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  • 参考译名《无脊椎动物系统学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.00%
  • 主要研究方向生物学-ZOOLOGY 动物学;EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 进化生物学



INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS《无脊椎动物系统学》(一年八期). Invertebrate Systematics is an international journal publishing original and significant contributions on th...[显示全部]







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Author Instructions

All manuscripts should be submitted via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Invertebrate Systematics is an international journal for publication of original and significant contributions on the systematics and biodiversity of invertebrates worldwide.

Submission of a paper implies that the results reported have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. The journal assumes that all authors of a multi-authored paper agree to its submission. The journal will use its best endeavours to ensure that work published is that of the named authors except where acknowledged and, through its reviewing procedures, that any published results and conclusions are consistent with the primary data. It takes no responsibility for fraud or inaccuracy on the part of the authors. All papers are refereed. Authors may suggest the names of suitable referees.

Copyright in the journal rests with CSIRO Publishing and a Licence to Publish form must be completed.

Publishing Policies

Peer review


Sample Collection

Licence to publish

Open access


Submission of manuscripts

Format of manuscripts

Review articles

Perspective articles

General preparation

Use of inclusive language


Running title


Short summary


Phylogenetic methods



Citation of type species of genera and location of primary types of known species

Type designation and lodgment

Material examined

Conflicts of Interest

Declaration of Funding




Statistical evaluation of results


Line drawings


Electronic files

Page proofs and corrections


Publishing Policies

Invertebrate Systematics insists on high standards of ethical behaviour throughout the publication process. Our journal editors work within the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Further information on our policies can be found at http://www.publish.csiro.au/is/PublishingPolicies.

Peer review

Invertebrate Systematics is a peer-reviewed journal that uses a single-blind peer-review. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible to maintain high-quality peer-review of papers submitted to the journal and works together with the Associate Editors to ensure a thorough and fair peer-review and the highest scientific publishing standards. All submissions undergo preliminary assessment by the Editor-in-Chief, who may reject a paper before peer review when it is outside the journal’s scope or is of insufficient quality. Associate Editors select reviewers and after at least two review reports are received, they make the decision whether to accept/reject or send a manuscript for revision. The final decision is made by the Associate Editor.

Under our single-blind policy, reviewers’ names are not disclosed to the authors. To increase transparency, reviewers may choose to sign their reports. We ask reviewers and authors not to directly contact each other while the manuscript is under consideration, rather keep all communication through ScholarOne with the Editor’s involvement.


The conditions around authorship for Invertebrate Systematics should follow the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), for more information see http://www.publish.csiro.au/is/PublishingPolicies.

Sample Collection

Following international standards, all samples referred to in papers submitted to Invertebrate Systematics must follow collecting regulations from their countries of origin. Permit numbers, where appropriate, must be acknowledged.

Licence to publish

For details regarding copyright, please see Copyright/Licence to Publish.

Open access

Authors may choose to publish their paper Open Access on payment of a publication fee. See Open Access for more details.


Invertebrate Systematics publishes original and significant contributions on the systematics and evolution of invertebrates worldwide. Morphological and molecular studies are welcomed. Systematic revisions should provide comprehensive treatment of a clearly defined group, and contain information on the phylogeny, biogeography and/or other aspects of biodiversity and general biology of the group. The aim of the work must be clear and all papers should include a discussion indicating the significance of the work, and its broader implications. Contributions on the systematics of selected species that are of economic, medical or veterinary importance may also be considered if these aspects are substantially highlighted in the work. Review or discussion papers on methodology, theoretical systematics, cladistics, phylogeny, molecular biology and biogeography pertinent to invertebrate systematic biology are also encouraged. Pivotal reviews of general invertebrate systematics, containing innovative data or overviews of current theories, are also actively sought.

Submission of manuscripts

To submit your paper, please use our online journal management system ScholarOne Manuscripts, which can be reached directly through this link or from the link on the journal´s homepage. If a first-time user, register via the ´Register here´ link, or use your existing username and password to log in. Then click on the ´Author Centre´ link and proceed.

