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VIRULENCE《毒力》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《毒力》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率1.40%



VIRULENCE《毒力》(年刊). Virulence publishes open access peer-reviewed research on microbial pathogenicity, the infection process and host-pathogen int...[显示全部]













Instructions for authors

About the Journal

Virulence is an Open Access international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. Please see the journal's Aims & Scope for information about its focus and peer-review policy.

Open Access means you can publish your research so it is free to access online as soon as it is published, meaning anyone can read (and cite) your work. Please see our guide to Open Access for more information. Many funders mandate publishing your research open access; you can check open access funder policies and mandates here.

Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English.

Virulence accepts the following types of article:

Research Articles

Review Articles

Signature Reviews


*Editorials are by invitation only.

Article Publishing Charge

The standard article publishing charge (APC) for this journal is US$2,500 / £1,925 / €2,200. Depending on your location, these charges may be subject to local taxes.

Taylor & Francis is committed to bringing research by scholars in emerging nations to the attention of the global academic community. We also want to make the option to publish in Open Access journals available to as many researchers as possible. To help achieve this, we offer waivers and discounts to publish in many fully Open Access journals.

Corresponding authors with primary affiliations based in countries defined by the World Bank as ' Low-Income Economies' can apply for a 100% APC waiver when they publish in a fully Open Access journal.

Corresponding authors with primary affiliations based in countries defined by the World Bank as ' Lower-Middle-Income Economies' can apply for a 50% discount on the normal APC when they publish in a fully Open Access journal.

Requests for discounts and waivers should be made at the time of submission through the Journal's Editorial Manager site. Find out more about  article publishing charges and funding options.

Peer Review

Taylor & Francis is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. Once your paper has been assessed for suitability by the editor, it will then be single anonymized peer reviewed by independent expert referees. Find out more about what to expect during peer review and read our guidance on publishing ethics.

The journal is taking part in a STM pilot to improve consistency of definitions and terminology in peer review practices across publishers. The  pilot also aims to help make the peer review process for articles and journals more transparent.

The following summary describes the peer review process for this journal:

Identity transparency: single anonymized

Reviewer interacts with: Editor

Review information published: none

Preparing Your Paper

All authors submitting to medicine, biomedicine, health sciences, allied and public health journals should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Research articles

Should be written with the following elements in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, patients and methods/materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list)

Should contain an unstructured abstract of 250 words.

Between 5 and 10 keywords. Read making your article more discoverable, including information on choosing a title and search engine optimization.

Results: Present results in a logical sequence in tables and illustrations. In the text, explain, emphasize or summarize the most important observations. Units of measurement should be expressed in accordance with Systeme International d'Unites (SI Units). Discussion: Do not repeat in detail data given in the Results section. Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study. Relate observations to other relevant studies. On the basis of your findings (and others'), discuss possible implications/conclusions. When stating a new hypothesis, clearly label it as such. Patients and Methods/Materials and Methods: Describe the selection of patients or experimental animals, including controls. Do not use patients' names or hospital numbers. Identify methods, apparatus (manufacturer's name and address) and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Provide references and brief descriptions of methods that have been published. When using new methods, evaluate their advantages and limitations. Identify drugs and chemicals, including generic name, dosage and route(s) of administration.  Indicate whether the procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee of Human Experimentation in your country, or are in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. For reagents listed in the Materials and Methods section, the company that supplied the reagent and the catalog number should be listed in parentheses; do not list the company location.

Review articles

Should be written with the following elements in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list)

Should contain an unstructured abstract of 150 words.

Between 5 and 10 keywords. Read making your article more discoverable, including information on choosing a title and search engine optimization.

Reviews should be recognized as scholarly by specialists in the field being covered, but should also be written with a view to informing readers who are not specialized in that particular field, and should therefore be presented using simple prose. Please avoid excessive jargon and technical detail. Reviews should capture the broad developments and implications of recent work. The opening paragraph should make clear the general thrust of the review and provide a clear sense of why the review is now particularly appropriate. The concluding paragraph should provide the reader with an idea of how the field may develop or future problems to overcome, but should not summarize the article. To ensure that a review is likely to be accessible to as many readers as possible, it may be useful to ask a colleague from another discipline to read the review before submitting it.

Signature Reviews

The Pathogenicity & Virulence Signature Review series provides authoritative reviews for communicable disease agents of global importance. It should be broadly accessible to microbiologists, pathologists, infectious disease scientists and clinicians who are not specifically studying the pathogen.

