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  • 参考译名《威尔逊鸟类学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率9.60%
  • 主要研究方向生物学-ORNITHOLOGY 鸟类学



WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY《威尔逊鸟类学杂志》(季刊). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology began publication in 1889, and continues to publish work...[显示全部]













The Wilson Journal of Ornithology

Guidelines for Authors (Revised 4 June 2020)


For initial submission, upload the manuscript to PeerTrack in Editorial Manager (http://www.editorialmanager.com/wilsonjo) or via the direct link provided on the Wilson Journal of Ornithology (WJO) web page. You will be required to create a PeerTrack account. Assemble the main manuscript document, tables, and appendices in a single file. In addition, upload the cover letter, figures, and supplemental materials (if included) as separate files.

The cover letter with initial submission must include a statement indicating the manuscript reports original research that has not been published or submitted concurrently to another peer-reviewed journal and that it is submitted exclusively to WJO. Include a declaring if any conflicts of interest exist for any author involved with the research; if any such conflict exists, please describe it in detail. Include any special instructions and expected address changes during the next 6 months, as well as a daytime phone number and email address, for a single corresponding author. Please provide information for 3–4 possible reviewers of your manuscript in the PeerTrack system. Possible reviewers include individuals with whom you have not worked closely and who have expertise in the system/region, taxon, analysis technique, and/or other major aspect of your manuscript. WJO does not accept reviews provided by online, pre-submission review services and retains the responsibility of selecting the reviewers who evaluate manuscripts submitted to the journal.

The Wilson Ornithological Society and WJO appreciate the need for authors to maintain proprietary access to the data underlying their current and future studies. The journal therefore does not require authors to publicly archive their data and leaves the decision to the authors’ professional discretion.

Submission categories. Scientific manuscripts may be submitted as a Major Article or Short Communication. Major Articles generally are longer papers with >10 submitted manuscript pages, including literature cited, figure captions, and appendices, and excluding tables and figures. Short Communications are usually <10 pages, including literature cited and figure captions and excluding tables and figures. The Editors may move a paper from one category to another at their discretion. Book Reviews are published in the Ornithological Literature category in collaboration with the book review editor, Bruce M. Beehler (brucembeeler@gmail.com).

Multi-authored submissions. All authors should have contributed in a significant manner to designing and performing the research, writing, reading, and approving the manuscript prior to submission.

International submissions. Authors whose native language is not English should ensure that colleagues fluent in English or an ESL copyeditor have critically reviewed their manuscript before submission.

General instructions

Carefully read and follow these instructions before submitting your manuscript. Papers that do not conform to these guidelines may be returned. The accepted style guide is the Council of Science Editors Scientific Style and Format, 8th edition.

Prepare manuscripts in Microsoft Word with standard margins (1 inch or 2.5 cm), with no additional formatting. Double-space all text, including literature cited, figure captions, and table titles. Use Times New Roman, 12-pt font size. Include page and line numbers on all manuscript pages. The published length of the manuscript in the journal is estimated as the total number of manuscript pages, including figures and tables, divided by 2.75.

Write in active voice whenever possible. Use US English spelling and punctuation. Use italics instead of underlining (e.g., scientific names, lower-level headings, and standard statistical symbols). Use Roman typeface (not bold) throughout the manuscript; an exception is in a table where boldfacing may be used to highlight certain values or elements.

Leave only a single space between sentences.

Use a serial comma (also called Oxford comma) in the next to last item in a list (e.g., red, white, and blue).

Common and scientific bird names. Use the AOS Check-list of North American Birds (http://www.checklist.aou.org) for common and scientific names of bird species that occur in North America, including Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America south through Panama. For South American species, use names from the most current version of the AOS Species Lists of Birds for South American Countries and Territories (http://www.museum.lsu.edu/~Remsen/SACCCountryLists.htm). For species outside the Americas, use the preferred nomenclature of the corresponding country and the Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology’s Clements Checklist of Birds of the World (http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/). Use subspecific identification and list taxonomic authorities only when relevant. Give the scientific name in the title, at first mention of a species in the abstract, and at first mention in the body of the paper, with common name only thereafter. Capitalize common names of birds as specified in the checklist, except when referred to as a group (e.g., Hermit Thrush, Wood and Swainson’s thrushes, thrushes). The common names of other organisms are lower case except for proper names (e.g., ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, Couch’s spadefoot).

