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Geodiversitas (online only)
Instructions to the authors
Manuscripts, and illustrations, conforming strictly to the present instructions should be sent to the journal by email preferentially. The manuscripts should be prepared with double spaced, margins of at least 3 cm and all pages numbered.
Articles submitted by email should be sent: in a PDF version including all the figures, tables and appendices of the article and DOC version including only the text of the article.
Postal submission are also accepted. Manuscripts that do not conform will be returned. To complete these instructions, please refer to a recent issue of Geodiversitas.
Reviewers. Each author can suggest some names of potential referees for his article. Conflicts of interest can also be indicated.
Structure. Papers are to be written in simple, concise and scientific French or English and should be organized as follows:
– title in English;
– title in French (exact translation);
– running head in the language of the article;
– first name(s) and surname(s) of author(s), followed by their full professional address(es) and e-mail(s); a corresponding author can also be designated;
– abstract in English, 200-250 words long; include precise differential characters for new taxa;
– résumé in French (exact translation, the journal may provide
help for translation);
– key words in English (5 to 10 max.);
– mots clés in French (exact translation, 5 to 10 max.);
– text of the article, in the following order: Introduction, Material and methods, Abbreviations, Systematics/Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Legends of figures and tables. Very long papers may include a list of contents; papers dealing with a large number of taxa may include an index;
– acknowledgements should mention the names of the reviewers;
– do not use footnotes.
– Each systematic description should be arranged as follows: name of the taxon with author and date, original reference of the description, taxonomic historic, with synonymy, type material, etymology, material examined, type horizon, type locality, diagnosis and/or description, remarks; for each new species, a diagnose and a description should be provided; for each existing species, only the diagnosis should be indicated, except if the description has been emended;
– use n. sp., n. gen., n. fam., etc., at each occurrence of a new taxon name; and n. comb. at each occurrence of a new combination;
– every taxon names cited in the text should be followed, when first mentioned in the text, in the résumé/abstract and in the captions of the figures, by author(s) and date of description;
– use italics for names of genera and species.
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle,
Service des Publications scientifiques,
case postale 41, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris cedex 05 (France)
Phone: (33) (0)1 40 79 34 38
Fax: (33) (0)1 40 79 38 40
Email: geodiv@mnhn.fr