Information for authors: Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Article Types
Peer-reviewed Articles
1) Original research
Quantitative research.
Qualitative research.
Mixed methods research.
Structured abstract: maximum 250 words in English, or 300 words in French.
Main text:
Quantitative research: maximum 3500 words in English, or 4400 words in French.
Qualitative research: maximum 5000 words in English, or 6500 words in French.
Mixed methods research: maximum 5000 words in English, or 6500 words in French.
Must include whether written consent was obtained from the local Ethics Committee or Institutional Review Board.
Please ensure that you have provided the full name and institution of the review committee and an Ethics Committee reference number.
Tables and figures: maximum of 6 total.
References: 50 maximum.
2) Evidence Synthesis
Types: systematic reviews, meta-analyses, realist reviews, scoping reviews or other systematic assessments of literature and relevant information sources.
Kindly report the type of review undertaken when specifying article type on first page.
For systematic reviews and meta-analyses, follow accepted standards such as AMSTAR, PRISMA, QUORUM or MOOSE.
For scoping reviews, follow the guidelines provided here.
For realist reviews, follow the RAMESES publication standards.
Structured abstract: maximum 250 words in English, or 300 words in French.
Main text: maximum 4000 words in English, or 5000 words in French.
Tables and figures: maximum of 6 total.
References: 100 maximum.
3) Evidence-informed policy brief
Type: Plain-language document that answers a policy/program practice question by summarizing what is known about the problem, presenting the evidence-informed policy and program options (including an outline of the known benefits, harms and costs of these options), and presenting a review of the barriers to implementation and strategies to address them.
Executive summary: maximum 100 words in English, or 130 words in French.
Main text: maximum 5000 words in English, or 6500 words in French.
Tables and figures: maximum of 2 total.
References: no limit.
Non-peer-reviewed articles
1) At-a-glance
Data visualization: Public health infographic, chart, diagram, data or indicators.
Analysis: Brief original science or policy analyses.
Unstructured abstract: maximum 100 words in English, or 130 words in French, 5 sentences maximum.
Main text:
Data visualization: maximum 500 words, or 630 words in French, to support/explain depicted information.
Analysis: 1500 words in English, or 1950 words in French.
Tables and figures:
Data visualization: Maximum of 2 total.
Analysis: Maximum of 2 total.
Data visualization: 15 maximum.
Analysis: 30 maximum.
2) Release notice
Type: Short announcement of the recent or upcoming release of datasets, reports or guidelines relevant to public health in Canada.
Main text: 250 words in English, or 345 words in French.
References: 1 maximum.
3) Commentary
Type: In-depth reflection on a topic, referencing current evidence, the larger context and articles in the issue (often a theme issue or special issue).
Main text: maximum 2000 words in English, or 2600 words in French.
Tables and figures: maximum of 1 total.
References: 35 maximum.
4) Invited editorial
Type: Provides a short opinion on a topic or a group of articles being published in the same issue (often a theme issue or special issue).
Main text: 1000 words in English, or 1300 words in French.
References: 10 maximum.
5) Letter to the Editor
Type: Reflections on a public health issue or reactions to recently published journal articles or issues. If related to a recent publication, the letter to the editor must be received within one month of its publication to be considered.
Main text: 500 words in English, or 630 words in French.
References: 6 maximum.
Formatting requirements
Title pages
First page
Title of manuscript.
All author name(s) in full, followed by highest completed degree.
Institutional affiliations (including city and province, associated to authors through numbers in brackets).
Name, address, email, and telephone details of corresponding author.
Intended article type.
Word count for abstract.
Word count for main text.
Number of tables and figures.
Second page
Title of manuscript only.
Note: page numbering starts here at 1.
Abstract and Highlights box
Abstract, if required based on article type. Structured abstracts include Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
3 to 8 keywords (use Medical Subject Headings [MeSH] terms where possible).
Highlights box (required for all submissions): Up to 5 bullet points no more than 100 words total (130 in French) to describe the highlights of the paper in plain language.
Formatting of text
All contributions are to be submitted in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (12 point size) or Arial font (10 point size) in black.
Headings unless otherwise specified by article type: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion (with Strengths and Limitations subsection), and Conclusion.
Page numbers at the bottom right of the page, starting on second page (i.e. page with title only).
Line numbers within the main body text (start at second page with title only, i.e. the page numbered as 1).
Appendices are not accepted.
All funding sources for this study, including grants and other research support, should be disclosed in the manuscript.
If an individual or group is credited in acknowledgements, authors should state in their cover letter that they have obtained written permission.
Editorial Board
Caroline Bergeron, DrPH
Public Health Agency of Canada
Lisa Bourque Bearskin, PhD
Thompson Rivers University
Martin Chartier, DMD
Public Health Agency of Canada
Erica Di Ruggiero, PhD
University of Toronto
Charlotte Kent, PhD
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Howard Morrison, PhD
Public Health Agency of Canada
Jean-Claude Moubarac, PhD
Université de Montréal
Candace Nykiforuk, PhD
University of Alberta
Jennifer O’Loughlin, PhD
Université de Montréal
Scott Patten, MD, PhD, FRCPC
University of Calgary
Richard Stanwick, MD, FRCPC, FAAP
Island Health
Mark Tremblay, PhD
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute
Joslyn Trowbridge, MPP
University of Toronto