Figures and tables. Figures and tables should supplement, not duplicate, material in the text, and except in rare instances, references to figures and tables should be parenthetical to the text, not used as the subject (i.e., cited only in parentheses to support text). Cite each figure and table in the text in numerical order. Use “Fig.” rather than Figure to cite figures in the text (e.g., Fig. 5 or Fig. 3–7). To cite figures or tables from another work, write figure or table in lower case (e.g., figure 2 in Smith 1980; table 5 in Jones 1987).

Abbreviations. Use s (second), min (minute), h (hour), yr (year); report temperature as °C (e.g., 100 °C). In text, do not abbreviate day of the week or month; months should be abbreviated as 3 letters (Jan, Feb, etc.) in parentheses, figures, and tables. Define and write out acronyms and abbreviations the first time they appear in text; abbreviate thereafter: “Second-year (SY) birds. We found SY birds in large numbers.”

Numbers. Use numerals (e.g., 2, 6, 9, 18, 59) rather than words for cardinal numbers indicating amount or quantity, including numbers <10, unless the number is the first word of a sentence or is used in a nonquanitative sense (“this one is preferred” or “one reason for the change”). Because digits “1” and “0” are easily confused with letters “l” and “O,” spell out unless connected to a unit of measure (1 yr; 0 mm), used as an assigned value (a mean value of 0; x = 0), or are part of a series of other numbers in the same sentence (0, 1, 8, 12, and 27 nest sites).

Use numerals to express all measurements and mathematical relationships, such as ratios and multiplication factors (2:1; 10× magnification; 3-fold, 8 years).

Use numerals for ordinal numbers 10 and above (e.g., 11th, 15th), but spell out single-digit ordinals (e.g., first, second) unless used in a series (we tested the 1st, 9th, and 15th replicates).

Spell out and hyphenate fractions (two-thirds). Decimal or percent form is preferred when possible.

Units of measure. Present all measurements in International System of Units (SI). Use a forward slash or the word per between units (e.g., 34 pairs/ha, 9% per year). Units of measurement include s, min, h, d, week, month, and yr. Use a comma every 3 digits to separate numbers >999 (1,000; 200,000). Do not present “naked” decimals (0.01 not .01); use the symbol for percent when presented with a value (50% not 50 percent); Round percentages to the nearest whole number unless there is a compelling reason not to do so. Identical units for a series of values can follow the final value in the list (3, 10, 55, and 60 cm).

Do not hyphenate values with units of measure, even if used as an adjective (5 g bird).

Use continental dating (e.g., 29 May 1992), the 24 h clock without a colon (e.g., 0800 h, 2315 h), and local standard time. Specify time as Standard Time (e.g., EST for Eastern Standard Time) at first reference to time of day. Present latitude and longitude with no spaces between elements. Use single and double prime symbols rather than quotation marks (e.g., 28°0752N, 114°3129W).

Statistical Abbreviations. Italicize the following abbreviations: F, G, H, k, n, P, R, r2, t-test, U-test, w, Z, z. Use Roman type for the following abbreviations: AIC, AICc, ANOVA, CI, CV, df, K, SD, SE, χ2. Carefully note that subscript or superscript typeface may differ from that of the abbreviation (e.g., Zmax, r2). Use lowercase n for sample size.

Reporting P values. Use uppercase P. If P > 0.10 then report to 2 decimal places (e.g., P = 0.27); if 0.001 P 0.100, then report to 3 decimal places (e.g., P = 0.057); if P < 0.001, report as P < 0.001. Do not report P as P < 0.05 or P > 0.05 unless referring to a group of tests (e.g., all P < 0.05).

Genetics. All gene or amino acid sequences must be deposited in GenBank or an equivalent repository and the accession number(s) reported in the Methods.

Use the term “sex” rather than “gender” to refer to the male or female division of a species.

