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The Annals of Thoracic Surgery《胸外科年鉴》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《胸外科年鉴》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 高质量科技期刊(T2), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率10.00%



The Annals of Thoracic Surgery《胸外科年鉴》(月刊). The mission of The Annals of Thoracic Surgery is to promote scholarship in cardiothorac...[显示全部]







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The Annals of Thoracic Surgery

Author Information

Contact and Manuscript Submission

G. Alexander Patterson, MD

Editor, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery

The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

633 N St. Clair Street, 21st Floor

Chicago, IL 60611-3658

PHONE: (312) 202-5808

FAX: (312) 268-5263

Email: theannals@sts.org

Manuscript submission: http://www.editorialmanager.com/annals

1. General Description of Content

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery publishes original articles on topics in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, features such as case reports, "how to do it" articles, and image reports, as well as new technology evaluations, STS workforce reports, clinical practice guidelines, review articles, articles on our surgical heritage, special reports, book reviews, invited editorials, correspondence, commentaries and four continuing medical education (CME) activities each month. The electronic issue posted at http://www.annalsthoracicsurgery.org is the journal of record.

2. Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts must be submitted at http://www.editorialmanager.com/annals. Authors must be registered on the site to submit manuscripts online. Every submission, regardless of category, must include: a cover letter, indicating the category of article (see below); the complete manuscript, including title page, abstract, text, tables, acknowlegments, required disclosures (see below), references and illustrations.

Manuscripts submitted may not have been previously published in print or electronic format, and cannot be under consideration by another publication or medium.

A Conditions for Publication Form, which includes disclosures of individual conflicts of interest and author contributions to the study, must be signed by all authors. The signed Conditions for Publication Form should be sent by email (theannals@sts.org) or fax (312-268-5263).

Written permission from the publisher (copyright holder) is required to reproduce any previously published table(s); illustrations(s) or photograph(s) in both print and electronic media. Written permission from any patients (masked or unmasked) appearing in photographs is also required.

3. General Information for Formatting Manuscripts

Prepare manuscripts in Microsoft Word using 11 point Arial or Times New Roman fonts. Do NOT submit your manuscript in PDF format, as it cannot be processed by the online manuscript tracking system. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced throughout (including title page, abstract, text, references, tables, and legends) with one inch (2.5 cm) margins all around.

Arrange manuscript as follows: (1) title page, (2) abstract, (3) text, (4) acknowledgments, (5) disclosures if required, (6) references (do not use EndNotes), (7) tables, and (8) figure legends. Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page as page 1 and ending with the page of figure legends. Do not use manuscript line numbers. Do not embed tables in the body of the text; they should appear after the references. "Order of Content Within Manuscripts" is described below in Section 5.

The title page elements include name and degree information for all authors, and their institutional affiliations and roles, acknowledgments (if appropriate); funding statement, statements regarding conflicts and/or competing interest; and information on any prior or related publications, and prior abstract/poster presentation, as well as the contact information for the corresponding author.

Each figure should be uploaded according to the specifications in Illustrations (Section 5) as an image file, separate from the manuscript file. The system will generate a single PDF for review purposes that includes your manuscript file and any image files.

Supplemental material (including any supplemental tables, text, figures, or videos) can be entered as part of the submission process at http://www.editorialmanager.com/annals. More information on uploading supplemental material is described in “Supplemental Material” (Section 5).

American English spelling should be used throughout the manuscript, including within illustrations.

All New Technology papers require an Acknowlegement, which discloses funding resources and includes a freedom of investigation statement.

Feature Articles:

The Annals publishes feature articles (Case Reports, How to Do Its, and Images in Cardiothoracic Surgery) online only. The title and authors of feature articles are listed in the print Table of Contents, and the articles appear in full only in the online edition of The Annals at http://www.annalsthoracicsurgery.org and on ScienceDirect. Online feature articles are referenced and cited the same as print articles, and are indexed in Medline and other secondary services. The Editor may designate an article to appear in print from time to time.

Case reports should have both high clinical and educational value, and should contain novel information for our readers. While a case may be rare, if it does not contain unreported presentations, diagnoses, and/or management of a new and emerging disease, it is likely not of high enough priority for publication in The Annals. In addition, Case Reports should NOT be combined with any reviews of the literature.

How to Do It articles should be a description of a useful surgical technique and contain descriptive, illustrative material describing the innovation.

Images in Cardiothoracic Surgery showcase interesting photographs or images (CTs, MRIs, polysomnographic tracings, OR setups, etc) from unusual cases.

Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) are usually, but not exclusively developed by the STS Workforce on Evidence Based Surgery. CPGs, but not consensus documents or reviews, will have an Executive Summary that includes “levels of evidence” for recommendations after the list of author names in lieu of an abstract. The Executive Summary may be up to 1000 words (which are included in the word count limit). The total word limit for guidelines is 6500 words and the number of references should not exceed 80. Peer review is at the discretion of the editor. The final document must be endorsed by the STS Board of Directors.

Consensus documents originate from one or more self-appointed experts and require commercial funding to cover page costs. These documents do not require prior approval of the STS, but are peer reviewed. The format of the article or articles is that of a review article. Word limits are negotiable.

Reviews originate with authors and are peer reviewed. The total word limit is 6500 words and the number of references should not exceed 80. The structured abstract is limited to 250 words, which are included in the word count. Reviews must have a Methods section that describes the sources (databases, prior publications, etc.) that were searched. Topics should be reasonably broad (as opposed to rare diseases) and preferably ones about which there is doubt or controversy regarding management. Authors should seek to integrate data learned from the review and not merely provide one line précis of prior publications.

Meta-analyses and Systematic Reviews are required to be cleared via a proposal and completion of the Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Pre-Submission Form. Please submit your form and proposal to theannals@sts.org, and you will receive an answer within 7-10 days either declining or confirming an invitation to submit. Approved requests are guaranteed external review but not acceptance of your manuscript. Meta-analyses/systematic reviews that are submitted and did not receive pre-submission clearance will be returned to you without review. Meta-analysis and systematic reviews should conform to PRISMA guidelines for transparent reporting (http://www.prisma-statement.org/), and a completed PRISMA Checklist and PRISMA Flow Diagram should be included as attachments along with your pre-submission form. A systematic review answers a defined research question by collecting and summarizing all empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria and uses a clearly defined search strategy. A meta-analysis is the use of statistical methods to summarize the results of these published studies.

Invited Expert Reviews are solicited at the Editor's discretion.

Surgical Heritage articles are limited to 4500 words and describe breakthrough achievements that created and directly led to new surgical therapy for thoracic diseases. These articles may or may not include biographical précis of the architects of the achievement. The category is designed to interest our entire readership and therefore does not include tributes, anecdotes of isolated procedures which were not further developed, or vignettes of interesting history or discovery. Memorials are usually limited to past presidents of the STS and are published as Surgical Heritage articles. Memorials are limited to 2500 words and two photographs. Authors are chosen by the STS Board of Directors. Authors are asked to include contributions to the STS of the deceased during his or her ascent to office as well as achievements during and after leaving the presidency.

Correspondence (Letters to the Editor) and commentaries are limited to 500 words. Do not include tables and subtract 100 words for each illustration.




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