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  • 期刊简称ARDEOLA
  • 参考译名《池鹭属-国际鸟类学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率19.40%
  • 主要研究方向生物学-ORNITHOLOGY 鸟类学



ARDEOLA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY《池鹭属-国际鸟类学杂志》(半年刊). Ardeola: International Journal of Ornithology is the scientific journal of SEO/BirdLif...[显示全部]







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For Authors

Ardeola: International Journal of Ornithology publishes original research on all fields of ornithology and ornithological news, with no page charges. The language of publication of the main sections is British English. These are: Research papers, Short Communications, Review Articles and Forum. The last two of these comprise review and discursive works in a less structured format (see below). A section on Ornithological News is published in Spanish and summarises noteworthy Recent Ornithological Observations in Spain. It also includes the annual report of the Rarities Committee of the Spanish Ornithological Society (CR-SEO/BirdLife). Book reviews and summaries of recent PhD-Dissertations presented at Spanish universities are also published on-line.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to redirect ornithological news items that are considered more appropriate for regional annual reports to the respective Editors. Articles or short notes that refer to Spanish records of species that are included on the CR-SEO/BirdLife list of rare species will only be considered if such records have been accepted by the committee.


Manuscripts should be submitted throughout this platform (Word files for text and figures). Receipt of submitted works (other than ornithological news) will be acknowledged within fifteen days of receipt. A registration number will be assigned to the manuscript, which should cited in any correspondence with the Editorial Office. The Editor-in-Chief will forward suitable submissions to a member of the Editorial Board for evaluation. Authors of unsuitable material will be informed at this stage.

All manuscripts must be accompanied by a letter of declaration to the Editor confirming that the work is original and has not been submitted to any other scientific publication. The letter should also indicate that all authors are in agreement with the version submitted and agree to its publication in Ardeola.

Authors should consult the following guidelines before submitting manuscripts. Those that do not comply with these guidelines will not be considered. Authors whose native language is not English are especially recommended to consult the ‘EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English’.

Author guidelines

Presentation of manuscripts. —Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages, including figures and tables. Approximately 400 words per page and 160 words per figure or table are permitted. Texts should be written clearly and concisely in grammatically correct English. British spelling and usage is required. Non-English speakers should have the text checked by a competent user of English prior to submission. Manuscripts that fail to meet these Author Guidelines will be returned to the authors.

Manuscripts should be double-spaced, in a standard, easy to read font (e.g. Arial), in point size 11 or 12, with 75px margins. All pages should be numbered consecutively in the upper right-hand corner and lines should be numbered on all pages to facilitate the work of the referees. Symbols, units and abbreviations should be expressed as Système International (SI) units.

Common names are used in the text. These should be capitalised as follows: ‘Azure-winged Magpie’, ‘Lesser Short-toed Lark, but note ‘gulls’, ‘larks’. The English name is followed by the italicised scientific name, without parentheses, the first time a species is cited: e.g. Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica. Authorities and dates for the Latin binomials of bird species are not required.

Scientific and common names should follow the HBW and BirdLife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World (del Hoyo, J. & Collar, N. 2014/2016. Lynx Edicions).

Texts should be divided into the following sections, in that order.

1. Title page

(i) The title, which should be brief and informative, not exceeding 110 characters. Titles in the form of questions should be avoided. A Spanish version of the title should be included if possible; it will otherwise be translated by the editorial office.

(ii) The full names and addresses of all authors.

(iii) The e-mail address of the contact author.

(iv) An abbreviated page-header title, not exceeding 50 characters.

(v) Up to eight key words in alphabetical order; these should not include words used in the title.

(vi) The number of words in the text, excluding the summary, bibliography, tables and figures.

(vii) The type of article (Research paper, Short Communication, Review Article or Forum).

(viii) the ORCID identifier of each author, if available (these are unique and persistent identifiers that link unambiguously scholars with research outputs to ensure that their work is properly attributed)

(ix) author contributions using the CRediT taxonomy (for a further explanation, see Nature 508, 312-313). It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that contributions are agreed on by all co-authors prior to manuscript submission.

2. Summaries

Concise and informative summaries in English and Spanish, preferably of fewer than 300 words, giving a brief account of the objective(s) of the study, methods, results and principal conclusions. The editorial office can produce the Spanish version if required.

3. Introduction

A brief summary of the current background of the study topic and of the objectives of the work.

4. Methods

A concise account of the methodology, in sufficient detail to permit other researchers to replicate the work.

5. Results

Concise and rigorous presentation of the results obtained, excluding speculation or argument. Including tables and figures where necessary.

6. Discussion

Interpretation of the results placing them in the context of the study topic and of the objectives. Alternative interpretations may be proposed and discussed here, drawing attention to the most probable. May include suggestions for future study and an account of the implications of the findings.

7. Acknowledgments

These should be brief. They should include sources of financial support.

8. References

References should be cited in the text in parentheses, ordered chronologically as follows: (Senar, 2004; Legendre 2008); (Poulin & Lefevre, 1995); (Pinto et al., 2005); according to Pinto et al. (2005). The reference list should be arranged alphabetically by authors' names then chronologically by author, in the following format:


Bernis, F. (1966). Migración en Aves. Tratado teórico y Práctico. SEO. Madrid.

Pinto, M., Rocha, P. & Moreira, F. (2005). Long trends in great bustard (Otis tarda) populations in Portugal suggest concentration in single high quality area. Biological Conservation, 124: 415-423.

