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GFF《斯德哥尔摩地质学会汇刊》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称GFF
  • 参考译名《斯德哥尔摩地质学会汇刊》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向地球科学-GEOLOGY地质学;PALEONTOLOGY古生物学



GFF《斯德哥尔摩地质学会汇刊》(季刊)。GFF is the journal of the Geological Society of Sweden. It is an international scientific journal that publishes&n...[显示全部]












Instructions for authors

Manuscript preparation

1. General guidelines

Manuscripts are accepted in English. Any consistent spelling and punctuation styles may be used. Please use single quotation marks, except where ‘a quotation is “within” a quotation’. Citations are given in the form of the author’s surname followed by the year of publication (e.g., Andréasson et al. 1985; Åberg 1988; Andréasson & Rodhe 1990). Always give complete citations.

Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: title page (including Acknowledgements as well as Funding and grant-awarding bodies); abstract; keywords; main text; acknowledgements; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figure caption(s) (as a list).

Abstracts of 250 words are required for all manuscripts submitted.

Each manuscript should have 4 to 12 keywords.

Definition and naming of new stratigraphic units should conform to the rules decided by the IUGS International Commission on Stratigraphy. New mineral names and redefinitions of existing names must be approved by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) before publication.

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Biographical notes on contributors are not required for this journal.

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For single agency grants: "This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx]."

For multiple agency grants: "This work was supported by the [Funding Agency 1] under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency 2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency 3] under Grant [number xxxx]."

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Description of the Journal’s article and reference style.

Guide to using mathematical scripts and equations.

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All figures must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the manuscript (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2). In multi-part figures, each part should be labelled (e.g. Figure 1(a), Figure 1(b)).

Figure captions must be saved separately, as part of the file containing the complete text of the manuscript, and numbered correspondingly.

The filename for a graphic should be descriptive of the graphic, e.g. Figure1, Figure2a.

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Manuscript submission

All submissions should be made online at the GFF Scholar One Manuscripts website. New users should first create an account. Once logged on to the site, submissions should be made via the Author Centre. Online user guides and access to a helpdesk are available on this website.

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Data availability statement. If there is a data set associated with the paper, please provide information about where the data supporting the results or analyses presented in the paper can be found. Where applicable, this should include the hyperlink, DOI or other persistent identifier associated with the data set(s). Templates are also available to support authors.

Data deposition. If you choose to share or make the data underlying the study open, please deposit your data in a recognized data repository prior to or at the time of submission. You will be asked to provide the DOI, pre-reserved DOI, or other persistent identifier for the data set.

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Updated 22.4/2020

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