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  • 参考译名《生态昆虫学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率5.00%
  • 主要研究方向农林科学-ENTOMOLOGY 昆虫学



ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY《生态昆虫学》(双月刊). Ecological Entomology publishes top-quality original research on the ecology of insects and related invertebra...[显示全部]
















Rebeca B. Rosengaus

Department of Biology

Northeastern University

134 Mugar Building

360 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02115-5000


Tel: +1 617 373 7032

email: r.rosengaus@northeastern.edu 


Francis Gilbert

School of Biology

University of Nottingham

University Park

Nottingham, NG7 2RD


Tel: +44 (0)115 951 3215



Bernard D. Roitberg

Department of Biological Sciences

Simon Fraser University

8888 University Drive

Burnaby, British Columbia


Tel: +1 778-782-3585

email: roitberg@sfu.ca


Sheena Cotter

School of Life Sciences

College of Science

University of Lincoln.

Brayford Pool, Lincoln

Lincolnshire. LN6 7TS

Tel: +44 (0)1522 886835

email: scotter@lincoln.ac.uk.


Rosa Menéndez

Lancaster Environment Centre

University of Lancaster,

Lancaster, LA1 4YQ

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1524 593721

email: r.menendez@lancaster.ac.uk


Reviews Editors:

Takayuki Ohgushi

Center for Ecological Research

Kyoto University

Otsu, Shiga



email: ohgushi@ecology.kyoto-u.ac.jp


Alex Córdoba-Aguilar

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Instituto de Ecología

Apdo. P. 70-275, Anexo al Jardín Botánico

Ciudad Universitaria


Distrito Federal



email: acordoba@iecologia.unam.mx




Author Guidelines

Click here to read the letter on Open Access and click here to watch a video regarding RCUK compliance.

Editorial policy

Papers submitted to Ecological Entomology should be original research papers on insect ecology. See Overview for more details. Full-length Original articles, Short Communications, Opinion articles and Reviews are welcomed.

Papers submitted must not have been published or accepted for publication by any other journal.

Ethical considerations will be taken into account in considering the acceptability of papers, and the editors’ decision on this, as on other aspects, will be final. Ecological Entomology is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.


Manuscript preparation guidelines

Article Preparation Support

Graphical Abstracts

Submission of an Original Article

Submission of a Short Communication Article

Submission of a Review Article

Submission of an Opinion Article

Method and Natural History Articles


Preparation of Artwork

Contribution of Authors

Supporting Information

Conflict of Interest

Ethical Guidelines

Author Material Archive Policy

Data Sharing and Data Accessibility

Pre-Submission English-Language Editing




Preprint Policy

Author Services

Publication Charges

Article Promotion Support

Manuscript preparation guidelines

Examine recent issues of Ecological Entomology for details of acceptable style and format. All manuscripts should conform to the preparation guidelines. See below for guidelines specific to each manuscript type (Original articles, Short Communications, Opinion Articles, Reviews, Methods and Natural History Articles).

All manuscripts should be prepared and submitted in a Word document (not PDF), double-spaced with wide margins, in A4 format. Tables must be on separate sheets, and should be self-explanatory. Figure legends should be grouped together on a separate sheet.

All papers should contain:

An informative, concise title (up to 20 words)

A running title (up to 40 characters)

A self-contained abstract of fewer than 250 words presented as a series of factual, numbered statements

Up to 6 key words

Lines and page numbers throughout the main text

The name, full postal address, telephone number and email address of the author to whom readers should address correspondence and offprint requests should be given on the first page (this will appear as a footnote in the journal and the publishers will send proofs to this author and address unless contrary instructions are written on the manuscript)


Taxonomic affiliation and authority should be given at the first mention of a species in the text.

References should conform to the name-and-date system; titles of periodicals should not be abbreviated.

All papers should be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/een. Full upload instructions and support are available online from the submission site via the 'Get Help Now' button. If you are unable to submit online, please contact the Editor for details of submitting as hard copy or by e-mail.

Article Preparation Support

Wiley Editing Services offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design – so you can submit your manuscript with confidence. Also, check out our resources for Preparing Your Article for general guidance about writing and preparing your manuscript.

Graphical Abstracts

Ecological Entomology presents its table of contents online in graphical form with a brief abstract. A Graphical Abstract is a mandatory element of submission to this journal for all article types with an exception of Opinion articles. The authors are required to provide a Graphical Abstract upon submission of their FIRST REVISION.

