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  • 参考译名《自由基生物学与医学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE《自由基生物学与医学》(一年16期). Free Radical Biology and Medicine is the premier forum for publishing groundbreaking&nb...[显示全部]














Guide for Authors

Aims and scope

Free Radical Biology and Medicine is the premier forum for publishing groundbreaking research in the redox biology of both health and disease. We focus on signal transduction and redox signaling; oxidative stress; reductive stress; redox stress; nitrosative stress; aging and age-related diseases; metabolic regulation and metabolic diseases; mitochondrial function and signaling; homeostatic mechanisms and adaptive responses; redox chemistry and mechanisms; materials & nanomaterials; non-thermal plasmas; microorganisms, fungi, plants, insects, animals, and humans; and antioxidant enzymes, pathways, and networks. We welcome both full-length and short Research Communications, Hypothesis Papers, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Graphical Reviews, and Critical Methods Papers. Free Radical Biology and Medicine also commissions themed Special Issues aimed at highlighting recent advances in both basic and clinical fields, with a particular focus on mechanisms underlying altered metabolism and redox signaling.

Free Radical Biology and Medicine is the premier forum for publishing groundbreaking research in the redox biology of both health and disease. We focus on signal transduction and redox signaling; oxidative stress; reductive stress; redox stress; nitrosative stress; aging and age-related diseases; metabolic regulation and metabolic diseases; mitochondrial function and signaling; homeostatic mechanisms and adaptive responses; redox chemistry and mechanisms; materials & nanomaterials; non-thermal plasmas; microorganisms, fungi, plants, insects, animals, and humans; and antioxidant enzymes, pathways, and networks.

We welcome both full-length and short Research Communications, Hypothesis Papers, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Graphical Reviews, and Critical Methods Papers.

Free Radical Biology and Medicine also commissions themed Special Issues aimed at highlighting recent advances in both basic and clinical fields, with a particular focus on mechanisms underlying altered metabolism and redox signaling.

Types of paper

Full-length research articles, Short Communications, Review articles, Mini-Review articles, Hypothesis papers, Critical Methods articles.

Research Articles: Original articles are the normal medium of publication. Although there is no fixed length, articles should be as concise as possible, while providing sufficient information for the work to be repeated and for the claims of the authors to be judged by the readers. Authors are encouraged to either use supplementary data or co-publish a Data in Brief article to provide supportive information where appropriate.

Short Communications: These concise research articles have a maximum length of 2000 words excluding graphical abstract, highlights, references, abstract and figure legends with a maximum of four figures with no more than 6 panels per figure. Authors are encouraged to either use supplementary data or co-publish a Data in Brief article to provide supportive information where appropriate. The journal editors will fast-track the peer review of this type of paper.

Review Articles: “A well-illustrated review article is easier to read and offer greater value where illustrations or infographics can replace many words“.

Reviews (full-length) should provide a comprehensive analysis on topics of broad interest to the journal's readership. Reviews should be thorough, sufficiently critical and accommodate different points of view. They should stand out from other recently published reviews on the same theme. Although Reviews are not of any fixed length, they are usually 16,320 words in length (excluding references and figure legends), include an abstract that is no more than 200 words, normally between 75-250 references (should include titles), and a minimum of three figures/illustrations and summary table(s) of relevant literature.

Mini-Review Articles: Mini-reviews are succinct, focused updates of the literature related to a question of current interest in the scientific community (typically from the last 2-3 years). Subjects covered in Mini-reviews are generally narrower, either in scope or depth, than those covered in full-length Reviews. They should highlight/analyze/discuss recent and important findings and include the author's viewpoint on how the subject relates to the current state of the field. Mini-reviews are usually 2000 to 4000 words in length (excluding references and figure legends), include an abstract that is no more than 150 words, up to 50 references (should include titles), and one to three figures/illustrations.

Reviews and Mini-Reviews All Articles should be authoritative, state-of-the-art accounts of the selected research field, be of high interest, balanced and accurate. Beyond summaries of important scientific developments and ideas, authors are encouraged to identify and discuss how the field may be impacted or develop in the future, including insights that may be of significance to the scientific community. All FRBM Review and Mini-Review Articles undergo rigorous and full peer review, in the same way as regular research papers, and publication cannot be guaranteed.

Hypothesis papers: Hypothesis Papers provide a mechanism for authors to advance new ideas, hypotheses, or theories. Such novel concepts are typically based primarily on previously published data, findings, or observations and a strong line of reasoning, rather than on extensive new experiments. Ideally, a way of testing the hypothesis or theory being proposed (along with proper experimental controls) should be developed as part of the submission.

Critical Methods: Both new methods or substantial revisions or updates to existing methods are suitable as 'Critical Methods.' Authors should clearly state the purpose(s) of the method and why it is appropriate for the task. If other methods are flawed, briefly explain the problem with them. The chemical and/or biological basis of the method should be clearly explained. The limitations of the method should be elucidated; for example, many molecular biology measurements provide relative changes rather than absolute values and some methods may only be appropriate with certain kinds of biological samples. All Critical Methods papers must describe reagents, equipment, special techniques, and procedural steps in sufficient detail that they can be accurately reproduced by any competent free radical biologist. A detailed list of every reagent, including source and catalogue number, should be provided and all required instrumentation must be listed. Describe each procedural step in detail, as well as the timing of all steps. Provide representative illustrations of steps where useful. Precautions should also be included for any steps where something can easily go wrong. Describe any post protocol calculations in detail and provide representative results. Describe any caveats that need to be considered. State whether the authors have patents or financial interests in the protocol or instruments.

Free Radical Biology and Medicine introduces Graphical Reviews: These reviews will summarize schematically key concepts, established and novel ideas in redox biology which will be accessible to a broad audience and freely downloaded as PowerPoint slides for use in teaching or conference presentations. Example: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.redox.2012.10.001

Unsolicited reviews: Authors of unsolicited reviews should include, in their cover letter, a brief description summarizing the relevance of their submission to the field of Free Radical Biology and Medicine. In addition, if a review article on a similar topic has been published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine within the last two years, authors should provide brief narrative detailing how their article differs in scope, perspective and/ or content. Moreover, authors are required to provide a Researcher ID (such as an ORCID or Scopus ID).

Contact details for submission

Papers should be submitted using the Free Radical Biology & Medicine online submission system, https://www.editorialmanager.com/frbm/default.aspx For questions on the submission or reviewing process, please visit our Support Center




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