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  • 参考译名《临床风湿病学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率1.00%
  • 主要研究方向医学-RHEUMATOLOGY 风湿病学



JCR-JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY《临床风湿病学杂志》(一年8期). JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology the peer-reviewed, bimonthly journal that rheumatologists&...[显示全部]













JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology

Instructions for Authors


JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal directed to an audience of physicians treating patients with rheumatologic and musculoskeletal diseases. Manuscripts submitted for publication should emphasize practical clinical implications.


A submitted manuscript must be an original contribution not previously published (except as an abstract or a preliminary report), must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and, if accepted, must not be published elsewhere in similar form, in any language, without the consent of Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Each person listed as an author is expected to have participated in the study to a significant extent and meet the qualifications for authorship as delineated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: 1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND 2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND 4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Although the editors and referees make every effort to ensure the validity of published manuscripts, the final responsibility rests with the authors, not with the Journal, its editors, or the publisher.

All authors should submit their manuscripts on-line through the journal's tracking system, Editorial Manager, at https://jcr.edmgr.com. For all inquiries regarding the manuscript, please contact the Editorial Office at jcreditorialoffice@gmail.com.


First-time users: Please click the Register button from the main menu and enter the requested information. On successful registration, you will be sent an e-mail indicating your user name and password. Print/save a copy of this information for future reference. Note: If you have received an e-mail from us with an assigned user ID and password, or if you are a repeat user, do not register again. Just log in. Once you have an assigned ID and password, re-registration is unnecessary, even if your status changes (that is, author, reviewer, or editor). If you forget either your assigned ID or password, please contact the Editorial Office at jcreditorialoffice@gmail.com or go to the journal's website to reset your credentials.

Authors: Please click the login button from the menu at the top of the page and log in to the system as an Author. Submit your manuscript according to the author instructions. You will be able to track the progress of your manuscript through the system. If you experience any problems, please contact the Editorial Office at jcreditorialoffice@gmail.com.


Patient anonymity and informed consent: It is the author's responsibility to ensure that a patient's anonymity be carefully protected and to verify that any experimental investigation with human subjects reported in the manuscript was performed with informed consent and following all the guidelines for experimental investigation with human subjects required by the institution(s) with which all the authors are affiliated. Photographs of patients that reveal identity—even with bars over their eyes—should not be used, and if they must be used, written consent from each patient is required and must be submitted with the manuscript.

Copyright/Authorship Verification: All authors must complete the Journal's financial disclosure and Authorship Verification/copyright transfer agreement. The corresponding author completes this during the submission process under the Additional Information screen and co-authors will be emailed a link once the submission is received at the journal office to complete theirs. For work emanating from an established group, one person representing the group should complete this process. For non-established groups, all authors must complete this process. This process can only be completed via email link. There is no longer a form.


Authors must submit written permission from the copyright owner (usually the publisher) to use direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared in copyrighted form elsewhere, along with complete details about the source. Any permissions fees that might be required by the copyright owner are the responsibility of the authors requesting use of the borrowed material, not the responsibility of Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

Conflicts of Interest:

Authors must state all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript, including financial, consultant, institutional and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript. All relevant conflicts of interest and sources of funding should be included on the title page of the manuscript with the heading "Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding." For example:

Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: A has received honoraria from Company Z. B is currently receiving a grant (#12345) from Organization Y, and is on the speaker's bureau for Organization X - the CME organizers for Company A. For the remaining authors none were declared.

In addition, each author must complete and submit the journal's electronic CTA, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (www.icmje.org/update.html).


Manuscripts that do not adhere to the following instructions will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision before undergoing peer review.

Manuscript preparation help with scientific language, and/or English

Authors who are not native English speakers, or who would benefit from professional scientific editing communication are strongly encouraged to have their manuscript carefully edited by a professional editing service. Wolters Kluwer, in partnership with Editage, offers a unique range of editorial services to help you prepare a submission-ready manuscript: For more information (including pricing), please visit Wolters Kluwer Author Services at http://wkauthorservices.editage.com/.

Cover Letter: Send the manuscript with a cover letter that includes the corresponding author's e-mail address and full mailing address. The cover letter should include a statement declaring that the manuscript has not been submitted or published elsewhere with the exception of abstracts published with scientific meetings. Address all inquiries regarding manuscripts to the Journal's editorial office. The editorial office will acknowledge receipt of your manuscript and will give you a manuscript number for reference.

Clinical Trials: TRIAL REGISTRATION is required. Please include trial registration number in the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript. Current information on requirements and appropriate registries is available at www.icmje.org/faq.pdf.

Title page: Include on the title page of the manuscript file (a) complete manuscript title; (b) a short title for a running head (c) authors' full names, highest academic degrees, and affiliations; (d) name and address for correspondence, including fax number, telephone number, and e-mail address; (e) address for reprints if different from that of corresponding author; and (f) all sources of support, including pharmaceutical and industry support, that require acknowledgment.

The title page must also include disclosure of funding received for this work from any of the following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Wellcome Trust; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI); and other(s).

