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  • 参考译名《水生生态系统健康与管理》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM HEALTH & MANAGEMENT《水生生态系统健康与管理》(季刊). Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management is the official journal of the Aquatic Ec...[显示全部]










6、自2021年由出版社Michigan State University Press出版。






Author Guidelines

Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management receives all manuscript submissions electronically only, via the Michigan State University Press website.  To submit a manuscript:

Ensure your manuscript follows the Author’s Instruction.

Register and log into the system in order to begin a submission (be sure to click the "author" box during registration). If you need to register for an account, contact journals@msu.edu. If registering with your ORCID, please put the full web address but without the "s" following "http" (e.g., http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097).

Note: if you missed clicking "author" in the Roles section you can do so in your profile once you are logged in. If you are a reviewer and want to become an author you will need to this in order to submit.

Go to "user home" and click "new submission" to begin the submission process.

Go through the author checklist to make sure you have fulfilled the requirements.

Submit your manuscript on the submission page.

Upload any figures, images, or tables as supplemental files on the supplemental files page.

Complete submission. You will receive an email confirming your submission.

If you have any other requests, please contact Jennifer Lorimer, Assistant to the Editor, at jennifer.lorimer@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.

All manuscripts will be subject to rigorous peer review by at least two qualified and experienced referees / reviewers. Authors have the option to suggest qualified referees (while ensuring no potential for conflict of interest). The review process is confidential and the authors should not be in contact with the suggested referees regarding their reviews. The AEHMS has the right to select qualified referees of their choice. 

Manuscript guidelines

Only manuscripts that meet the following guidelines will be considered for publication by the Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management (AEHM):

Manuscripts must be original. They must not be published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. It is required that the lead author of accepted papers complete and sign the MSU Press AEHM author publishing agreement.

The corresponding author should take the lead in the processing of the manuscript. Before submission, every co-author must approve the manuscript.

The authors should agree to pay page charges by completing the Author Agreement form, as outlined in the Page Charges section (see below), and include it with the manuscript upon submission. Authors must also comply with deadlines, follow the Authors’ Instructions and not withdraw their submitted manuscript without legitimate reasons.

It is highly recommended that authors follow the page limit restrictions according to the guidelines below on manuscript preparation. Submissions longer than 9 pages will generally be returned to the author for condensing before peer review can begin and may be rejected.

Manuscript format should follow the preparation guidelines given below, including the method for citing references.

Papers must be written in clear, comprehensible English that meets international publication standards. Authors, whose native language is not English, are advised to consult someone with English as a first language before submitting their manuscript. Better English will improve the effectiveness and speed of the review process and ensure that the paper is assessed fairly.

The Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society (AEHMS) offers a manuscript preparation and technical service (Page by Page Editing). Potential contributors needing this linguistic editing service should contact the AEHMS editorial office for rates and details.

Processing of papers

All papers submitted for publication are processed as quickly as possible by the editorial office, depending on the availability of experienced referees. The deadlines given to authors to revise their manuscripts should be respected. Following the initial peer review of the manuscript, a systematic response and/or rebuttal to all of the reviewers’ comments is essential for the completion of the review process. Manuscripts will not be considered further unless a systematic response is received.

If  revisions to the manuscript are returned after the given deadline, the manuscript may experience delays in publication, since it will have lost its priority in the publication queue.

Submitting your manuscript in a Word document will give the reviewers the option to make changes on the manuscript using the “Track Changes” function during their review. You may also add line numbering so that the reviewer can refer to individual lines of the paper in their comments.

Page charges

The AEHMS maintains a high international standard of technical and linguistic standard by

contracting these services to qualified and professional editorial personnel. To offset these costs, a fee is charged per published page for accepted manuscripts, as outlined below:

As indicated above, all authors must complete an agreement form regarding the payment of page charges.  The form can be found above in the Manuscript Submission section. Payment will be invoiced after the manuscript is accepted for publication.




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