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  • 参考译名
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率0.00%
  • 主要研究方向生物学-PLANT SCIENCES 植物科学



HASELTONIA(年刊). Haseltonia, Yearbook of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America, is published in full color and features peer-...[显示全部]







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 (Cactus and Succulent Society of America)

 Authors shall adhere to the following style policies when writing for Cactus and Succulent Journal or the CSSA yearbook, Haseltonia. Please check each item before sending in a manuscript or its revision. Cactus and Succulent Journal contains articles aimed at a wide audience interested in succulents: popular-styled instructions on cultivation, travelogues, descriptions of new taxa, biographical material, book reviews and advertisements. Technical articles may be peer-reviewed at the Editor’s discretion. Such articles may be referred to Haseltonia, our yearbook, which contains articles of a more technical nature, such as might be found in the American Journal of Botany or Brittonia. The Editor reserves the right make changes to a manuscript which do not alter the meaning of the text in order to correct minor errors or improve readability without consulting the author(s). Similarly, images may be digitally corrected or cropped.


Send manuscripts (MS Word format) and digital photos to the Editor (cssj_editor@hotmail.com) as email attachments. Typewritten manuscripts, illustrations, color slides and materials on disc should be sent by regular mail. Large files may be transferred electronically, eg via DropBox. Contact the Editor for more details. Date all materials, and provide complete contact information for the corresponding author, including address, phone number and email. A short, not necessarily too serious, autobiography, and contact email address if desired, should be provided for inclusion in the Journal. Please indicate if either no email address or biography is to be printed. Assemble the manuscript in this order: Title & Author(s), Summary, Text (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, when appropriate), Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figure Captions.

Title & Author(s)

Center title. List author(s), with institutional affiliations and contact information if desired, as they should appear in print. In the case of multiple authors, the corresponding author should be designated. For the Journal, a brief biography of the author, to provide some background for the reader, is appreciated.


HASELTONIA ONLY: longer and/or more technical papers should begin with a summary, of fewer than 300 words. Do not summarize merely the intent of the paper but, instead, briefly state the methods used, the results, and their significance.

Text, Acknowledgements

Leave a 1” margin on all sides. Number pages. Use a standard typeface (Times-roman is preferred). Indent each paragraph. Do not use proportional spacing or a justified right margin. Headings in bold face. Italicize Latin names and titles of books and journals. Do not italicize common Latin words used in botanical literature, such as var., fma., et al., sensu lato, nomen nudum, sp. nov. Numbers and Units: Metric units are preferred. Apply a space between numbers and units. Write out 1 to 10 unless a measurement (e.g., four petals, 3 mm). Omit commas for numbers less than 10,000. Numbers like 0.13 should not be written as .13. **** Each figure and table MUST be cited in the text and numbered in the order in which it is referred to. ****


Each reference in the text must be listed under References, and vice versa. Verify all entries against original sources, including spelling, accents and diacritical marks. Italicize book titles and journal names, but not article titles. Book citations must end with the name of the publisher and city, as well as country if the city is not widely known. Periodical titles should be spelled out if not well known to the intended audience. Titles of Journals and Author abbreviations should follow those used by IPNI ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ipni.org" http://www.ipni.org).  Examples of correct (though fictitious) citations (note initials and all punctuation):

1. Jones EL, Jackson CH, Smith A. 1991. Taxonomy of Mexican xerophytic plants. Phytographica 6: 106–109. 2. Hubner Z. 1923. Die Wälder der östlichen Steiermark. Schwartz Verlag, Berlin.

Note the use of an N-dash “–”, as opposed to a hypen “-” to indicate the page range in the Journal reference.


Captions must be provided for ALL illustrations/figures/tables, and clearly referenced from the text. Only original drawings or paintings are accepted, as copies reproduce poorly. All original illustrations will be returned to the author. Authors may elect to have their original materials professionally scanned for digital submission, as this will prevent loss or damage through the mail. Photos must be of high quality, good exposure and good composition, and may be cropped at the Editor’s discretion. Any annotation of images prior to layout is strongly discouraged, other than for informational purposes, in which case an unaltered original must be provided. Poor photos will not be used. Photo submissions to the Journal or Haseltonia are accepted in the following order of desirability:

1. High-resolution digital photos: RAW, high-quality jpeg or tiff format. Photos must be at least 300 dpi at print size. Higher resolution is required for enlargements. If your digital camera does not produce at least 4–megapixel images, the photos will not reproduce well in the Journal. Digital photos can be emailed to the Editor, sent on CD or shared online using e.g. DropBox. Discs will not be returned.

2. Color slides: original mounted color slide film; copies are never as good as the originals. Do not send slides that are dark or out of focus. Unmounted 35 mm transparencies are not accepted. Slides will be returned after color proofs are received from the printer. Slides and prints must be labeled with the figure number and the word “top” or an arrow to indicate orientation. If image is to be cropped, include instructions with slides, or the Editor will make this decision. 3. Prints or negative film: not recommended.


All illustrations must be referenced in the text. All illustrations must be captioned by the author in a separate section of the manuscript. It is preferable not to repeat information already provided in the main body of text. Examples:

Fig. 1. Echinocactus ingens, near Metztitlán, Hidalgo. Photo: A. Weber.

Fig. 2. Echeveria fulgens Lem., Smith 5467, near Guadalajara, Jalisco. Plant, ×4; leaf, ×3; corolla, ×3; petals, ×6. Drawing by B. Michelson, 1991.


Manuscripts should be submitted electronically (as email attachments preferably in MS Word). Authors should also provide hard copy (original plus two copies) of figures that cannot be sent electronically (on two separate discs). Authors are requested to provide 2 or 3 expert referee contacts from their field of study that can objectively evaluate their work. Following initial manuscript submission to Haseltonia, the review and editing process, and all further correspondence will be handled by the Editor of Haseltonia:

Tim Harvey 3000 Globe Avenue Thousand Oaks CA 91360 (805) 807 5444 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cssj_editor@hotmail.com" cssj_editor@hotmail.com   Conditions for Publication

Article content remains copyright of the original author(s). Typographical copyright remains property of the Cactus & Succulent Society of America. Articles or illustrations may be reprinted following a suitable period post initial publication, providing they obtain appropriate permissions from the author and the Editor, and give a full citation of original publication.


To the Managing Editor, Tim Harvey, details above.

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