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INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING《美国运筹学和管理学研究协会计算杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《美国运筹学和管理学研究协会计算杂志》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率2.70%



INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING《美国运筹学和管理学研究协会计算杂志》(季刊). The INFORMS Journal on Computing publishes high quality papers that expand the envelope...[显示全部]













Submission Guidelines

INFORMS Journal on Computing

The theory and practice of computing and operations research are necessarily intertwined. The INFORMS Journal on Computing publishes high quality papers that expand the envelope of operations research and computing. We seek original research papers on relevant theories, methods, experiments, systems, and applications. We also welcome novel survey and tutorial papers, and papers describing new and useful software tools. We expect contributions that can be built upon by subsequent researchers or used by practitioners.

Author Portal (for additional author support)

The INFORMS Author Portal is a resource to support authors as they move through peer review and production. Visit the Author Portal for detailed information regarding INFORMS publication policies, accepted author support, resources (including pre-submission editing services), and journal metrics.


Authorship/Authorship Changes

Copyright and Plagiarism

Guidelines for Ethical Behavior in Publishing


Rights & Permissions

INFORMS Journal on Computing Proceedings Policy

Papers that were published in refereed proceedings can be accepted for publication in INFORMS Journal on Computing as long as the following conditions are met:

The paper extends the results published in the proceedings version in substantial and meaningful ways. “Substantial and meaningful” can include one or more of the following: extensions of key results, additional methodological contributions, and detailed development of key proofs. The paper must be accessible and of interest to a large part of the INFORMS Journal on Computing community, which means that additional background and motivation might be required in the Introduction of the paper. The "substantial and meaningful" criterion is subject to the discretion of the Area Editor, Associate Editor, and Reviewers.

The paper refers to the previously published proceedings versions and clearly explains the contributions made in the paper that extend the original proceedings paper.

Any change in authorship between the conference paper and the journal submission must be explained in a separate document submitted with the paper. In the case of removing an author, all authors must agree to this removal of a proceedings author from the journal submission. The INFORMS Authorship Policy (and Author Change Form) can be accessed here.

The following supplemental material are included: a) the original proceedings paper; b) a 1-page summary of the key contributions made in the paper that extend the original proceedings paper; c) a version of the submitted paper with all portions that are identical to the earlier proceedings paper highlighted clearly.

The author will secure appropriate copyright release permissions from the proceedings so that any copyrighted material can be included in INFORMS Journal on Computing.

JUMP TO:  Preparing Your Manuscript | Submitting Your Manuscript | Review Process | After Acceptance

Preparing Your Manuscript


Manuscripts should not exceed 25 to 30 pages when formatted in the journal’s style. All appendixes should be moved to an online supplement.


Submissions must be double-spaced, with 12-point font and 1-inch margins all around. Authors are encouraged to submit the main document as a PDF file.

Single Blind

INFORMS Journal on Computing conducts single-blinded reviews, meaning that the authors are ‘blind’ to the identity of the reviewers but reviewers are not blind to the author names. Please be sure to include all author names and institutions on the title page of the manuscript.

Cover Letter

For all new submissions, beginning January 1, 2021, we require a cover letter:

(1) Clearly and briefly explain why INFORMS Journal on Computing (IJOC) is an appropriate outlet for your paper. It will help if you can list a few IJOC papers that are in the same topic area as your paper. (Note that this in no way implies that you must cite IJOC papers in your own paper.) If there are no such papers, please explain why this novel topic is appropriate for IJOC.

(2) Also, please briefly explain your specific choice of the area you are submitting to from among the ten offered.

Style Templates

The manuscript style is specified in the template file JOC-template.tex, which handles most stylistic issues. You can find the template and other necessary files here. LaTeX is strongly preferred over MS Word or other word-processing packages for preparation of manuscripts. If using MS Word files, they can be either .doc or .docx files.

Online Supplements

Supplemental material (appendixes, data, most proofs, voluminous tables/graphs, lengthy literature reviews, etc.) can be submitted with the paper itself. Online supplements should be submitted as separate files and designated as supplemental material.

Video Augmentation

The INFORMS Journal on Computing encourages authors to augment published papers with videos.

Data Policy

Attaching research data, such as instance data for experiments, to the electronically published versions of papers can be an important part of INFORMS Journal on Computing’s role in the research community. The Data Policy can be accessed here.

Software Policy

Like the data policy, the software policy does not apply to every paper. The Software Policy can be accessed here.

For papers whose primary contribution is computational experiments, as a condition of final acceptance of the paper, software must be released to the research community with instructions and data suitable for a researcher to be able to reproduce results given in the paper. It is generally expected that relevant source code will be published as an online supplement to the journal article.

Mathematical Notation

Mathematical notation should be chosen so that the formulas and ideas presented in them are clear. Important details can be found in the Mathematical Notation section of the Author Portal.


Provide an abstract of not more than 300 words in length. This should be written using non-technical language, and without the use of formulas or mathematical notation (see note above on mathematical notation). The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise, highly readable overview of the manuscript's objectives, methods, and the nature and significance of the conclusions and contribution.




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