Avian Conservation and Ecology
Author Guidelines
The Submission Process is broken into the following steps. Detailed instructions for each step can be found on the submission pages.
Step 1: Specify the manuscript type, complete the checklist, submit a covering letter, and if necessary, assign your manuscript to a Special Feature.
Step 2: Specify the author information.
Author's names and affiliations will appear in the published paper the way you enter them. Please take the time to ensure your coauthors' names and affiliations are correct.
Affiliations may include department, institution, city, and/or country. None are required.
Enter mail or street addresses in the contact information box. Addresses are not required.
Step 3: Enter the Title, Abstract, Key words/phrases, and Acknowledgments.
All must be text only.
Step 4: Upload the body of the manuscript - Text only - From "Introduction" through to the end of the "Literature Cited".
Title, abstract, keywords, and acknowledgments are already entered. Please do not duplicate.
Figures, tables, appendices, equations, and all other attachments will be uploaded in Step 5.
Step 5: Specify the list of attachments and upload those attachments (tables, figures, equations, appendices)
Step 6: Final verification of the manuscript
Note: The author interface for each of these steps includes details on how to enter the information required.
Formatting a Manuscript
1. Organizing your submission
To submit, please separate your manuscript and save to the following file types:
body - from Introduction to end of Literature Cited - (rich-text format)
tables (each table is an individual file, in rich-text format)
figures (each figure is an individual image file: GIF, PNG, or JPG)
equations (each equation is an individual image file: GIF, PNG, or JPG -- GIF is best for equations)
appendices (pdf for text, tables, and figures; other file types are accepted for online resources, models, spreadsheets, etc.)
If you are unable to save in one of these formats please contact the editorial office.
2. Title, Abstract, Key words/phrases, and Acknowledgments
(Step 3 of the submission processs)
Enter your title, abstract, key words/phrases, and acknowledgments directly into the submission interface, either by typing or cutting-and-pasting. Do not duplicate them in the body of your manuscript.
The title should be entered in sentence case (that is, only the first letter and proper nouns should be in capitals.
Example: "Basic science, applied science, and the radical middle ground"
Avoid abbreviations
Abstracts should be less than 300 words.
They should not contain citations.
Avoid abbreviations - if used they must be first spelled out.
Key words/phrases should be listed alphabetically and separated by a semicolon.
3. Body of the manuscript (from Introduction through to end of Literature Cited)
Note: Figures or tables in the body of the manuscript will generate errors during the submission procedure.
Headings and subheadings
Equations, Greek symbols, and statistics
Text Boxes
Details of style
Within text referencing
Spacing, fonts, and page numbering
Web (HTML) links
Literature cited
Headings and subheadings must appear on a line by themselves
Main headings:
Standard headings should be used preferentially (if apprpriate)
Other headings are permissible
Use LITERATURE CITED (not Bibliography, References, nor anything else)
centered on a line by themselves
Secondary headings
left-justified on a line by themselves
lowercase except for initial letter of the first word
e.g., General characteristics of movement
Tertiary headings
left-justified on a line by themselves
lowercase except for initial letter of the first word
e.g., Field study and simulation model
Equations and Greek characters
The process of inserting equations occurs in both Steps 4 and 5.
First, you must indicate where in the manuscript you want the equations (Step 4)
Next, you must upload the image of the equation (Step 5).
To designate the location of each equation: Insert tags <eqn#> into the text of your manuscript where the equation should appear,
where # = 1,2,3,...,n indicates the sequential number of the equation.
During Step 5, you will be prompted to upload images of your equation(s).
Upload each equation as a separate graphic file named eqn#.gif, where # corresponds to the tags inserted into the body of the manuscript.
Any one equation may be specified any number of times by inserting the appropriate tag in the manuscript in multiple locations.
Greek characters
To include Greek characters in your manuscript please either use the "Insert -- Symbol" feature in Microsoft Word,
write out the full name of the Greek character and enclose the word in parentheses (e.g., <alpha>, <beta>) within the text of your manuscript (click here for a complete list of Greek characters and the associated full name).