration process. The document should be filled in and signed, and a scanned copy should be attached to the manuscript.

By sending the manuscript with figures and charts Authors declare it has been neither published nor submitted for publication elsewhere (excluding abstracts of 250 words or less). Figures or tables that have been published elsewhere must be identified, and written permission of the original copyright owner must be provided. Such responsibility lies entirely with the Authors and PGS and its Publisher will not be liable for violation of anyone’s copyright or other rights by the authors. If the data presented in the article enable identification of the persons, their written consent to the publication must be enclosed. Articles should be free of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (more information can be found at https://ori.hhs.gov/definition-misconduct).

The PGS and the Publisher shall not be held responsible for opinions and statements included in the manuscripts or advertisement materials.

Authors receive no financial remuneration for publishing their work in ‘Ginekologia Polska’. Since March 15th, 2016 Authors Preparation Charge (APC) of Euro 400,00 is being introduced for articles accepted for publication, exclusive of clinical vignettes. This also relates to recent manuscripts submitted before this date and not yet accepted for publication.

Since May 2016 ahead-of-print mode of publication will be introduced to the Journal.

II Specific guidelines

Submissions shall be made in Word format (*.doc or *.docx).

Original articles

Articles should be written in proper, grammatical English, following the order: introduction, objectives, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 3000 words (18000 characters including spaces), excluding abstract, title, and references.  References should not exceed 35 most recent publications.

Review papers

Articles should include: introduction with justification of the selected topic, description of the current state of knowledge, summary, references. The total length of the manuscript should not exceed 3000 words. Reference list should not exceed 35 entries.

Clinical vignettes (CVs)

The goal of this category is to present brief reports of highly informative cases illustrated with interesting images accompanied by detailed legends. All applicable imaging techniques may be described in this category (ultrasound, X-ray and CT scans, biopsy and other). Text should be limited to 700 words, including title page, references, and figure legends. The number of references and authors is limited to five. Maximum one figure is allowed of no more than four panels each, labelled (a), (b), (c), (d). Additional figures and also videos may be published online as supplementary data.

Construction of the papers:

a) Title page – in English; should include the full title of the paper and a short title of no more than 40 characters including spaces.

b) Full names of the authors, academic degrees, affiliations, the name, address, phone and fax numbers as well as e-mail address of the person responsible for editorial correspondence should be given during depositing the article in the Metadata tab.

c) Abstract – should be written only in English and observe the following order: objectives, material and methods, results, conclusions. Maximum length: 250 words. In case of review paper and/or case study, the abstract need not follow the abovementioned order, but it should also not exceed the length of 250 words.

d) Key words – three to six key words in English ought to be included below the abstract. Please follow the Medical Subject Headings (Index Medicus) – http://nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html.

e) Content –should be structures as follows:

Introduction – should include the review of current state of knowledge on the subject.

Objectives – state the aim of the work precisely and, if possible, determine to what extent it is original.

Material and methods – describe the studied groups, as well as methods and statistical tools that have been used.

Results – clearly and concisely present the outcome (note from the Publisher: consider using graphs or diagrams as they are more clear and comprehensible than presentation of the results only in the text of the manuscript or in tables).

Discussion – state to what extent the objectives of the work have been achieved, whether the results are original or merely confirm the data already reported in the literature, discuss limitations of the study as well as possible clinical implications of the findings. The results should be presented in the context of the literature cited in the Reference section.

Conclusions – should refer to the objectives of the work and be presented clearly and accurately.

Acknowledgements – names of contributors (individuals and/or institutions) in the study (e.g. NCBS).

References – the Reference section should include a list of all sources cited in the manuscript, numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Numbers in the manuscript should correspond to the order of citations (not alphabetized), in brackets, at the end of the sentence. References to unpublished papers or oral presentations should be avoided. Each reference entry should consist of: surnames and initials (not to be followed by a full stop) of the authors; the surnames of only the first three authors should be included, followed by [et al.], title, journal title abbreviated according to Index Medicus, year of publication, volume, first and last page. In case of book chapters or monograph chapters, please follow the order: surnames and initials of the authors, chapter title, book title, surnames and initials of the editors, name of the publishing house, place of publication, year, pages.


Journal articles

Alavanja MCR, Malker H, Hayes RB, et al. Occupational cancer risk associated with the storage and bulk handling of agricultural foodstuff. Adv Clin Exp Med. 2004; 13 (5): 807-814.

Books and monographs

Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY) Publishers, 1996.

Book chapters

Sullivan JB Jr, Gonzales M, Krieger GR, Runge CF. Health-related hazards of agriculture. In: Sullivan JB Jr, Krieger GR (eds.). Hazardous Materials Toxicology. Clinical Principles of Environmental Health, Baltimore 1992, 642-666.

Conference materials

Kimura J, Shibasaki H. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology, Oct 15-19 1995, Kyoto, Japan, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1996.

Internet materials

Yee WS, Lin LP. Anxiety and depressive symptoms among communities in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia: A rural exploration. MJP Online Early


(access: 2011.11.14).

Single-blind review

This journal since March 2020 uses a single blind review, which means the identities of the authors are not concealed from the reviewers, but the identities of the reviewers are concealed from the authors.

Technical details of text style and format:

- 12-point font size, Arial or Times New Roman. Please do not format the text;

- 1.5 interline spacing;

- leave right margins unjustified (ragged);

- margins of 2.5 cm with the exception of the first page where a 7-cm top margin should be  left;

- paragraph indent – please use the TAB key (not the SPACE bar);

- tables may be included in the same file as the manuscript;  all tables should be numbered using Roman numerals;

- figures and photos may be black-and-white or color; attached in a separate single file; the following figure file formats are acceptable: JPG, CDR, TIFF, PPT, AI, EPS in the highest possible resolution. Digital photos should have 300 dpi resolution and one of the following extensions: *.jpg, *.tiff, *.ai, *.eps. Figures and photos should be numbered consecutively, using Arabic numerals, in the order in which they are cited in the text, and include appropriate headers in Polish and in English. Figure references should be indicated in the manuscript; titles of figures and photographs should also be listed at the end of the main text;

- abbreviations should be expanded at first mention in the text (the rule applies to abstracts as well). Authors should avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript;

- laboratory results, norms and standard deviations should be expressed in International System of Units (SI).

When submitting the revised version authors MUST:

1) Respond to ALL of the reviewers' comments and questions ANONYMOUSLY in separate letter -"response to reviewers"

2) Submit the new version of the paper (.doc/.docx/.rtf format) -  showing all changes in bold.

To facilitate the review process, all manuscripts prior to submission should be carefully verified for linguistic correctness by a competent person, preferably the native speaker. Proof of such a verification should be uploaded in the supplementary section upon manuscript submission. Lack of such a certificate at the submission step entitles Editors to ask Authors for professional corrections prior to publication. In any case, costs of proofreading are to be covered by the Authors. Editors of GP suggest accredited translators/correctors: Mr Robert Garret garrett.rob@gmail.com or Ms Izabella Mrugalska i.mrugalska@tlumaczmedyczny.com

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