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DENDROBIOLOGY《树木生物学》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《树木生物学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向农林科学-FORESTRY 林学


农林科学-FORESTRY 林学

DENDROBIOLOGY《树木生物学》(半年刊). Dendrobiology  (formerly: Arboretum Kórnickie) is a semiannual open access journal that publishes peer-reviewed scientific artic...[显示全部]















Marcin K. Dyderski (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: mdyderski@man.poznan.pl


Joanna Mucha (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: jmucha@man.poznan.pl

Marcin Pietras (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: mpietras@man.poznan.pl

Associate Editors

Jolanta Behnke-Borowczyk (Poznań University of Life Sciences), e-mail: jolanta.behnke@up.poznan.pl

Łukasz Dylewski (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: ldylewski@man.poznan.pl

Paweł Horodecki (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: phorodecki@man.poznan.pl

Andrzej M. Jagodziński (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: amj@man.poznan.pl

Katarzyna Marcysiak (Kazimierz Wielki University), e-mail: marc@ukw.edu.pl

Agnieszka Nobis (Jagiellonian University), e-mail: agnieszka.nobis@uj.edu.pl

Radosław Puchałka (Nicolaus Copernicus University), e-mail: puchalka@umk.pl

Ewelina Ratajczak (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: eratajcz@man.poznan.pl

Katarzyna Sękiewicz (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: ksekiewicz@man.poznan.pl

Agnieszka Szuba (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: aszuba@man.poznan.pl

Copy Editor

Agata Brodacz (Institute of Dendrology PAS), e-mail: libraid@man.poznan.pl




Author guidelines

1. Aims and scope

Dendrobiology publishes original research articles and review articles related to the biology of trees and shrubs. Since 2017 years Dendrobiology is issued only in electronic version. Articles are prepared and published free of charge

2. Submission of manuscripts

The manuscript should be complete, concise and clear, so before submission, the authors are encouraged to read EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators (freely available at www.ease.org.uk/publications/author-guidelines in >20 languages). Adherence should increase the chances of acceptance of submitted manuscripts.

Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the work has not been published before, is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has been read and approved by all authors.

Online Submission

Please follow the hyperlink “On-line submission” on the left and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen. We ask for submission of the manuscript as a single file together with tables, figures etc., and also please upload the files of figures and tables in separate files.


Authors are asked to suggest three appropriate reviewers from the foreign countries (with contact information).

3. Preparation of manuscript

3.1. Language

Only papers written in English will be accepted. The authors whose native language is not English are advised to have their manuscript read by a colleague or author’s editor who is a native speaker of English. If the Editor-in-Chief or reviewers consider the language poor, we can ask an author to correct the manuscript. The transliteration of non-Latin characters should be based on the ISO 9:1995 transliteration standard.

3.2. Length

We consider manuscripts that do not exceed 25 double-spaced A4 pages, including tables, figures, and references. All parts of the manuscript must be typed in a 12-point font, with all margins at least 2,5 cm wide. Pages should be numbered.

3.3. Nomenclature, units and abbreviations

All scientific terms should conform to the current international nomenclature. Botanical and zoological names should be typed in italics. SI units should be used. All abbreviations, nomenclature and symbols must be used consistently in the text and figures.

3.4. Organization of Manuscript

3.4.1. Title page

a) Full names of all authors and indicate (*) the corresponding author (if the corresponding author is specified as different than the first author).

b) Title

The title should be informative and short (maximum length: 100 characters or 15 words). Only scientific plant names (in italics) should be used.

c) Abstract

The abstract (up to 350 words) should be composed of one concise paragraph. In original research articles, the abstract should preferably be subdivided into sections: BACKGROUND, AIMS, METHODS, RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS. For review articles and other wide-scope articles, the abstract should preferably be subdivided into sections: BACKGROUND, SCOPE and CONCLUSIONS.

d) Keywords – up to 5 words or phrases not present in the title.

e) Address: First (abbreviated) and family names of authors, name and address of institutions of research origin and e-mail.

3.4.2. Main body of the article

An original research article should be organized in 4 sections labelled Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The motivation, purpose and hypothesis of the article should be explained in the Introduction. The Methods section should contain sufficient information to allow others to repeat the work. Standard methods should be referenced. Only original findings should be presented in Results. In the Discussion, the new results should be clearly distinguished from published data. In this section, results should be interpreted and not repeated.

3.4.3. Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments of financial support and other forms of help received from people or institutions should be placed in a separate section, before the References section.

