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  • 参考译名《地质年代学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



GEOCHRONOMETRIA《地质年代学》。Geochronometria is aimed at integrating scientists developing different methods of absolute chronology and using them in&n...[显示全部]













Submitting a paper toGeochronometria Journal on Method and Application of Absolute Chronology

Geochronometria is an Open Access Journal.

Papers submitted to Geochronometria should be concerned with methods of absolute dating. The scope of Geochronometria extends over a wide range of studies in the area of absolute chronology and their application in different fields of earth and other natural sciences, including archaeology.

The manuscripts must contain original work which is not published elsewhere in any medium by the authors or anyone else and is not under consideration for publication in any other journal or medium. This restriction does not apply to review articles.

Submitted papers will be reviewed by one or two referees and the editor’s decision about acceptance or rejection is final.

The submitted works are focused on the aims and scope of the journal and present research in dating technique development as well as applications of dating methods.

The manuscripts should be written in English in a clear manner and they should contain all essential features of a complete scientific paper. The author should ensure that the language is correct.

In addition to the main text, the authors may submit additional material in the form of electronic Supplementary Material which will be accessible to the readers online (e.g. detailed tables, spreadsheets, maps and other relevant information).

The manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format via the Editorial Manager at http://geochronometria.edmgr.com/

Instructions for Authors

The manuscripts should contain the minimum number of figures, tables, references, etc., necessary for the proper understanding

of the text. Tables should be easy to edit.

Generally no text formatting is allowed except for double-spacing, empty lines to single out headings numbered in Arabic numerals, indentation to mark new paragraphs (no empty lines between paragraphs), and relevant usage of capitals and italics in the reference list.

The first text page should contain the title of the paper, full name(s) of the author(s), their institutional addresses with the email address of the corresponding author, key words separated by semicolons, a running head and an abstract. The abstract, no longer than 200 words, should be informative and contain the main findings and conclusions. Also page numbers should be added to the manuscript. Line numbers should not be added.

The main text of the article should contain a formulation of the problem, an indication of the approach taken, a report on the data and observations, proposed interpretations and discussion, and the conclusions reached.

The alphabetically arranged list of references should be double-spaced, indented after the first line, with full journal titles, number of pages and DOI number when available. English translations of non-English titles should be provided in brackets after the original titles. For example:

Arthur MA, Schlanger SO and Jenkyns HC, 1987. The Cenomanian-Turonian anoxic event, II: Palaeoceaonographic controls on organic matter production and preservation. In: Brooks J and Fleet AJ, eds., Marine Petroleum Source Rocks. Geological Society Special Publication, London, 26: 401-420.

Bøtter-Jensen L, Bulur E, Duller GAT and Murray AS, 2000. Advances in luminescence instrument systems. Radiation Measurements 32(5-6): 523-528, DOI 10.1016/S1350-4487(00)00039-1.

Kozydra K and Skompski S, 1995. Unikalne stanowisko interglacjalu eemskiego w Ruszkówku na Pojezierzu Kujawskim (Unique character of the Eemian Interglacial site in Ruszkówek, Pojezierze Kujawskie, central Poland). Przegląd Geologiczny 7: 572-575 (in Polish).

Kvasov DD, 1975. Pozdnechetvertichnaya istoriya krupnyh ozer i vnutrennih morei Vostochnoi Evropy (Late Quaternary History of Large Lakes and Inner Marine Basins of Eastern Europe). Leningrad, Nauka: 278pp (in Russian).

`RoS` Gliwice Radiocarbon DataBase RoS, 2004. WEB site: <http://www.carbon14.pl/IB_Grdb/>. Accessed 2005 June 14.

References in the text should be in the form: Bøtter-Jensen et al. (2000); (Berger et al., 1987; RoS, 2004; Kozydra and Skompski, 1995; Kvasov, 1975 and Oldfield and Appleby, 1984).

Numerical results should be quoted with uncertainties. The uncertainties should be rounded to 2 significant digits and the relevant quantities to the same decimal place with the unit separated by a space, e.g. De=150.1±3.2 Gy.

Conventional Radiocarbon Age (14C Age) should be quoted in the form age±error (equal to ± one standard deviation), e.g.

1760±30 BP. In addition, the following data should be supplied:

- The individual laboratory code number,

- Sample isotopic fractionation (δ 13C) value,

- Calibrated age in the form of 68.2 or 95.4 % confidence intervals, e.g. 1720-1610 (68.2%) cal BP, together with information about the used calibration programme and calibration curve, e.g. OxCal 4.2 (Bronk Ramsey, 2009) and IntCal13 (Reimer et al., 2013).

Figure captions and Table captions should be listed in blocks, after the list of references. The captions should be numbered in Arabic numerals (i.e. “Figure 1”, “Table 1”). References to figures in the text should be indicated as “Fig. 1” and “Table 1”, respectively. Please, for figures, note the following:

1. Figures, in digital form , should be prepared not to exceed the page size (233 x 172 mm) adjusted to width of column  (82 mm) or page (172 mm).

2. Do not use faint lines and/or lettering and check that all lines and lettering within the figures are legible at final size.

Please use Sans-serif fonts with should not be smaller than 9px at final size. Please remember that the units should be enclosed in parenthesis.

3. For vector graphics, the preferred format is EPS (with embedded fonts).

4. When producing figures in vector scalable format is not possible please use TIFF format (with LZW compression).

5. Figures maybe be pasted into MS Word files as Windows Metafile (also Enhanced).

6. JPEG files are acceptable for photographs only.

7. Resolution of bitmap figures should be at least: 300dpi for colour, 600dpi for grayscale and monochrome.

8. All maps, sketches, profiles, etc., must have a metric bar scale shown.

9. We generally do not recommend publishing physical maps.

10. The proposed location of figures and tables may be indicated in square brackets in the text. In some cases, originals of figures may be requested.

11. All photographs should be numbered sequentially as figures.

12. Authors are responsible for obtaining a permission to reproduce any figures from their copyright holder.

13. In the electronic version of Geochronometria charts, photographs and maps may be published in colour free of charge.

14. In the printed version only black and white figures will be printed, however, the editorial board may decide to print

photographs and maps in colour in exceptional circumstances.

15. In the case where colour versions will appear in the electronic version and black and white in the printed version, authors are requested to submit figures in both forms. For printing colour photographs in the printed version the author will be charged the cost of colour printing.

During the online submission of the manuscripts the authors’ may suggest suitable or oppose referees.

In response to the referees’ comments the author(s) should submit the revised manuscript and a detailed response to the referees’ comments in a separate file.

Volumes up to no. 37 of Geochronometria are available at www.geochronometria.pl

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