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Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management《综合环境评估与管理》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《综合环境评估与管理》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率12.50%



Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management《综合环境评估与管理》(双月刊). Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM) publishes the science un...[显示全部]








Debates, Dilemmas, and Discoveries3Ds))

book_reviews@setac.orgBooks and Other Reviews







Author Guidelines

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management aims to foster inclusive science that reflects the disciplinary, human, and geographic diversity in the environmental sciences community. We recognize that many groups are under-represented in research including women, people of color, and historically disadvantaged populations, and we are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in research and publishing from contributors of all ethnicities, races, colors, religions, sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities, national origins, disabilities, ages, or other individual status.

Types of Manuscripts

Letters to the Editor may concern any scientific topic relevant to the purposes of the journal, including critical discussion of recently published papers. Letters to the Editor should not exceed 6 double-spaced pages.* Tables and figures are not typically featured; however, literature cited in the letter should include the full reference at the end of the text.

Brief Communications may report on the findings of workshops and meetings, or provide a preliminary report on a timely technical issue or significant research contribution, or reflect a balanced perspective on scientific, engineering, and regulatory issues. Manuscripts should not exceed 15 double-spaced pages,* including abstract, text, tables, figures, and references.

Critical Reviews examine the state-of-the-science and include both a critical analysis (a discussion of the strengths and limitations of the literature under review) and synthesis (a higher-level evaluation of the literature—not a summary—as it supports the author’s position on the topic). Manuscripts should strive to not exceed 60 double-spaced pages* in length, including abstract, text, tables, figures, and references.

Original Articles report research or other work that has not been submitted elsewhere, other than as an abstract or an oral or poster presentation. Original Articles may also include case studies that illustrate the application of new investigation and assessment methods, regulatory policies, environmental management practices or new challenges facing business and governments, and regulatory policy analyses that address national or international environmental policies and challenges. Manuscripts should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages,* including abstract, text, tables, figures, and references.

Special Series consist of 4 manuscripts prepared by experts who wish to explore an emerging technical issue or recent developments in a subject area relevant to the journal. Papers appearing in a Special Series are included as part of a regularly scheduled issue of IEAM. Proposals for Special Series must be discussed in advance with the Editorial Office prior to submission. For instructions on preparing a Special Series proposal and manuscripts, please click here.

Workshop Synthesis is similar to a Critical Review but shorter in length (not more than 16 double-spaced pages or ca. 8000 words). Please note that this is not a workshop summary. The paper should begin with a “background” section to introduce the context of the topic, followed by a “purpose and objectives” section describing the goals of the workshop with respect to reporting the results of expert deliberations and the objectives to be realized from those deliberations. Sections thereafter should elaborate on key topics relevant to the focus of the workshop; however, content must avoid communicating in the style of ‘meeting minutes.’ Rather, the synthesis paper should report on the technical issues, challenges, debate, and outcome of the workshop. For SETAC workshops, this is a mandatory work product. Please contact the Editorial Office for additional guidance.

Debates, Dilemmas, and Discoveries (3D, formerly Learned Discourses) offer rapid publication on compelling and timely issues in a non-peer-reviewed forum. 3Ds report on progress in field and laboratory research, explore new or emerging research questions, provide opinions and perspectives on a range of environmental topics, debate issues, spotlight management policies and practices, and/or share challenges and insights on biology, chemistry, ecology, engineering and sustainability. 3D manuscripts should be written for a broad audience of policy makers, scientists, and business professionals and are limited to 1000 words and not more than 1 table or figure and 6 references. Manuscripts are subject to review and approval by the 3D Editors. Submit inquiries and 3Ds directly to ieam3d@setac.org.

Books and Other Reviews features reviews of nonfiction books, environmentally relevant fiction, technical reports, guidance documents, documentary movies, blogs, and open access, web-based tools. Submit inquiries and reviews directly to the Editors (book_reviews@setac.org).

Journal Cover Images are encouraged from authors of papers accepted for publication in IEAM. IEAM will select one image for publication that most closely reflects the content of the issue or a particular paper. The successful contributor will be acknowledged in the table of contents.

*Page lengths are double-spaced pages using Times New Roman, 12-point font and 1-inch margins. Allocate one page per figure or table.

Manuscript Preparation

IEAM follows a double-blind peer review process, where author identity is hidden from reviewers and vice versa. Please adhere to the formatting requirements below to ensure that your manuscript complies with the journal’s double-blind review policy.




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