A covering letter must accompany the submission and should include the name, address, fax and telephone numbers, and email address of the corresponding author. The letter should also contain a statement justifying why the work should be considered for publication in the journal, and that the manuscript has not been published or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

In addition to manuscript files, authors are requested to upload a short summary text file and an image file for the online Table of Contents. The short summary should also be included in the Word file.

The short summary should contain the same 4 components as the Abstract, but should be shorter and free from scientific jargon. The first sentence should engage the reader, explaining why your work is important. The second sentence should introduce the problem addressed in the paper; the third the main discovery. The final sentence should describe how the results fit into the bigger picture.

The image file should be a colour photograph or other image that highlights an important aspect of the work. This image will be used in the online Table of Contents, email alerts and RSS feeds to promote the paper and assist in providing a context for the reader. If a photo credit is required please provide details to your Production Editor. The image should be submitted as a 96 dpi JPEG file and must be no wider than 9 cm and no higher than 4 cm.

If you encounter any difficulties, or you have any queries, please contact:

Invertebrate Systematics

CSIRO Publishing

Locked Bag 10

Clayton South, Vic. 3169


Telephone +[61 3] 9545 8790

Email publishing.is@csiro.au

Authors are advised to read recent issues of the journal to note details of the scope of papers, headings, tables, illustrations, style, and general form. Observance of these and the following details will shorten the time between submission and publication. Poorly prepared and unnecessarily lengthy manuscripts have less chance of being accepted.

For manuscripts involving phylogenetic analyses, electronic copies of the data sets in Nexus or Nona/WinClada format should be supplied with the submitted manuscript (e.g. morphological data sets, aligned nucleotide sequence data).

There are no page charges for publishing in Invertebrate Systematics.

Format of manuscripts

Papers must be typed with double- or 1.5-line spacing throughout and with a margin of at least 3 cm on the left-hand side. All pages of the manuscript must be numbered consecutively, including those carrying references, tables and figure captions, all of which are to be placed after the text. Continuous line numbering should be included throughout the manuscript. Illustrations, both line drawings and photographs, are to be numbered as figures in a common sequence, and each must be referred to in the text. Figures that are of the same quality as those to be reproduced in the published paper must be included at the end of the electronic file and must be clearly numbered. Colour figures are accepted but will be printed at the author´s expense; cost is dependent upon the number of pages involved and the editor may be consulted for an estimate.

Authors are advised to note the layout of headings, tables and illustrations exemplified in the latest issues of the Journal. Strict observance of these and the requirements listed under ´Preparation of manuscripts´ will shorten the interval between submission and publication.

Review articles

The Journal welcomes review articles and they should be submitted in the same way as research papers. They should be formatted as simply as possible, using no more than three levels of heading and normal or body text style for the main text. Summary diagrams should be used where possible to reduce the amount of description required to introduce a topic. Authors should remember the wide readership of the Journal when preparing their article, and are advised to discuss the review with the Editor-in-Chief or a member of the Editorial Board before submission.

Perspective articles

Perspective articles are similar to reviews in that they critically assess specific topics of broad interest, explore significant questions, examine the validity of current views in the field, and recommend directions for future research. However, they also give authors the freedom to present thought-provoking ideas, develop novel hypotheses, and speculate on controversial topics. In the interests of provoking discussion among researchers, Perspectives will be made freely available online.

Perspective articles will be commissioned by members of the Editorial Board but prospective authors are welcome to submit proposals to the Editor-in-Chief, who will assess their suitability for publication. Like all content in Invertebrate Systematics, Perspective articles are subject to peer review.