Poulin, B. & Lefevre, G. (1995). Additional information on the use of emetic in determining the diet of tropical birds. Condor, 97: 897-902.

Suárez, F. (2004). Aves y agricultura en España peninsular: una revisión sobre el estado actual del conocimiento y una previsión sobre el futuro. In, J. L. Tellería (Ed.): Libro homenaje a Francisco Bernis, pp. 223-265. Editorial Complutense de Madrid.

Figures.—These should be self-explanatory. They should be cited consecutively in the text, using Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). They should be presented on separate pages at the end of the text. All figure legends should be given together on a separate page. Each figure should have the name of the first author and the running title as a footer. TIFF files are preferable but high quality JPEG or PDF are acceptable. Only black-and-white or grayscale images are accepted for the printed issue, although a colour version may be published online. Colour choices should bear the colour-vision impaired in mind. Photographs should be high resolution, submitted as TIFF files. Spanish-language translations of the figure legends should also be supplied or requested from the editorial office.

Tables.—These should be kept as simple as follows, properly aligned with no split columns. They should be cited consecutively in the text, using Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). They should be presented on separate pages at the end of the text. Table legends should precede their respective tables on the same sheets. Legends should include a key to any symbols or abbreviations used in the table. Table contents must not include any information additional to that presented in the Results. Spanish-language translations of the table legends should also be supplied or requested from the editorial office.

Statistics.—Means, standard errors, standard deviations, medians, interquartile ranges and confidence limits should be expressed in the following format: e.g. for mean and standard error: mean ± SE. 31.3 ± 2.14. Sample sizes should follow statistics given in the text, e.g. mean ± SE, 31.2 ± 2.14, N = 357. When stating the statistical significance of tests the name of the test and its value should be followed by the degrees of freedom (d.f.) or the sample size and the P value. The different elements of statistics should be separated by a comma. If the statistic is a conventional one (ANOVA, Chi squared, t-test), the degrees of freedom (d.f.) are expressed as subindices of the statistical test, e.g., variance analysis, ANOVA: F1, 22 = 7.95, P > 0.01. Kruskal-Wallis test: h9 = 364.8, P < 0.001. Chi squared:X²4 = 0.23, NS. t-Test: t25 = 0.5, P < 0.05. Where the test is conventional, with sample sizes, these should be followed by the statistical value of the test, for example, Spearman Correlation: rs = 0.75, N = 13, P < 0.01. Wilcoxon Test: T = 29, N = 2, P < 0.01. Mann-Whitney U test: U = 56, N1 = N2 = 24, P < 0.03. P values should figure as < when the significant value is less than 0.05, 0.01 or 0.001 or should give the exact probability value. Non-significant values should be expressed as NS, or as the exact probability value and not as P > 0.05. Decimal points should be preceded by figures or 0, as appropriate. Where values have been transformed for parametric tests, the nature and reason for the transformation (e.g. log, c2, arcsine) should be given. Unit abbreviations should be given as follows: 25m and 25m-radius point counts (note there is not a gap between the figure and the abbreviation). Manuscripts that do not comply with these norms will be returned without revision.

Supplementary material.—The journal accepts supplementary information to papers in the form of datasets, tables, figures, videos and other material, which are posted on the journal webpage www.ardeola.org. These should be cited in the main text as “...(Supplementary material appendix 1, Table A1)...”, “...(Supplementary material appendix 1, Table A2)...”, “...(Supplementary material appendix 2, Figure B1)...” “...(Supplementary material appendix 3, Figure C1)...”. The supplementary material should be referrd to after the References section, as follow: “Additional supporting information may be found in the on-line version of this paper. See the current volume on www.ardeola.org”. These appendices should include the header “supplementary material”, and the same information as points (i) to (iv) on the title page.

Short Communications

Short Communications are brief papers presenting novel or provocative findings and technical notes. Please, bear in mind we are not interested in purely descriptive or anecdotal communications. They should not exceed 4,500 words, including up to three tables/figures. Both keywords and an abstract should be included but other headings are not required.

Review Papers

These summarise important topics of methodology and research trends in avian science. Reviews are normally invited, but authors wishing to submit a review are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief.


These aim to facilitate the discussion of studies or lines of investigation that have been published in Ardeola or other publications, as well as stimulating the presentation of new ideas.

Ornithological News and the Rarities Committee

News of species not on the rarities list should be sent to Blas Molina (bmolina@seo.org or noticiario@seo.org) if from the Peninsula or Balearic Islands, or to Juan Antonio Lorenzo (jalorenzo@seo.org) if fror the Canary Islands. Records of rare birds that require homologation must be submitted to rarezas@seo.org.

PhD-Dissertation Summaries

The authors of doctoral theses that have been defended in Spain may send an English summary to the editor of this section, Francisco Valera (pvalera@eeza.csic.es). These should comprise a single paragraph, without sub- sections and should not exceed 900 words. The thesis title, five keywords, year of acceptance, the university where it was defended and the names of the candidate and supervisor should be stated.

Book Reviews

This section publishes reviews of publications received and deposited in the SEO/BirdLife library. Most reviews are solicited by editors from individual contributors, but additional reviews are always most welcome. Reviews express the opinions of the individual reviewer and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or SEO/BirdLife.

Proofs and reprints

Authors of articles, short notes and the forum will receive printer’s proofs that must be returned to the Secretary within five days of receipt. Publication will otherwise be deferred. Corrections other than typographical ones may be charged to the author. An electronic version of each published work will be sent to the authors in PDF format. Publication on-line will require the authorisation of SEO/BirdLife, the copyright owner.

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