Text: All manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word, double spaced, with 1-inch margins and sans serif font and must include continuous line numbering.

Original articles Should include practical clinical messages. Original articles should be approximately 3500 or 4000 words excluding the structured abstract and references. The structured abstract (limit to 250 words) includes the following subheadings: Background/ Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions with a practical point. The abstract must include: the type of study design (meta-analysis, systematic review, randomized trial, cohort study, case-control study, cross-sectional study, case series); the number of subjects studied; duration of time of study; the intervention, and statistical methods. Do not cite references in the abstract. Limit the use of abbreviations and acronyms. List five indexing terms. Key points providing the readers with a take home message must be included at the end of the conclusions. References should be limited to 40. Figures and Tables should not exceed a combined total of 5.

Practice and Health Policy articles: see instructions for Original articles above

Quality of Rheumatologic Care articles: see instructions for Original articles above

Case Reports are not being accepted as this time.

Concise reports are short reports of cases, case series of 5 or more patients, or research findings with important practical clinical messages. The structured abstract (limit to 250 words) includes the following subheadings: Background/ Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions with a practical point. The abstract must include: the type of study design (meta-analysis, systematic review, randomized trial, cohort study, case-control study, cross-sectional study, case series); the number of subjects studied; duration of time of study; the intervention, and statistical methods. Do not cite references in the abstract. Concise reports should not exceed 2000 words with no more than 15 references. Some Concise Reports may also be published as Letters to the Editor.

Letters to the Editor about previous articles in the JCR are welcomed. The letter will be sent to the author of the article for a reply and published together. For such Letters to the Editor limit the number of words to 500 and no more than 10 references.

Editorials/Expert Opinion manuscripts are welcome. You may contact the editorial office with a concept or draft before submitting. If the concept for such manuscript is accepted for review by the Editors, then the manuscript should include up to 2500 words, up to 50 references and up to three tables or figures. An abstract is not required.

Clinical Images are not being accepted at this time

Supplements are welcomed especially proceedings or symposia. Please contact the Editorial Office well in advance of the Symposium date with prospective program.

Reviews on clinical subjects are welcomed. You may contact the editorial office with a concept or draft before submitting. All reviews require an abstract. The abstract (limit to 250 words) must include the following: Background/historical perspective, a summary integrating the current published literature, major conclusions and future research directions in the field. 4000 words excluding the structured abstract and references. References should be limited to 75. Figures and Tables should be limited to a combined total of 5.

Rheumatology Retrospectives: see information for Reviews

Grand Rounds at Rush: see information for Reviews

Basic Science for the Clinician: see information for Reviews

Book Reviews on new rheumatology textbooks; books on medical history; quality and patient safety; and health policy; especially related to rheumatology topics, are welcomed. Limit review to 750 words. Direct quotes are encouraged, but must follow publisher requirements.

News and Views from Around the World are welcome; they are published as space allows. They can include announcements of upcoming regional rheumatology meetings, or brief summaries of meetings that have occurred. Contact the editorial office at: jcreditorialoffice@gmail.com.

Illustrations: Cartoons, drawings and pictures are encouraged. No text is necessary and should be limited to 25 words. Follow instructions under Figures below, or http://links.lww.com/ES/A42

Abbreviations: For a list of standard abbreviations, consult the Council of Biology Editors Style Guide (available from the Council of Science Editors, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814) or other standard sources. Write out the full term for each abbreviation at its first mention in the text and in each table and figure unless it is a standard unit of measure. Please see the Revised List of Acronyms for use in JCR listed on the main menu of the JCR Home Page for acceptable acronyms.

References: The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Key the references (double-spaced) at the end of the manuscript. Cite the references in brackets in text in the order of appearance. Cite unpublished data–such as papers submitted but not yet accepted for publication and personal communications, including e-mail communications–in parentheses in the text. If there are more than three authors, name only the first three authors and then use et al. Et al should not be used on references with three authors are less. Refer to the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus for abbreviations of journal names, or access the list at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html. Sample references are given below:

Journal Article

1. Rand NS, Dawson JM, Juliao SF, et al. In vivo macrophage recruitment by murine intervertebral disc cells. J Spinal Disord. 2001; 14:339-342.

Book Chapter

2. Todd VR. Visual information analysis: frame of reference for visual perception. In: Kramer P, Hinojosa J, eds. Frames of Reference for Pediatric Occupational Therapy. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999:205-256.

Entire book

3. Kellman RM, Marentette LJ. Atlas of Craniomaxillofacial Fixation. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999.


4. Epi Info [computer program]. Version 6. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 1994.

Online Journals

5. Friedman SA. Preeclampsia: a review of the role of prostaglandins. Obstet Gynecol [serial online]. January 1988;71:22-37. Available from: BRS Information Technologies, McLean, VA. Accessed December 15, 1990.


6. CANCERNET-PDQ [database online]. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute; 1996. Updated March 29, 1996.

World Wide Web

7. Gostin LO. Drug use and HIV/AIDS [JAMA HIV/AIDS Web site]. June 1, 1996. Available at: http://www.ama-assn.org/special/hiv/ethics. Accessed June 26, 1997.




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