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  • 期刊简称ASTRON LETT+
  • 参考译名《天文学快报-天文学和空间天体物理学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子1.489 (2019);1.090 (2019)五年
  • 自引率20.80%
  • 主要研究方向物理与天体物理-ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS天文与天体物理



ASTRONOMY LETTERS-A JOURNAL OF ASTRONOMY AND SPACE ASTROPHYSICS《天文学快报-天文学和空间天体物理学杂志》(月刊)。Astronomy Letters is an international peer reviewed journal&n...[显示全部]





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Guidelines for Authors

Astronomy Letters publishes papers on all topical ques tions of modern astronomy and astrophysics that contain as yet unpublished results requiring rapid publication.

Studies pertaining to new, rapidly developing fields of astronomy and space astrophysics are given priority.

General Requirements. The total length of a manu script (including tables and figures) should not exceed 25 typewritten pages. It may be increased only in excep tional cases by decision of the editorial board. The text of a manuscript, irrespective of its length, should be pre sented with maximum brevity befitting its clarity and it should be carefully edited. The abstract should contain the main results rather than a list of issues considered in the manuscript and should not repeat its title.

The manuscript should give a clear idea of the research objectives, the technique, and the results obtained. Jargon, terms, and abbreviations used only by a narrow group of experts should be avoided. In partic ular, proprietary alphanumeric designations of telescopes, instruments, and projects should be avoided; instead, their full names and basic characteristics should be given, if necessary. Overloading manuscripts with formulas and duplicating results in tables and figures are not permitted. Long tables (more than three typewritten pages) only in electronic form (see below).

Submission of Manuscripts. One copy of the manuscript should be submitted to the editorial office at the following address: MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”, editorial office of Pis’ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, Profsoyuznaya ul. 90, Moscow, 117997 Russia. Contact information is as follows: phone number +7 (495) 3347680; fax +7 (495) 3335377; email pazh@maik.ru, and web page http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/pazh. Electronic submission is described below.

Two copies of the copyright transfer agreement to use the materials in English should be attached to the submission (the agreement form can be downloaded at the site www.maik.ru).

The address, surname, and first and second names of the corresponding author, should be given, along with his or her phone numbers (mobile, office, and home), and email.

Reviewing. As a rule, the manuscripts submitted to Astronomy Letters are sent to two peer reviewers; in some cases, additional review may be necessary. When the authors receive reviews requiring revision of the manuscript, they should reply to the editorial office within one month. Otherwise, the manuscript is deemed to have been retracted by the author(s). The reply should consist of the revised manuscript and an accompanying letter that describes which of reviewer’s points were taken into account, which were disre garded, and why. If a manuscript is rejected, the edito rial office retains a copy.

Preparation of Manuscripts. Manuscripts should be presented in a standard (12 pt) font. Pages, along with tables and figures, should be numbered separately.

The following should be printed on the title page: the title of the manuscript, the initials and surnames of all authors (separated by a comma), the affiliations of all authors, a brief abstract (approximately 150–200 words), and keywords. The email address of the corresponding author should be given at the bottom of the page, with an asterisk placed near his or her surname. If the study was carried out at different institutions, then a reference in the form of a letter (in italic) that specifies the respective affiliation should be given after the surname of each author. A list of affiliations is given after the surnames of all authors. The main body of the text should begin from the second page of the manuscript. It is recommended to break the manuscript into sections, to begin it with an Introduction formulating the problem, and to end it with Conclusions listing the main results of the work (numbering of sections should be avoided).


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