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AQUATIC MAMMALS《水生哺乳动物》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称AQUAT MAMM
  • 参考译名《水生哺乳动物》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率17.20%
  • 主要研究方向生物学-MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 海洋与淡水生物学;ZOOLOGY 动物学



AQUATIC MAMMALS《水生哺乳动物》(双月刊). Aquatic Mammals is a scientific peer reviewed journal. The journal publishes papers dealing with all aspe...[显示全部]







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Instructions for Authors

Step 1. Submitting a Manuscript

Submit your manuscript online with Manuscript FastTrack at this link


Papers reporting original research conducted on aquatic mammals will be considered for publication by the editors, editorial board, and appropriate reviewers based on scientific merit. Papers should not be concurrently submitted to another journal nor previously published, either wholly or in part. Each manuscript will be reviewed by two external reviewers and one journal co-editor. If there is disagreement between reviewers, the manuscript will be submitted to a third external reviewer.

Types of Contributions

Aquatic Mammals accepts contributions formatted as full Research Articles, Short Notes, Reports, and Letters to the Editor. Please consult the journal's Author Formatting Guidelines when formatting your submission. Research Articles should discuss novel and important findings in the study of aquatic mammals, demonstrate sufficient methodological rigor, and provide a discussion/conclusion that is both important and justified given the results of the study. Short Notes may include experimental results or observations involving scientifically valid methods for which small sample sizes or limited results do not allow for sufficient elaboration to constitute a Research Article. Reports include results compiled from conferences or other workshops, meetings, etc. Letters to the Editor may include important announcements or comments on topics relevant to the scientific study of aquatic mammals or constructive comments related to previous contributions to Aquatic Mammals. Reviews will also be considered, but please contact the Managing Editor before submitting a review paper.

Consultation with the Managing Editor at an early stage of manuscript preparation is advisable when

the subject matter makes it difficult to follow the formatting instructions.

the printed paper will exceed 25 pages (i.e., more than 60-page Word document (.docx) at double space 12 pt Times font).

more detailed directions for preparing manuscripts are required.

Before submitting,

review and revise your manuscript to fit our formatting guidelines

note our policy on plagiarism

All submissions should contain the following:

Manuscript: Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).  Please do not submit a PDF version.

Cover letter: A cover letter must clearly state that the material has not been published elsewhere and must include the address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. It is the responsibility of the author to keep in touch with the editors about changes in contact information.

Optional figures/tables document: Figures and tables may be inserted into the manuscript (at the end of the text) or may be submitted in a separate single Word document (.doc or docx format). Please do NOT submit all figures and tables as separate files.

NOTE: When you submit your manuscript through the journal's Manuscript Fast Track system, you will be required to list your co-authors and provide email addresses for all co-authors. Also, we require the included suggestion of at least 1, preferrably 3, names of potential reviewers with their email contacts.

To submit,

register and submit the manuscript online at Manuscript Fast Track: http://am.expressacademic.org/login.php

enter all documents related to your manuscript under the same submission ID (201#-XXXX), which will be assigned to the manuscript upon submission.

If you are unable to access Manuscript Fast Track, contact the journal at aquaticmammals@gmail.com

Authors will be able to view reviewers' and the editor's comments on their manuscript by logging in to their account on the Manuscript Fast Track system. All necessary documents (e.g., format-checked versions of the manuscript and edited versions of the manuscript) will be viewable to the author via the system, or sent to the author from their editor via e-mail.

Remember - you must include the email addresses for your co-authors and are also requested to suggest 1-3 potential reviewer names with their email contacts.

Step 2: Revising a Manuscript

When a manuscript is accepted after peer review, detailed revision requests will be sent to a corresponding author by the editor via e-mail through the Manuscript Fast Track system. You may be asked to incorporate changes and edits, and address questions and concerns indicated by the reviewer(s). The editor will advise as to which documents on Manuscript Fast Track need to be consulted or will send you revision instructions directly via email. Please incorporate all changes indicated by the editor and reviewer(s). If you disagree with changes suggested by the editor or the reviewer(s), please detail your reasoning in a separate cover letter.

