Big Data
For Authors
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Journal Information
·Manuscript Submission Site: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/big
·Editorial Office Contact: bmeyrieuxeditorial@gmail.com
·Support Contact: prosupport@liebertpub.com
·Journal Model: Hybrid (Open Access Option)
·Blinding: Single Blind
·File formatting requirement stage: On revision. Format neutral on original submission.
·Instant Online Option (immediate publication of accepted version): No
·Submission Fee: None
·Average time to initial decision: 60 days
Manuscript Types and Guidelines
Original/Invited Articles
·8,000-word limit
·Unstructured abstract of no more than 350 words
·Maximum of eight (8) tables
·Maximum of ten (10) figures
Review Articles
·10,000-12,000-word limit
·Unstructured abstract of no more than 350 words (if applicable)
·Maximum of eight (8) tables
·Maximum of ten (10) figures
·1,500-word limit
·Unstructured abstract of no more than 150 words (if applicable)
·No tables or figures
·5,000-word limit
·Unstructured abstract of no more than 350 words (if applicable)
·A maximum of two (2) tables
·A maximum of two (2) figures
Brief Reports
·3,000-word limit
·Unstructured abstract of no more than 350 words
·A maximum of two (2) tables
·A maximum of two (2) figures
Guest Editorials
·750-word limit
·No abstract
·No tables or figures
Meeting Reports
·2,000-word limit
·By invitation only
Roundtable Discussion
·By invitation only
Letters to the Editor
·500-word limit
·May include one figure OR table
·Reference citations are identical in style to those of full original articles, but should not exceed five (5).
Word limits do NOT pertain to the abstract, disclosure statements, author contribution statements, funding information, acknowledgments, tables, figure legends, or references.
Big Data welcomes format-neutral manuscripts for first-time submissions. Newly submitted manuscripts will not be un-submitted for formatting issues. However, after the initial peer review process, revised submissions must follow correct journal formatting and file guidelines, as described in the Instructions for Authors. Please note that there are certain compulsory elements (i.e.: IRB approvals, author disclosures, etc.) for all new submissions. Manuscripts submitted without this information will be un-submitted and the submitting author will be asked to add the required components.
The content of manuscripts must be clear, accurate, coherent, and logical. The Editors will also consider the originality, teaching value, and validity of manuscripts.
When submitting LaTex files, the Publisher strongly recommends submitting a full-text PDF in addition to the source files.
References must be prepared in Word, double-spaced, and numbered consecutively as they are cited in the text (using superscript numbers). Do not include brackets or parentheses. Include the reference section as part of the main text file, not as a separate file. References appearing for the first time in tables and figures must be numbered in sequence with those cited in the text where the table or figure is mentioned. Use journal abbreviations as provided by PubMed/Medline. List the first three authors, followed by et al. If references to personal communications or unpublished data are used, they are not to be in the list of references. They should be referred to in the text in parentheses: (AB Jones, personal communication). Include among the references any articles that have been accepted but have not yet published; identify the name of publication and add "In Press." If the reference has been published online, provide the DOI number in place of the page range.
References to journal articles should include (1) Authors (first three, then et al.), (2) article title, (3) journal name (as abbreviated in Medline), (4) year; (5) volume number: (6) inclusive page range, in that order. References to books should include (1) author(s), (2) chapter title (if any), (3) editor (if any), (4) title of the book, (5) city and state or country of publication, (6) publisher, (7) year, and (8) page range if a chapter is used. Volume and edition numbers, and name of the translator should be included when appropriate.
Sample style for references:
Journal article:
Greene G, Shmueli G, Ray S, et al. Adjusting to the GDPR: The impact on data scientists and behavioral researchers. Big Data. 2019;7:140-162.
Franks B. Taming the big data tidal wave: Finding opportunities in huge data streams with advanced analytics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.