Preparation of manuscripts

General presentation

The work should be presented clearly and concisely in English. The title should reflect the key points of interest in the paper, and should include the order and family (or higher categories if necessary). The names and addresses of all authors should be presented on the first page, together with the full postal address and email address (or facsimile number) of the corresponding author. The introduction should indicate the reason for the work and include essential background references. Authors must observe the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and decisions of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Authors are expected to register all new taxonomic names with ZooBank, the Official Registry of Zoological Nomenclature, after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. All nucleotide sequence data (aligned and unaligned) should be submitted to Genbank, EMBL or, DDBJ. Morphology data matrices should also be made available online through a permanent site, such as the journal´s website or TreeBASE.

Use of inclusive language

These guidelines should be used to assist in identifying appropriate language, but are by no means exhaustive or definitive. Inclusive language comprises carefully chosen words and phrases that are respectful and promote the acceptance and value of all people. It is language which is free from words, phrases or tones that demean, insult, exclude, stereotype, or trivialise people on the basis of their membership of a certain group or because of a particular attribute. As such, inclusive language should make no assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader, and contain nothing which might imply that one individual is superior to another on any grounds including but not limited to: age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition. We encourage the use of plural nouns (e.g., 'they' as default wherever possible instead of 'he/she'), and recommend avoiding the use of descriptors that refer to personal attributes, unless there is scientific or clinical relevance. For further guidance on inclusive language see Inclusive language | Style Manual. If there are questions about language use and/or publishing with regards to First Nations people, please contact the Journal.


Readers see your title first, and the quality of your title often determines whether they keep reading. Ensure that your title is informative and interesting, and provides information on your key findings. Include higher classification categories. The title should contain all keywords necessary to facilitate retrieval by modern searching techniques.

Running title

Provide an abridged title not exceeding 50 letter spaces, for use at the top of the typeset page.


The abstract should comprise the following 4 components: an opening sentence that outlines the context of the study or the problem being examined; the methods used; a summary of the key results; a discussion of the implications of the principal findings. The abstract should be brief, but should contain enough information to facilitate retrieval by modern searching techniques.

Short summary

Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide a short summary for use in the journal’s Table of Contents. The short summary should contain the same 4 components as the Abstract, but should be shorter and free from scientific jargon. The first sentence should engage the reader, explaining why your work is important. The second sentence should introduce the problem addressed in the paper; the third the main discovery. The final sentence should describe how the results fit into the bigger picture.


The opening paragraph(s) of the Introduction should be written for the general reader of the journal rather than the experts on the group concerned. Taxonomic history should be kept to a minimum and should include only essential information, as much of the relevant history is better placed later in the paper. Although the biology of a particular group might be obvious to the author and other experts and so is often not mentioned, this information is likely to be of interest to the general reader and can also provide useful context for the paper – the ecological importance of a group as predators, scavengers, etc. Finally, the last part of the Introduction should include a clear statement of the aims of the study.

Phylogenetic methods

Analyses must be repeatable and therefore the programs used and the choice of models and program settings should be clearly explained. Measures of support should be shown (e.g. bootstrap, decay index or jacknife values).


Headings for all taxonomic categories from subspecies upwards should be centred. The name of a genus should be preceded by the word ´Genus´ and followed by the unabbreviated name of the author. Similarly the author of a species should follow the species name. The date should not be given in headings. The abbreviations ´gen. nov.´, ´sp. nov.´, ´subsp. nov.´ must be used for indicating a new genus, species, or subspecies and should be separated from the new name by a comma. Genera and species should be treated in alphabetical order, unless another logical order is preferred, in which case the reason for the order should be given in the Methods section, so that a species of interest can be found easily.


If adequate synonymies and references are reasonably accessible in the literature, these need not be repeated in full, but a reference to that source must be given. The reference to the original description should always appear immediately below the centred headings. References given, whether to the accepted name or synonyms, should include the author, date, page number and any figure numbers, but should exclude the name of the publication, as this is given under author and date in a list of references at the end of the paper. Synonymies should not be further annotated. Multiple synonyms should be arranged in order of date of first application to the unit in question, and, under each name the separate references (if more than one is given) should be in chronological order.

