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  • 期刊简称UROL INT
  • 参考译名《国际泌尿学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率8.40%
  • 主要研究方向医学-UROLOGY & NEPHROLOGY 泌尿学与肾脏学



UROLOGIA INTERNATIONALIS《国际泌尿学》(月刊). Concise but fully substantiated international reports of clinically oriented research into the science and&n...[显示全部]








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Urologia Internationalis

Author Guidelines

About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Concise but fully substantiated international reports of clinically oriented research into the science and current management of urogenital disorders form the nucleus of original as well as basic research papers. These are supplemented by up-to-date reviews by international experts on the state of the art of key topics of clinical urological practice. Essential topics receiving regular coverage include the introduction of new techniques and instrumentation as well as the evaluation of new functional tests and diagnostic methods. Special attention is given to advances in new surgical techniques and clinical oncology. The regular publication of selected case reports represents the great variation in urological disease and illustrates treatment solutions in singular cases.

Article Types

Research Article

Research Articles report on primary research. They must describe significant and original observations. Consideration for publication is based on the article’s originality, novelty, and scientific soundness, and the appropriateness of its analysis.

Research Articles are reports of original work. Authors are asked to follow the EQUATOR Network for Research Articles.

Prior approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or an Ethics Review Committee is required for all investigations involving human subjects.

A downloadable template is available below.


Research Article (DOCX, 28.97 KB)

The word limit is 3,000 words including tables, illustrations and references; the structured abstract should not to exceed 200 words.

Review Article

Review Articles are considered reviews of research or summary articles. They are state-of-the-art papers covering a current topic by experts in the field. They should give evidence on and provide answers to a well-defined aspect or question in a particular area. Review Articles must include a critical discussion of the reported data and give a clear conclusion with potential impacts on the standard of care.

A downloadable template is available below.


Review Article (DOCX, 23.66 KB)

Systematic Review

Systematic Reviews are literature reviews focused on a research question that synthesizes all high-quality research evidence relevant to that question. Systematic Reviews should be presented in the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion format. The subject must be clearly defined. The objective of a Systematic Review should be to arrive at an evidence-based conclusion. The Methods section should give a clear indication of the literature search strategy, data extraction procedure, grading of evidence, and kind of analysis used. We strongly encourage authors to comply with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.

A downloadable template is available below.


Systematic Review (DOCX, 27.56 KB)

Systematic reviews should contain a structured abstract of up to 200 words.

Case Report

Case Reports can present a case study, case report, or other description of a case. Case Reports present significant new insights or cases with an unusual and noteworthy course. Submissions can be based on a case or a number of similar cases. The most important aspect of the presentation is that it should provide a new perspective on a recognized clinical scenario or may represent an entirely new clinical condition. The novelty of the case(s) may lie in the phenotype, the presentation, the investigation, and/or the management. We strongly encourage authors to comply with the CARE guidelines.The manuscript must include a statement detailing that written informed consent for publication was obtained and from whom (e.g. “Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and any accompanying images.”). If the patient has died, consent for publication must be obtained from their next of kin. If the patient described in the case report is a minor or vulnerable, then consent for publication must be obtained from the parent/legal guardian. The completed consent form must be made available to the Editor if requested, and will be treated confidentially.

A downloadable template is available below.


Case Report (DOCX, 27.01 KB)

Case reports may contain up to 1,000 words. One table and two figures may be included, as well as an unstructured abstract of 200 words. References should be limited to 10.

Please note that page charges apply from page 3 of the final article (not from page 4 as for other article types). For more information on page charges, see the Cost of Publication section below.


Editorials provide a viewpoint on specific articles or on general subjects directly relevant to the journal. Editorials are written by an editor or other member of the journal.

A downloadable template is available below.


Editorial (DOCX, 24.95 KB)

Editorials are published by invitation only.