Each Signature Review should provide a thorough and comprehensive summary of the pathogenesis of the disease caused and a focus on the molecular mechanisms of the pathogen’s virulence. Normally this will include details of its lifecycle including host entry, cell adhesion/penetration, replication and release; the molecular basis of disease phenotype and clinical manifestations; known interactions with the host immune system, known virulence determinants and up to date status and prospects reporting of diagnostic and therapeutic intervention. Signature reviews may also discuss important lines of current and future research, barriers to effective treatment and models of disease.

Authors are encouraged to summarize important aspects and components of the infectious process in up to 3 high-quality illustrative Figures and to provide accompanying tabulation of virulence factors and determinants of pathogenicity. We expect the length of articles to vary considerably depending upon the pathogen but typical articles may be of the order of 10,000 words of prose and up to 200-300 key references.

Signature Reviews are typically solicited, but unsolicited submissions are also welcome. Please send your inquiry to the Acquisitions Editor Adam Weiss ( adam.c.weiss@taylorandfrancis.com).

Editorials (Letters to the Editor and Commentaries)

These are by invitation only and are free from APC charges. They often serve as prefaces to our special issues.

Should be written with the following elements in the following order: title page; keywords; main text; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list).

Should be limited to 1500 words, 1 figure and/or table and up to 20 references.

Between 5 and 10 keywords. Read making your article more discoverable, including information on choosing a title and search engine optimization.

Format-Free Submission

For Research Articles and Review papers, authors may submit their paper in any scholarly format or layout. Manuscripts may be supplied as single or multiple files. These can be Word, rich text format (rtf), open document format (odt), or PDF files. Figures and tables can be placed within the text or submitted as separate documents. Figures should be of sufficient resolution to enable refereeing.

There are no strict formatting requirements, but all manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to evaluate a manuscript: abstract, author affiliation, figures, tables, funder information, references. Further details may be requested upon acceptance.

References can be in any style or format, so long as a consistent scholarly citation format is applied. Author name(s), journal or book title, article or chapter title, year of publication, volume and issue (where appropriate) and page numbers are essential. All bibliographic entries must contain a corresponding in-text citation. The addition of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers is recommended but not essential.

The journal reference style will be applied to the paper post-acceptance by Taylor & Francis.

Spelling can be US or UK English so long as usage is consistent.

Note that, regardless of the file format of the original submission, an editable version of the article must be supplied at the revision stage.

Checklist: What to Include

Author details. Please ensure everyone meeting the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) requirements for authorship is included as an author of your paper. All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript. Where available, please also include ORCiDs and social media handles (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn). One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address normally displayed in the article PDF (depending on the journal) and the online article. Authors’ affiliations are the affiliations where the research was conducted. If any of the named co-authors moves affiliation during the peer-review process, the new affiliation can be given as a footnote. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after your paper is accepted. Read more on authorship.

Graphical abstract (optional). This is an image to give readers a clear idea of the content of your article. It should be a maximum width of 525 pixels. If your image is narrower than 525 pixels, please place it on a white background 525 pixels wide to ensure the dimensions are maintained. Save the graphical abstract as a .jpg, .png, or .gif. Please do not embed it in the manuscript file but save it as a separate file, labelled GraphicalAbstract1.

You can opt to include a video abstract with your article. Find out how these can help your work reach a wider audience, and what to think about when filming.

Funding details. Please supply all details required by your funding and grant-awarding bodies as follows:

For single agency grants

This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].

For multiple agency grants

This work was supported by the [Funding Agency #1] under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency #2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency #3] under Grant [number xxxx].

Disclosure statement. This is to acknowledge any financial interest or benefit that has arisen from the direct applications of your research. Further guidance on what is a conflict of interest and how to disclose it.

Data availability statement.Authors are required to provide a data availability statement (DAS), detailing where data associated with a paper can be found and how it can be accessed. If data cannot be made open, authors should state why in the data availability statement. This should include the hyperlink, DOI or other persistent identifier associated with the data set(s). Templates are also available to support authors.

Data deposition. Data must be deposited in a recognized data repository prior to or at the time of submission. You will be asked to provide the DOI, pre-reserved DOI, or other persistent identifier for the data set.

Geolocation information. Submitting a geolocation information section, as a separate paragraph before your acknowledgements, means we can index your paper’s study area accurately in JournalMap’s geographic literature database and make your article more discoverable to others. More information.

Supplemental online material. Supplemental material can be a video, dataset, fileset, sound file or anything which supports (and is pertinent to) your paper. We publish supplemental material online via Figshare. Find out more about supplemental material and how to submit it with your article.

Figures. Figures should be high quality (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour, at the correct size). Figures should be supplied in one of our preferred file formats: EPS, PS, JPEG, GIF, or Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX). For information relating to other file types, please consult our Submission of electronic artwork document.

Tables. Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.

Equations. If you are submitting your manuscript as a Word document, please ensure that equations are editable. More information about mathematical symbols and equations.

