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ASTROPHYSICAL BULLETIN《天体物理通报》 (Email投稿;官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《天体物理通报》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子1.191 (2019);1.092 (2019)五年
  • 自引率30.30%
  • 主要研究方向物理与天体物理-ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS天文与天体物理



ASTROPHYSICAL BULLETIN《天体物理通报》(季刊)。Astrophysical Bulletin is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the results of original resear...[显示全部]







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Guidelines for Authors of Astrophysical Bulletin


The electronic journal Astrophysical Bulletin accepts articles from all over the world in Russian or English. The journal publishes original scientific articles and reviews in all fields of modern astrophysics, as well as works devoted to instruments and methods in the field of astronomy. The total length of a manuscript (including tables and figures) should not exceed 30 typewritten pages.

Longer manuscripts are accepted with the consent of the editorial board before submission. By submitting a manuscript, the author guarantees that the corresponding material (original or translated into other languages or from other languages) has never been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

The authors should submit a manuscript (PDF file), a cover letter, and the copyright transfer agreement completed and signed by all authors and coauthors. The telephone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be specified. The agreement does not enter into force unless the manuscript is accepted for publication.

A manuscript should be mailed to the journal editorial board at astrobull@sao.ru. The files of the manuscript, signed and scanned copy of the copyright transfer agreement, and other documents should be collected in one archive file.

Upon receipt of the manuscript, the editorial board notifies the authors within five business days and specifies the date of receipt and registration number of the manuscript. In the lack of a timely response, it is advisable to contact the editorial board by e-mail or phone.

By signing the copyright transfer agreement, the authors transfer exclusive rights to all submitted parts of the manuscript to the publisher.

Submitted manuscripts within the scope of the journal that comply with the guidelines for authors and the scientific level of the journal are subject to anonymous peer review. Copies of the reviews are sent to the authors. The authors must carefully consider reviewer and editor’s comments, make appropriate corrections to the manuscript or provide arguments for disagreement with the reviewers’ comments, and return it to the editorial board within two months. After this period, the manuscript is considered a new submission. A letter from the authors that describes corrections and replies to all comments should be attached to the revised manuscript. Additional review may be assigned if no agreement is attained between the reviewer and the author. The editorial board makes a decision regarding acceptance or rejection based on the results of the review.

Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the author cannot make substantial changes and additions to the text. After publication, the author receives a copy in PDF format.

The editorial board reserves the right to reject a manuscript without discussing with author the reasons thereof.

Astrophysical Bulletin is published quarterly. There is no fee for publication in the journal.

The mailing address of the editorial board of Astrophysical Bulletin is: Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS), pos. Nizhny Arkhyz, Zelenchuksky District, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, 369167 Russia; e-mail address: astrobull@sao.ru; phone  (87822)93398, fax: (87878)46315


The manuscript should include the following elements:

1. Title, specific and informative.

2. List of all authors. The corresponding author should be indicated.

3. Affiliations of authors: full name of each institution, its postal address, city, country, and zip code. If there is more than one affiliation, please use sequentially superscripted letters in italics after each surname to match with the corresponding address.

 4. E-mail address of the corresponding author. Since manuscripts are sent for correction only via e-mail, when there is only one author, please indicate an alternative e-mail address to avoid lost mail. It is recommended to specify an address that the author can check regardless of author’s physical location. If there are several authors, it is desirable to specify the e-mail addresses of two or three authors.

5. Abstract, which should not be too short and not contain references; it should be informative and detailed and describe the methods and main results of the study; it should be clear from the ab stract what issues were addressed in the research and what answers were obtained.

6. Keywords should be selected from the attached list.

7. Body of the text. The text of the manuscript should be as concise as possible, but clear and carefully edited. When preparing the manuscript, the authors should use all terms consistently. The same entities should not be given different names. The authors should use notation, units of measure, and nomenclature consistently throughout the manuscript. Abbreviations should be avoided whenever possible, except for commonly used ones. If nonetheless used, they should be explained on first mention. In particular, the alphanumeric designations of telescopes, devices, or projects should be avoided. If necessary, provide their complete name and basic characteristics. Do not overload the manuscript with formulas. Duplicating results in tables and figures is not allowed. Jargon, terms, and abbreviations used only by a small group of specialists should be avoided.

8. The list of references, prepared in accordance with Section 11 of the House Style Guide, should contain links to available sources, and should not be excessive. The editorial board recommends bibliography preparation using BibTeX format. The BibTeX style file (bst) of the journal can be download here.

9. Figures or tables, if any, should be placed in the text, right after their first mention. Tables and figures should be numbered. Each figure must have a caption beneath. If there are several parts in one figure, they should be arranged sequentially and have a common caption. Files of figures must be numbered in sequence according to their location in the text.

In the absence of at least one of the above elements, the manuscript may be rejected without consideration.


Files of the manuscript must be submitted to the editorial board by e-mail.

The electronic version of the manuscript should include all the elements of the manuscript revised in accordance with the comments of reviewers, the editorial board, and the editorial group: text and tables in LaTeX format, illustrations in EPS format, and typeset text in PDF format. Files of the manuscript and all accompanying documents should be collected into one archive file (for example, ZIP).


After registering the manuscript, the author is notified at the specified e-mail address. The secretary of the editorial board notifies the author of acceptance of the manuscript for publication and sends the editorial board's and reviewer’s comments. In the case of a positive review, the manuscript can be accepted for publication after the settlement of all questions between the reviewer, author, and editorial board. The final version of the manuscript is submitted to the editorial board in accordance with the above rules. Once the proofs are ready, the reviewed version of the manuscript is sent to the author for approval. Guidelines for making corrections are sent to the author together with proofs. For other issues on the preparation of manuscripts and the time frame for their review and publication, please contact the editorial board.

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