Letters may explore subjects related to matters discussed in the journal, providing the author’s perspective on a subject. Letters may discuss a recently published article and may lend support or constructively critique the article in line with the author’s experience. The editors reserve the right to share such letters to the authors of the article concerned prior to publication in order to permit response, ideally in the same issue of the journal. Letters should not include original data.

A downloadable template is available below.


Letter (DOCX, 24.24 KB)

Letters should include matters of interest to urologists and not to exceed 500 words.

Contact Information

Should you have any problems with your submission, please contact the editorial office:

Karin Fava

Editorial Office 'Urologia Internationalis'

S. Karger AG

P.O. Box

CH-4009 Basel (Switzerland)

Tel. +41 61 306 1306

Fax +41 61 306 1434


Editorial and Journal Policies

General Conditions

Only papers written in English are considered. The articles should be comprehensible to a reader who is fluent in English and should be edited prior to submission to ensure that standard English grammar and usage are observed. Use of a professional language editing service prior to submission can help avoid delays with the review process.

All manuscripts are subject to editorial review.

The presentation of manuscripts should follow the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Karger journals aim to adhere to the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines.

By submitting an article for publication, the authors agree to the transfer of the copyright to the publisher upon acceptance. Accepted papers become the permanent property of the Journal and may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the publisher.

The Submission Statement with original (hand-written) signatures is to be provided upon submitting the paper. If it is not possible to collect all signatures on a single document, individual copies should be provided for each author.

Karger recommends the use of original images and materials whenever possible. If a submitted manuscript contains third-party copyright material(s), it is the authors’ sole responsibility to obtain permission from the relevant copyright holder for reusing the material(s), including any associated licensing fee. The copyright and usage information needs to be checked carefully to avoid copyright infringement.

Most publishers offer a quick and easy way to clear permissions for their content via the built-in website application RightsLink or via https://www.copyright.com/get-permissions/. Another widely used licensing tool is PLSClear. Please check the publishers websites for the available options and user instructions.


All submitted manuscripts must contain a statements section after the main body of the text, but before the reference list.

Statement of Ethics

Published research must comply with internationally-accepted standards for research practice and reporting. Manuscripts may be rejected if the editors believe that the research has not been carried out within an appropriate ethical framework, and concerns raised after publication may lead to a correction, retraction, or expression of concern in line with COPE guidelines.

Studies involving human subjects (including research on identifiable human material and data) must have been performed with the approval of an appropriate ethics committee and with appropriate participants’ informed consent in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration.

In the manuscript, authors should specify the name of the ethics committee or other relevant authority who approved the study protocol and provide the reference number where appropriate. If ethics approval was not required, or if the study has been granted an exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript (including the name of the ethics committee who made that decision).

For all research involving human subjects, written informed consent to participate in the study should be obtained from participants (or their parent/legal guardian  where appropriate  ) and a statement detailing this should appear in the manuscript. For studies involving vulnerable participants or participants at risk of potential coercion, detailed information regarding the steps taken to ensure informed consent must be provided. If consent was not obtained, please specify why and whether this was approved by the ethics committee.

In line with the ICMJE recommendations on the protection of research participants, authors must avoid providing identifying information unless strictly necessary for the submission and participants’ identifiable attributes must be anonymized in the manuscript and its supplementary files, if any. If identifying information is necessary, authors must confirm that the individual has provided written consent for the use of that information in a publication.

Research involving human embryonic stem cells, embryonic germ cells or induced pluripotent stem cells should comply with the ISSCR 'Guidelines for the Conduct of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research' or an equivalent set of guidelines or applicable regulations.

Case Reports: Manuscripts reporting a case report must include a statement detailing that written informed consent for publication was obtained and from whom (e.g. “Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and any accompanying images.”). If the patient has died, consent for publication must be obtained from their next of kin. If the patient described in the case report is a minor or vulnerable, then consent for publication must be obtained from the parent/legal guardian. The completed consent form must be made available to the Editor if requested, and will be treated confidentially.




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