Graphical Abstract entries must be submitted to ScholarOne and uploaded with the file designation ‘Graphical Abstract’ during the revised manuscript submission process. The Graphical Abstract entry must include three highlights, 30 words or fewer for each, summarising the key findings presented in the paper and a figure that best represents the scope of the paper. Please upload your highlights as an editable Word file including the article title and the authors' names (with the corresponding author indicated by an asterisk). The image should be supplied as a TIF, EPS or PDF file and should not exceed 1 MB. It does not need to be a figure used in the main article, however if no image is provided by the authors then Figure 1 will be used by default. Ideally, the figure should be eye-catching and should focus on the main finding or a process detailed in the manuscript. Please keep any text incorporated in the figure to a minimum. Please ensure that it is possible to interpret the image as a stand-alone item, with no legend enclosed.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office at ecol.ent@wiley.com if you have any further queries about Graphical Abstracts.

Submission of an Original Article

Papers should be in clear concise English. Original Articles should not exceed 6000 words of text (excluding abstract and references) but longer papers of particular merit may be accepted. Papers should be novel and of wide general interest to ecologists.

Original Articles should contain the following 7 sub-headings:

Abstract (not exceeding 250 words, including between 3 and 6 keywords)


Materials and Methods





All Original Article manuscripts should conform to the manuscript preparation guidelines above. Manuscripts which do not conform to the standards outlined here will be returned to the author(s) with a request that they are edited to meet these standards.

Submission of a Short Communication article

Short Communications should not exceed 1500 words (excluding abstract and references). As with Original Articles, manuscripts submitted as Short Communications should be novel and of wide general interest to ecologists. The type of material submitted as a Short Communication is flexible, for example, manuscripts might develop and/or test novel methodological techniques, might describe natural history observations, or might present new empirical or experimental data. A Short Communication should be a concise report of an independent line of research, which does not require a detailed, full-length paper.

Short Communication articles should contain the following 6 sub-headings:

Abstract (not exceeding 250 words, including between 3 and 6 keywords)


Materials and Methods

Results and Discussion can be combined into a single section.



Furthermore, the Short Communication should include:

A maximum word count of 1500 words

No more than 20 cited references

No more than 2 tables/figures

Submission of a Review Article

Invited Reviews are usually commissioned by the Editors-in-chief, or the Reviews Editor. However, non-solicited proposals for review topics are also welcome from authors and proposals should in the first instance be sent to the Reviews Editors, Takayuki Ohgushi (ohgushi@ecology.kyoto-u.ac.jp) and Alex Córdoba-Aguilar (acordoba@iecologia.unam.mx). Ideas for reviews should be approximately two pages long and contain five key references. These proposals may be sent out for review before a decision is made about inviting a full Review paper. Ideas on possible review subjects have the best chance of being successful if they i) cover a current topic of general ecological interest, including evolutionary and behavioural topics, ii) have relevance to more than one insect taxon, and iii) provide a novel synthesis of current information.

Invited manuscripts should be formatted following guidelines for Original Research articles, and are peer reviewed in the same way as other manuscripts submitted to the Journal. Review articles have a word limit of 6000 words (excluding abstract and references). Reviews should contain quantitative, or semi-quantitative, analysis of published information (perhaps presented in a Table or Figure), and contain information to allow a non-expert to grasp the general significance of the topic (e.g. with a Box, Table or Figure containing background information and terminology used). Authors should consult previous Review articles for guidance.

Submission of an Opinion Article

Papers should present an original perspective on an important research-related subject of interest to the ecological community, rather than a balanced or objective review of the topic. The aim should be to stimulate debate or new research, cover controversial topics, or interpretation of, an old problem or current issue, or speculate on the implications of recent research. Please note that articles that outline recent advances in a field rather than give a strong opinion on them are not suitable for this section of the journal; neither are hypotheses without any published support.

Although subjective, an Opinion article should not be used to discuss excessively an author's own research or to criticize excessively the research of others, except where criticism is constructive.

The manuscript should be in a Word document, consist of double line spacing, wide margins and preferably in an A4 format. Tables must be on separate sheets and should be self-explanatory. Figure legends should be grouped together on a separate sheet. Manuscripts should have the same length and format as a Short Communication but sub-headings may be included at the discretion of the author and do not need to conform to a formal structure (e.g. Abstract, Methods, Results….).

Method and Natural History Articles

Method and Natural History manuscripts should be prepared and formatted as Original Articles (above).

Articles about methods or techniques are welcomed but only where such papers provide new and significant approaches that improve our understanding of ecological entomology.

Articles on the natural history of arthropods are welcomed but only where such papers provide new and significant information that improves our understanding of ecological entomology.




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