Citation of type species of genera and location of primary types of known species

The type species, with author and date, should be cited immediately beneath the synonymy for each genus treated. The author and date of publication of a taxonomic name should be separated by a comma. The names of two or more authors should be linked with an ampersand (&). For each known species treated, the museum in which the primary type (holotype, lectotype or neotype) is preserved should be similarly stated, or an account given of the steps taken to ascertain the whereabouts of the type in the event that it could not be located.

Type designation and lodgment

Authors are required to follow the requirements of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Fourth Edition, effective from 1 January 2000) with respect to designation of types and their lodgment. Types should be lodged in publicly accessible formal repositories, such as a museum or other public institution.

Material examined

It is expected that all material has been collected under appropriate collection permits and approved ethics guidelines, and a statement to this effect should be included in the Acknowledgments. Authors should be aware of the provisions of the regulations that govern the import and export of all specimens of wildlife to and from the countries in which they have worked. Among other things the regulations often require that any specimen exported from the country that is subsequently designated a primary type must be lodged in an appropriate instituition of the source country, e.g. The Australian Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1982 and associated Regulations 1984, requires that any specimen exported from Australia after 1 May 1984 and that is subsequently designated a primary type of an Australian native animal must be lodged in an Australian institution.

Concise lists of specimens examined should be presented for each species.

Type specimens: full details should be provided for type material and information on specimen labels should be replicated with supplementary details (e.g. current country names, altitudes, etc.) provided in square brackets. If the day of the month is included, the month is to be given in lower-case roman numerals. The year is never abbreviated. Authors should consult recent issues of the journal to ensure lists are consistent with journal style with respect to punctuation, use of bold headings for country and state names, etc. Non-type specimens: lists should be reduced to a bare minimum, and at most confined to the number and sex of specimens, locality name and repository (with the registration or accession number of specimens). Lists should be arranged in alphabetical or other appropriate order of localities within States or similar major regions. Where the sex of specimens is given, the symbol ´#´ should be used for males, and ´@´ for females to enable easy replacement during typesetting. Significant information regarding distribution, habitat, host association, seasonality, behaviour, or biology should be summarized in the body of the paper, e.g. in the Remarks section. Authors are encouraged to provide distribution maps where appropriate. If authors request, a full list of all material examined, including complete specimen information, can be submitted as an additional file to be placed on the journal´s website as Supplementary Material.

Descriptions. The ´telegraphic´ style is required for descriptions and diagnoses. Diagnoses should contain only the distinguishing characters or combination of characters for that taxon. Comparative comments are to be placed under ´Remarks´. The use of figures to illustrate descriptions is encouraged and should permit some reduction in the length of the verbal description of the parts figured. Authors should subdivide long descriptions by using appropriate subordinate headings.

Keys. Keys should use clear-cut characters that can be interpreted unambiguously. The judicious use of triplets, instead of couplets, is permissible to improve the efficiency of the key. Headings to keys should be self-explanatory. Tabular (i.e. synoptic or special purpose) keys are permitted where appropriate.

Footnotes. Footnotes are discouraged and should be used only when essential. They should be placed within horizontal rules immediately under the lines to which they refer.

Conflicts of Interest

A ´Conflicts of Interest´ section should be included at the end of the manuscript. It should identify any financial or non-financial (political, personal, professional) interests/relationships that may be interpreted to have influenced the manuscript. If there is no conflict of interest, please include the statement "The authors declare no conflicts of interest".

Declaration of Funding

Under a subheading 'Declaration of Funding' at the end of the text authors are required to declare all sources of funding for the research and/or preparation of the article, and the inclusion of grant numbers is recommended. Authors should declare sponsor names along with explanations of the role of those sources if any in the preparation of the data or manuscript or the decision to submit for publication; or a statement declaring that the supporting source had no such involvement. If no funding has been provided for the research, please include the following sentence: "This research did not receive any specific funding".


The contribution of colleagues who do not meet all criteria for authorship should be acknowledged. Anyone included in the Acknowledgements section should have granted permission to be listed. Sources of financial support should be acknowledged in a separate ‘Declaration of Funding’ rather than here.


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