Units. Please use SI units (non-italicized).

Editorial Policies

When a manuscript is submitted, the Editors assume that no similar paper has been or will be submitted for publication elsewhere. Further, it is understood that all authors listed on a manuscript have agreed to its submission. Upon acceptance, authors must sign an author agreement with the publisher granting exclusive license to publish. Should the authors choose to make their paper freely available, then Open Access options are available with CC-BY-NC or CC-BY license. Manuscripts should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (URMSBJ), which can be found in full at www.icmje.org. This is in addition to their need to conform to our general guidelines about layout, etc. In particular, the attention of authors is drawn to the following conditions (which are extracted from the URMSBJ):

Authorship (Informed Consent) credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or reviewing/revising it critically for important intellectual content and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Each author should meet all three of these criteria. Acquisition of funding, or general supervision of a research group, are not valid criteria for authorship. Individuals who have a lesser involvement should be thanked in the acknowledgements. If meeting these requirements causes problems for a particular manuscript, authors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief for advice on alternative ways other contributors can be listed.

Acknowledgment of Funding

Authors should list all sources of funding for the research described in a manuscript in the 'Acknowledgments' section.

Conflict of Interest

Potential conflicts of interest exist when an author or reviewer has financial or personal interests in a publication that might, in principle, influence their scientific judgment. Financial interests include, but are not limited to, stock-holding, consultancy, paid expert testimony and honoraria; they also include any limitations on freedom to publish that are imposed on an author by an employer or funding agency. In order to encourage transparency without impeding publication, authors are required to include a statement at the end of a manuscript that lists all potential financial interests or, if appropriate, that clearly states that there are none. Possible conflicts of interest of a personal nature should also be communicated to the Editor-in-Chief, who will discuss with the author whether these ought to be listed. Peer reviewers are also required to inform the Editor-in-Chief of any potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.

Ethical Statements

If a study involves any ethical issues, which include patient confidentiality and treatment of animals, the paper must be accompanied by a statement to the effect that the authors complied with all of the legal requirements pertaining to the location(s) in which the work was done. Indicate whether the procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee of Human Experimentation in your country, or are in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975.

Duplicate or redundant publication

We only publish original manuscripts that are not also published or going to be published elsewhere. Duplicate publications, or redundant publications (re-packaging in different words of data already published by the same authors) will be rejected. If detected after publication, the Editor reserves the right to publish a notice of the fact without requiring the authors' approval. Competing manuscripts on the same study, for example by collaborators who have split into rival teams after the data were gathered, are acceptable only under special circumstances: please contact the Editor-in-Chief for advice.

Plagiarism and other fraud

If the Editor has reason to suspect that a manuscript is plagiarized or fraudulent, he or she reserves the right to bring his concerns to the authors' sponsoring institution and any other relevant bodies. Upon submission, all manuscripts go through a rigorous quality control check that includes evaluation by iThenticate to identify any previously published phrases. Authors should pay particular attention to the originality of their work.

Availability of Materials and Data

It is expected that authors should be able to provide any materials and/or protocols used in published experiments to other qualified researchers for their own use. Materials include (but are not limited to): cells DNA, antibodies, reagents, organisms, mouse strains, and Drosophila strains. These should be made available in a timely manner and it is acceptable to request reasonable payment to cover the cost of maintenance and transport. For materials such as mutant strains and cell lines, authors should use established public repositories and provide relevant accession numbers wherever possible. Repositories include:

Repositories include:

Jackson Laboratory (mouse strains)

Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center at Indiana University (fly strains)

Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (DNA clones and cell lines)

MMRRC (Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Centers)

UK Stem Cell Bank

Using Third Party Material

You must obtain the necessary permission to reuse third-party material in your article. The use of short extracts of text and some other types of material is usually permitted, on a limited basis, for the purposes of criticism and review without securing formal permission. If you wish to include any material in your paper for which you do not hold copyright, and which is not covered by this informal agreement, you will need to obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to submission. More information on requesting permission to reproduce work(s) under copyright.

Disclosure Statement

Please include a disclosure statement, using the subheading “Disclosure of interest.” If you have no interests to declare, please state this (suggested wording: The authors report no conflict of interest). For all NIH/Wellcome-funded papers, the grant number(s) must be included in the declaration of interest statement. Read more on declaring conflicts of interest.

Clinical Trials Registry

In order to be published in a Taylor & Francis journal, all clinical trials must have been registered in a public repository at the beginning of the research process (prior to patient enrolment). Trial registration numbers should be included in the abstract, with full details in the methods section. The registry should be publicly accessible (at no charge), open to all prospective registrants, and managed by a not-for-profit organization. For a list of registries that meet these requirements, please visit the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). The registration of all clinical trials facilitates the sharing of information among clinicians, researchers, and patients, enhances public confidence in research, and is in accordance with the ICMJE guidelines.

