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IRBM(Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering)《生物医学工程创新与研究》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称IRBM
  • 参考译名《生物医学工程创新与研究》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向工程技术-ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL工程:生物医学



IRBM《生物医学工程创新与研究》(双月刊). IRBM is the journal of the AGBM (Alliance for engineering in Biology an Medicine / Alliance pour le g...[显示全部]













Guide for Authors

IRBM is the journal of the AGBM (Alliance for engineering in Biology an Medicine / Alliance pour le génie biologique et médical) and the SFGBM (BioMedical Engineering French Society / Société française de génie biologique médical) and the AFIB (French Association of Biomedical Engineers / Association française des ingénieurs biomédicaux). As a vehicle of information and knowledge in the field of biomedical technologies, IRBM is devoted to fundamental as well as clinical research. Biomedical engineering and use of new technologies are the cornerstones of IRBM, providing authors and users with the latest information. Its six issues per year propose reviews (state-of-the-art and current knowledge), original articles directed at fundamental research and short communications. All articles are submitted to peer reviewers acting as guarantors for IRBM's scientific and medical content. The field covered by IRBM includes all the discipline of Biomedical engineering. Thereby, the type of papers published include those that cover the technological and methodological development in: - Physiological and Biological Signal processing (EEG, MEG, ECG…)- Medical Image processing- Biomechanics- Biomaterials- Medical Physics- Biophysics- Physiological and Biological Sensors- Information technologies in healthcare- Disability research- Computational physiology- …

The entire submission and review process for IRBM is handled electronically, which shortens publication times. All papers should be submitted electronically through https://www.editorialmanager.com/IRBM/default.aspx

Prior to submitting your paper, please follow the instructions given below. Please note that you must have an e-mail address to use the online submission system.

Types of article

Original article. Original articles report new and original work that has not been published elsewhere (except as an abstract at a conference). Original articles should include the following chapters: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. The text must not exceed 16 typed pages (270 words per page), tables, figures and references not included. The last paragraph of the introduction should state the question or questions of the study, whose answers are found in the results section. Material/Patients and methods must describe the material (e.g. datasets, patient data) retained and the methods developed to answer the question. In order to make things clear, the description must of course be detailed, but as concisely as possible. The directing principle is that the readers, if they wish, can reproduce the study. The results should be described concisely, with no redundancies between the text and the tables or figures. The beginning of the discussion concerns the question asked by the authors at the end of the introduction. Have the results obtained satisfied their expectancies? To what extent ? Then the eventual criticisms that can be formulated on the work should be discussed, and how the results integrate in the research and therefore in the present day medical literature. The Conclusion should be short (100 words at most). The number of references is limited to 30, except in particular cases to be discussed with the editor. The article should not include more than six authors, unless several institutions or specialties are concerned.

The editing committee reserves the right to publish a comment at the end of the article (in the form of a separate article called Comment).

Mandatory items:

Title page / authors names/ affiliations

Structured abstract



Graphical abstract

Completed Ethical Form


Cover letter

General Review. General Review either provides a comprehensive discussion of available knowledge or an update of recent data about a specific topic. They may be commissioned or spontaneous. A specific field is reviewed through classical and up-dated literature. Review articles should not exceed 3750 words, 5 figures and contain no more than 50 references, except in exceptional circumstances. An abstract is required.

Mandatory items:

Title page / authors names/ affiliations / Abstract


Completed Ethical Form


Cover letter

Short communications. Short Communications report the results of preliminary studies, partial research results from an ongoing study, results from studies limited in scope, or raise a critical issue or question based on such results. Short Communications should follow all the basic requirements of full paper manuscripts, but must not exceed 10 double-spaced manuscript pages including abstract, figures, tables, text and references.

Please note: All papers that are 5 or less typeset pages in length will be automatically made Short Communications.

Mandatory items:

Title page / authors names/ affiliations

Structured abstract


Graphical abstract

Completed Ethical Form


Cover letter

Contact details for submission


Submission checklist

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.

Ensure that the following items are present:

One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:

E-mail address

Full postal address

All necessary files have been uploaded:


Include keywords

All figures (include relevant captions)

All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)

Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided

Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print

Graphical Abstracts / Highlights files (where applicable)

Supplemental files (where applicable)

Completed Ethical Form

Further considerations

Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked'

All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa

Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)

Journal policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed

Referee suggestions and contact details provided, based on journal requirements




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