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Genetic Epidemiology is the official journal of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society.
Genetic Epidemiology is a peer-reviewed journal for discussion of research on the genetic causes of the distribution of human traits in families and populations. Emphasis is placed on the relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to human disease as revealed by genetic, epidemiological, and biologic investigations.
Genetic Epidemiology primarily publishes papers in statistical genetics, a research field that is primarily concerned with development of statistical, bioinformatical, and computational models for analyzing genetic data. Incorporation of underlying biology and population genetics into conceptual models is favored. The Journal seeks original articles comprising either applied research or innovative statistical, mathematical, computational, or genomic methodologies that advance studies in genetic epidemiology. Other types of reports are encouraged, such as letters to the editor, topic reviews, and perspectives from other fields of research that will likely enrich the field of genetic epidemiology.
The Journal seeks original Research Articles comprising either applied epidemiologic research or innovative statistical, computational, or genomic methodologies that advance studies in genetic epidemiology. Other types of reports are encouraged, such as Reviews, Letters to the Editor, and Perspectives from other fields of research that will likely enrich the field of genetic epidemiology. Suitable manuscripts will be judged by at least two reviewers before a decision is made on their acceptance.
Review criteria include the scientific importance of the research topic; scientific innovation and quality - including design, measurement, and analysis methods; and clarity and conciseness of presentation. When submitting manuscripts, authors may suggest reviewers.