3.4.4. References

References in the text. References should be in the Harvard style, i.e. citations appear in the form (Nowak, 2011, 2012, 2014; Nowak & Werner, 1991; Nowak et al., 1998), (Nowak et al., 2006) or if only the year is given in brackets, there should be no comma after the author name, e.g., The results of recent work by Nowak et al. (1992).... References to papers having three or more authors should give the name of the first author only, followed by et al. Publications by three or more authors with the same first author should be listed chronologically. If there is more than one work by the same author or team of authors in the same year, a, b, c, etc. is added to the year both in the main body of the article and in the list of references.

Reference list. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the article and should conform to the formats of the following examples. Journal titles should be given in full.

Journal article:

Teskey RO, Saveyn A, Steppe K & McGuire MA (2008) Origin, fate and significance of CO2 in tree stems. New Phytologist 177: 17–32.


Larcher W (1995) Physiological Plant Ecology. 3rd ed. Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany.

Proceedings and book chapter:

Rohfritsch O (1992) Patterns in gall development: Biology of insect-induced plant galls  (ed. by JD Shorthouse & O Rohfritsch) Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA, pp. 60–86.

Where a DOI is included in a reference, it should be cited as follows:

Zweifel R, Bangerter S, Rigling A & Sterck FJ (2012) Pine and mistletoes: how to live with a leak in the water flow and storage system? Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 2565–2578. doi:10.1093/jxb/err432.

Except for accepted manuscripts in press, unpublished material and personal communications should only be cited in the main body of the article and not in the references.

References should be checked carefully to make sure that all references given in the text (and no others) appear in the list of references and that the spelling of authors names and the dates are correct.

We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote or Zotero for reference management and formatting with style used by Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata.

EndNote reference styles can be searched for here: http://www.endnote.com/support/enstyles.asp

Zotero reference style can be searched for here: https://www.zotero.org/styles

3.5. Tables

Each table should be typed on a separate sheet furnished with explanatory headings (Table 1. ...). Tables must be planned to fit a single printed page.

3.6. Figures

These should be referred to in the text as Fig. 1, etc. Illustrations prepared in MS Excel and MS Word should be submitted in the original format. Figures prepared in Adobe Illustrator should be submitted in either of the three formats: *.ai, *.eps or *.pdf. Figures prepared in other programs should be exported, preferably to one of the formats: *.pdf, *.wmf. *.emf or *.eps; if this is impossible, then to *.tif, *.jpg or *.bmp formats (if it is *.jpg, then choose the lowest compression and highest quality possible; the smaller the file, the worse the quality, which should be avoided) at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi given the width of published text of 170 mm (two columns) or 82.5 mm (one column). Scanned figures should be saved in *.tif or *.jpg formats (see above). Digital photographs should be submitted with no changes to the original size and resolution. Do not submit illustrations larger than 16 cm × 19 cm unless asked to do so. Uniform lettering throughout the paper (including numbers and symbols) is required. Figure legends must be attached to main file on a separate pageper. Number illustrations in the order in which they are presented in the text.

3.7. Supplementary materials

Supplementary materials in the form of tables, figures, lists, databases, etc. can be attached to the work as independent files.

4. Ethics and peer review process

The corresponding author will be notified of receipt of the manuscript. We follow the COPE Code of Conduct in respect of plagiarism, data manipulation, guest authorship, ghost authorship and other cases of scientific misconduct. Any ethical problems or errors noticed before or after publication should be reported to the Editors (dendbiol@man.poznan.pl).  Each manuscript will be reviewed by two reviewers with expertise in the subject. The review process is single-blind. Manuscripts are accepted primarily on the basis of their scientific merit, if they clearly and objectively present reliable results on the biology of woody plants. The most common reasons for manuscript rejection are:

 the study does not fall within the aims and scope of the journal;

 the procedures or data analysis are defective, so they do not allow drawing reliable conclusions;

 the manuscript is incomplete and/or incomprehensible;

 a lack of objective discussion, references are outdated;

 plagiarism, microplagiarism or self-plagiarism.

5. Proofs

Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author’s address as given on the title page. Alterations in the text, other than factual or printer’s errors, should then be avoided.

6. Open access steatment

Dendrobiology is published as open access for academic work. All the original articles and review papers published in this journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication. We don’t charge any fees for any reader to download articles and reviews for their own scholarly use.All articles will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence

7. Preprint and post-print policy

Dendrobiology does not allow to deposit any form of preprint article in the Open-Access institutional archives, repositories, or personal websites. However, we strongly encourage authors to deposit a final publisher's version/PDF on an article (post-print) in all kinds of repositories. The primary benefit of post-print self-archiving is to reach a larger audience, which enhances the visibility and impact of your research.

8. Free copy

PDF file of the paper will be sent free of charge to the corresponding author.

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