Changes may be made directly to a Microsoft Word version of the manuscript once a reviewed manuscript has been accepted for publication. A separate document detailing the author(s)' responses to all reviewer comments should also be created. After making the necessary revisions, the revised manuscript should be sent directly to the specific co-editor via e-mail. In the event that you are unable to edit a Microsoft Word version of the manuscript, summarize changes to the manuscript by page, paragraph number, and line number and send to the co-editor by e-mail.

Accepted Manuscript Revision Return Deadline

Once a manuscript has been peer-reviewed and accepted (with minor or major revision) for publication in Aquatic Mammals, the revised manuscript and response to reviewer comments files are required to be returned no later than three (3) months from the acceptance date. Authors are responsible to coordinate the return of their revised manuscript and response to reviewer comments files by e-mail with their journal co-editor. Failure to meet this three-month return deadline could necessitate a full resubmission of the manuscript as a new document, which will include subsequent new peer-review.

Step 3: Manuscript Publication

Once your revised manuscript is approved, it will be sent to our copy editor and layout designer for formatting/copy editing. You will be notified by the Assistant Editor when your manuscript is forwarded to our copy editing/layout team. At this point, you may be asked to submit separate high-resolution files of tables/figures to facilitate the formatting process.

Shanee Sullivan will format the text and layout of figures and tables. Sandy Larimer (copyeditor@aquaticmammalsjournal.org) will copy edit the formatted article and coordinate with the journal's assistant editor to send to you any questions she has and a galley proof via e-mail.

Once formatted, you will be emailed a PDF of the galley proof. Please quickly review, respond to any questions from the copyedit team, and summarize any minor additional edits or changes in an e-mail. You can list edits in the e-mail body, in a new Word document, or directly on the PDF via comments.

You will be able to review the revised galley proofs as many times as needed, assuming the edits are minor in nature. Any significant changes requested to the text, layout, tables, or figures at this stage will be charged a minimum fee of $55 per hour of time expended. Thus, we encourage authors to make any significant changes to their manuscript prior to submitting your revised manuscript to the editors.

If you have a short video-clip associated with your manuscript, we have the ability to place this on the Aquatic Mammals website at no charge. Please notify your co-editor of the video-clip(s) when sending your revised manuscript.

Authors will receive an ADA accessible PDF of their published article for their free use in creating reprints. Reprints of whole issues or PDF files of an issue are available as additional purchases. Contact the Managing Editor for a quote.

Page Fee Details

If your manuscript is accepted for publication in Aquatic Mammals, please be aware of the following page charges and publication fees:

75 USD flat fee to place each article online. (Note: Aquatic Mammals does not print only online or only in hard copy. All articles are published online and in hard copy.)

55 USD per black and white galley-proof page. A galley-proof page is roughly equivalent to 2.5 manuscript pages (double space, Times 12 pt font), not including figures or tables.

60 USD per color galley-proof page for the online edition with the print edition appearing in black and white or 101 USD per color galley-proof page appearing in both print and online editions

50 USD flat fee to process supplemental documents into a PDF for placement on the website with a published PDF. No fee to place already-processed videos on the website as supplemental

Hybrid Open Access Option

750 USD flat fee - Aquatic Mammals now offers a hybrid open access option for all published articles. Authors may request to have their article as “open access” from the journal for this fee. This flat fee would be in addition to the regular page fees for every article published in Aquatic Mammals. Selection of this open access option also means an author may post their ADA PDF to their websites or repositories for free distribution.

Manuscripts are reviewed and accepted prior to soliciting page charges and publication fees. Upon acceptance of the manuscript and approval of the galley proof, an invoice for the relevant fees will be sent to the first author or designated individual/entity. If you have any questions or concerns about these charges and fees, please contact the Managing Editor, Dr. Kathleen Dudzinski (business@aquaticmammalsjournal.org), for more details. If you have a particularly good photograph that could be used on the cover of the issue, your publication charges might be reduced. Consideration of cover art is on a first-come basis.

Copyright: Upon publication, the copyright passes to the journal. Permission must be obtained from the Managing Editor to reprint an article or a part of an article published in Aquatic Mammals.

Send correspondence to:

Dr. Kathleen M. Dudzinski

Managing Editor

Aquatic Mammals Journal

P.O. Box 7485

Port St. Lucie, FL 34985


Phone: +1 860 514 4704

E-mail: business@aquaticmammalsjournal.org

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