Manuscript preparation

Assemble manuscript for a Major Article in the following sequence: title page, abstract (one in English and one in a second language—see details under Abstract section that follows), text (includes introduction [not labeled], Methods, Results, and Discussion), acknowledgments (no e after g), literature cited, figure captions, figures, appendices (optional), and tables. Figures and supplemental materials are uploaded as separate files in PeerTrack; tables and appendices are included in the main manuscript file. Short Communications can be subdivided into sections (optional), including methods (only if needed), results, and discussion, but all must include an abstract. Include page and line numbers on all manuscript pages.

Title page (see examples that follow later). RRH: Author names • shortened title, max 50 characters, capitalize first word and proper nouns only) at top of page. Use initials and surname for single author; both surnames connected by “and” for co-authors; and surname et al. for multi-authors. The running head for Short Communications is RRH: Short Communications [no author names].

1 author: McSmith • Age effects on birds

2 authors: McSmith and Smith • Kites and eagles

3 authors: McSmith et al. Sage-grouse

Short Communication

Follow with full title in sentence case (capitalize only first word and proper nouns) for all papers, then follow by full names of all authors in regular type, standard capitalization.

David S. McSmith1 and Antony A. Jones2

David S. McSmith,1 Antony A. Jones,2* and Paul F. De Black2

Author affiliations should be footnoted with numbers and presented in the following sequence: the affiliation of each author (from first to last) at the time of the study, the current affiliation (if different from above) of each author (first to last), any special essential information (e.g., deceased), and the corresponding author and email address (*). Use two-letter postal codes (e.g., CO, SK) for US states and Canadian provinces. Spell out countries except USA and UK. Mailing addresses are not included. No periods after addresses.

1 US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Global Development, National Health and Environment Effects Research Laboratory, Atlantic Ecology Division, Newton, RI, USA

2 Environmental Resource Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA, and Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada

*Corresponding author: pbwood@wvu.edu

Include both common and scientific names of the species studied in the title, e.g., American Robin (Turdus migratorius).

Abstract. Begin immediately following title page information (no page break). Heading should be left-flush, 12-pt bold type, regular Times New Roman font, followed by an em dash. Text begins immediately following the em dash. Do not include references, and limit abbreviations. Limit Abstract text in Major Articles to 300 words and Short Communications to 250 words.

All abstracts (plus title and key words) are published in English and one other language, including Spanish, Portuguese, French, or the author’s native language. Because common names are not internationally standardized, use only scientific names of birds in foreign language abstracts. If you or your co-authors cannot provide a second language abstract, please indicate your choice of Spanish, Portuguese, or French (default is Spanish if no preference is given) and we will provide a translation. Translations into all other languages will be posted online.


RESUMEN (Spanish)—Text

RÉSUMÉ (French)—Text

RESUMO (Portuguese)—Text

Key words. Following the Abstract, include 5 to 7 key words (lowercase except for proper nouns, separated by commas) in alphabetical order that summarize the results of the study. Include period after last key word. Do not repeat words used in the title.

Text. Omit heading for introduction. All paragraphs indented 0.5-inch, no lines or formatted spacing between paragraphs.

Heading levels. Up to 3 levels of headings may be used, all presented in sentence capitalization (capitalize first word and proper nouns only). First level: centered, 14-pt bold; text begins on next line, no indent (includes Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, and Literature cited; no heading for Introduction). Second level: left-flush, 12-pt bold; text begins on next line, no indent. Third level (if needed): left-flush, 12-pt italics, not bold. Keep headings to a minimum. Major Articles typically contain all first-level headings and often second and third. Short Communications may or may not use all major headings, depending on the topic and length of paper. Typical headings under Methods may include “Study area” and “Statistical analyses.”

Acknowledgments. For individuals, use first and middle initials followed by last name; do not list professional titles and institutions for individuals. Accepted manuscripts may acknowledge peer reviewers (by name if known). Appropriate sources of funding, collection permit numbers, and other relevant information should be noted.