Complying With Ethics Of Experimentation

Please ensure that all research reported in submitted papers has been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner, and is in full compliance with all relevant codes of experimentation and legislation. All papers which report in vivo experiments or clinical trials on humans or animals must include a written statement in the Methods section. This should explain that all work was conducted with the formal approval of the local human subject or animal care committees (institutional and national), and that clinical trials have been registered as legislation requires. Authors who do not have formal ethics review committees should include a statement that their study follows the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.


All authors are required to follow the ICMJE requirements on privacy and informed consent from patients and study participants. Please confirm that any patient, service user, or participant (or that person’s parent or legal guardian) in any research, experiment, or clinical trial described in your paper has given written consent to the inclusion of material pertaining to themselves, that they acknowledge that they cannot be identified via the paper; and that you have fully anonymized them. Where someone is deceased, please ensure you have written consent from the family or estate. Authors may use this Patient Consent Form, which should be completed, saved, and sent to the journal if requested.

Health and Safety

Please confirm that all mandatory laboratory health and safety procedures have been complied with in the course of conducting any experimental work reported in your paper. Please ensure your paper contains all appropriate warnings on any hazards that may be involved in carrying out the experiments or procedures you have described, or that may be involved in instructions, materials, or formulae.

Please include all relevant safety precautions; and cite any accepted standard or code of practice. Authors working in animal science may find it useful to consult the International Association of Veterinary Editors’ Consensus Author Guidelines on Animal Ethics and Welfare and Guidelines for the Treatment of Animals in Behavioural Research and Teaching. When a product has not yet been approved by an appropriate regulatory body for the use described in your paper, please specify this, or that the product is still investigational.

Submitting Your Paper

This journal uses Editorial Manager to manage the peer-review process. If you haven't submitted a paper to this journal before, you will need to create an account in Editorial Manager. Please read the guidelines above and then submit your paper in the relevant Author Centre, where you will find user guides and a helpdesk.

Please note that Virulence uses Crossref™ to screen papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to Virulence you are agreeing to originality checks during the peer-review and production processes.

On acceptance, we recommend that you keep a copy of your Accepted Manuscript. Find out more about sharing your work.

Data Sharing Policy

This journal applies the Taylor & Francis open data policy. Authors are required to make the data and materials supporting the results or analyses presented in their paper freely available. A CCBY, CC0 or equivalent license should be applied to any datasets to allow reuse by any third party for any lawful purpose. Authors are required to cite any data sets referenced in the article and provide a Data Availability Statement. Please note that data should only be shared if it is ethically correct to do so, where this does not violate the protection of human subjects, or other valid ethical, privacy, or security concerns.

At the point of submission, you will be asked if there is a data set associated with the paper. If you reply yes, you will be required to provide the DOI, pre-registered DOI, hyperlink, or other persistent identifier associated with the data set(s). If you have selected to provide a pre-registered DOI, please be prepared to share the reviewer URL associated with your data deposit, upon request by reviewers.

Where one or multiple data sets are associated with a manuscript, these are not formally peer reviewed as a part of the journal submission process. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the soundness of data. Any errors in the data rest solely with the producers of the data set(s).

Copyright Options

Copyright allows you to protect your original material, and stop others from using your work without your permission. Taylor & Francis offers a number of different license and reuse options, including Creative Commons licenses when publishing open access. Read more on publishing agreements.

Complying With Funding Agencies

We will deposit all National Institutes of Health or Wellcome Trust-funded papers into PubMedCentral on behalf of authors, meeting the requirements of their respective open access policies. If this applies to you, please tell our production team when you receive your article proofs, so we can do this for you. Check funders’ open access policy mandates here. Find out more about sharing your work.

Accepted Manuscripts Online

This journal posts manuscripts online as rapidly as possible, as a PDF of the final, accepted (but unedited and uncorrected) paper. This is clearly identified as an unedited manuscript and is referred to as the Accepted Manuscript Online (AMO). No changes will be made to the content of the original paper for the AMO version but, after copy-editing, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof, the final corrected version (the Version of Record [VoR]), will be published, replacing the AMO version.

The VoR is the article in its final, definitive and citable form (this may not be immediately paginated, but is the version that will appear in an issue of the journal). Both the AMO version and VoR can be cited using the same DOI (digital object identifier). To ensure rapid publication, we ask you to return your signed publishing agreement as quickly as possible, and return corrections within 48 hours of receiving your proofs.

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We are committed to promoting and increasing the visibility of your article. Here are some tips and ideas on how you can work with us to promote your research.

Article Reprints

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Updated 27-09-2018

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