Prof. Kangmin Lee, leekm@cnu.ac.kr
Leroy Gardner leroy.gardner@imperial.ac.uk
Roberto T. Leon rleon@vt.edu
Guo-Qiang Li gqli@tongji.edu.cn
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International Journal of Steel Structures
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The Chief Editors may assign the manuscript to an appropriate International Editorial Board Members. When the manuscript is deemed qualified for the refereeing process, the Chief Editor identifies three competent referees who are acknowledged experts in the given subject for the peer review process. The referees’ names will remain anonymous to the authors of the manuscript. The Chief Editor informs authors with respect to the outcomes of the review. Only those receiving favorable recommendations from the referees will be accepted for publication.
To ensure both accuracy and relevance, three referees must read and review all contributions. Revisions to the manuscripts may thus be required. All manuscripts submitted to the journal should be accompanied by a list of five potential reviewers suggested by the author(s). This list should include the complete name, address, telephone and E-mail address.
Prof. Kangmin Lee
ChungNam National University, Department of Architectural Engineering, Korea
99 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34134, Korea
Tel: +82-42-821-5625, E-mail: E-mail: leekm@cnu.ac.kr
Prof. Leroy Gardner
Imperial College London, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
South Kensington Campus, London, SW7 2AZ, UK
Tel: +44-20-7594-6058, E-mail: E-mail: leroy.gardner@imperial.ac.uk
Prof. Guo-Qiang Li
Tongji University, Department of Building Engineering
1239 Siping Rd., Shanghi, 200092, China
Tel: +86-21-6598-2975, E-mail: gqli@tongji.edu.cn
Prof. Roberto T. Leon
Virginia Tech, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
102D Patton Hall (MC 0105), 750 Drillfield Drive, Blacksburg, Va 24061, USA
Tel: +1-540-231-7408, E-mail: rleon@vt.edu
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