Heading level I

Heading level II

Heading level III

Literature cited. Each reference cited in text must be listed in the Literature Cited section and vice versa. Verify all entries against original sources, especially journal titles, volume and page numbers, DOI numbers, accents, diacritical marks, and spelling in languages other than English. Follow non-English titles with English translation in square brackets, and end reference with language of reference.

See detailed referencing guidelines in later section.

Figures, tables, appendices, and supplemental materials. Figures and tables should supplement, not duplicate, material in the text or appendices, and except in rare instances, in-text references to figures and tables should be parenthetical to the text (i.e., cited only in parentheses to support text). Use a consistent font and style throughout (e.g., 12-pt font, Times New Roman is preferred). Do not use boldface font for figure keys and axis labels. Capitalize first word of figure keys and axis labels; all other words are lower case except proper nouns. Handwritten symbols are not acceptable.

Figures. Type figure captions in paragraph form. Do not include symbols (lines, dots, triangles, etc.) in figure captions; either label them in a figure key or refer to them by name in the caption (e.g., open circles, dotted line). All subpanel letters should be lowercase (e.g., a, b) and cited with lowercase letters (e.g., Fig. 1a, Fig 2c–d). Upload figures into PeerTrack in separate hi-res (min 300 dpi) figure files.

Routine illustrations are black-and-white photographs, drawings, or graphs. Authors bear additional costs for color figures, as outlined in the Proofs and Publication Charges section below. Consult the Editor about color images for the frontispiece or in special cases. Copies of figures and plates must be high resolution (final figures must be at least 300 dpi). Illustrations should be prepared for 1- or 2-column width, keeping in mind dimensions of a page in WJO. When possible, try to group closely related illustrations as panels in a single figure. Figures should be submitted in JPG, TIFF, or GIF format.

Tables and appendices. Appendices and then tables follow the figure captions. Each appendix and table must have a title that is intelligible without recourse to the text. Kroodsma (2000; Auk 117:1081–1083) provides suggestions to improve table titles and figure captions. Tables and appendices should supplement, not duplicate, material in the text or figures, and except in rare instances, in-text references to tables and appendices should be parenthetical to the text (i.e., cited only in parentheses to support text). Indicate table footnotes by lowercase superscript letters, not numbers, which can be confused with exponents in tables. Note that appendices are copyedited for language and WJO style and are included in the printed journal, but supplemental information is not. Numbered tables and figures in the appendices should be denoted by a preceding letter A (e.g., Appendix Fig. A1.

Develop tables and appendices using a table formatting tool, not a tab-delimited format.

Do not use vertical lines in tables/appendices. Include horizontal lines above and below the box head, and at end of table/appendix. Use the same font type and size as in text.

Supplemental materials. Online publishing allows inclusion of information that may not fit into a printed paper with page limits or may be deemed redundant (tables of data included in a figure) or otherwise inappropriate for the print version (extensive photographic evidence, videos, metadata, other potentially useful information not essential to the paper). These files are not included in the page/word counts of the manuscript and will be presented online as submitted by the authors (not copy edited for content, language, or WJO style). Authors should upload this information as a separate file entitled “Supplement” in PeerTrack. Supplemental figure and table numbers should be preceded by the letter S to indicate supplemental (Supplemental Table S1, Supplemental Fig. S4).

Examples Materials suitable for inclusion in a supplement include but are not limited to:

• Methodological details useful for repeating the work but not essential to the conclusions drawn from the data.

• Maps or related location information helpful to understanding where the work was conducted but not essential to comprehending how the work was performed or understanding the results.

• Large data tables used for analyses but summarized as condensed tables, figures, or as a narrative explanation in the manuscript. Inclusion of actual data and code are encouraged to create a potentially valuable record that can be maintained for future access.

• Tables of statistical analyses summarized in the paper but that need not be viewed to understand data interpretations (e.g., lengthy tables of correlation coefficients or significance levels where differences are apparent from figures or the narrative is conclusive).

• Photographic evidence, videos, figures, or other graphics beyond those necessary as examples to explain the work in the main body of the paper.

• Additional references of interest not essential to integrate the work into current knowledge. Mathematical equations Present all equations in an editable format, not inserted as an image.


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