immunity article types
Research articles, Resource articles, and Reports are all full-length formats that are handled through our online submission system, Editorial Manager. A brief description of each article type is provided below.
Most of the front matter material published in Immunity is commissioned by the editors. However, proposals for appropriate review material pieces will be considered. Immunity publishes the front-matter article types described below.
Meeting report
Research articles present conceptual advances of unusual significance regarding a biological question of wide interest. Research papers should be as concise as possible and written in a style that is accessible to the broad Cell Press readership. The total character count of an article must be under 45,000* (including spaces and main figure legends but excluding STAR Methods text, supplemental item legends, and References section), and there should be no more than seven figures and/or tables. Additional display items may be published online as Supplemental Information (please see the Supplemental Information guidelines for more information).
*Please note that our character limits have changed but no longer include the References section. If you have questions about this change, please contact the journal’s editorial office.
The Resource format is designed to highlight significant technical advances and/or major informational databases that are of value and interest to the broad Immunity readership. Manuscripts reporting the development of an important technological advance should include a proof-of-principle demonstration that the new methodology will open the door for addressing important questions in a variety of immunology research areas. Manuscripts reporting a major informational database should propose provocative new biological insights that can be derived from an analysis of the data set. Resources follow the same format and length guidelines as Research articles.
Immunity also considers highly provocative, fully validated findings as a Report. Reports should open up new avenues of research for the field or have immediate implications for therapeutic applications. Reports are organized like Research Articles. The total character count of a Report should not exceed 25,000 characters (including title, author names and affiliations, summary, spaces, and figure legends but excluding STAR Methods text, supplemental item legends, and References section). Reports may contain up to 4 display items (figures or tables). Additional display items may be published online as Supplemental Information. These should not exceed 4 supplemental figures, and tables and/or movies may be added for a total of up to 8 supplemental items. Please see the Supplemental Information guidelines for more information.
Previews highlight one or several research papers published in the same issue of Immunity, placing the results in context for the journal’s broad readership. Previews are 1,200 to 1,500 words in length with no more than 10 references and one figure. Detailed guidelines can be found here. Previews are commissioned by the editors.
Immunity publishes comprehensive full-length reviews on topics of interest to Immunity's broad readership. Reviews are usually 5,000 – 7,000 words in length (including an abstract that is no more than 150 words), up to 150 references, and three or four display items, which can be either figures or tables. In addition to a balanced view of the topic, reviews would ideally provide a new conceptual framework for recent data. Reviews are usually commissioned, but suggestions in the form of a one-page summary are welcome and may be sent to the Cell Press office (immunity@cell.com). Detailed guidelines can be found here.
The letter format provides our readers with the opportunity to comment on any topic that may be of broad interest to the readers of the journal. Publication of the letter is at the discretion of the editor. The letter is also an appropriate format to comment on either a research article or a commentary-type article that has been published in Immunity within the last 2 months. Letters should be no more than 1,500 words in length with up to 10 references and 1 supplemental figure. Letters should provide new information or a fresh perspective on the published article. If appropriate, the letter may be sent to the authors of the published article for a response and may be peer-reviewed before publication.
Perspectives are opinion pieces that provide fresh insights into published scientific data. The author’s point of view should be apparent, and a possible course of action for the issue under discussion may be proposed. Perspectives may also take a historical viewpoint, discussing a landmark paper or a series of papers. Perspectives are approximately 5,000 words in length with 100 or fewer references and three to four display items (figures or tables). Detailed guidelines can be found here.
Immunity occasionally publishes reports that present the important themes of a recent conference that has relevance for Immunity readers. Meeting reports are 2,500 to 3,000 words with 15 or fewer references and one or two figures. Interested authors are encouraged to contact the Editor before the meeting to gauge the level of interest for the meeting report.
Spotlights highlight one or several research papers published in a recent issue of another journal, placing the results in context for the journal’s broad readership. Spotlights are 1,200 to 1,500 words in length with no more than 10 references and one figure. Guidelines for Spotlights are similar to Previews. Spotlights are commissioned by the editors.