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  • 参考译名《荒野与环境医学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率13.10%



WILDERNESS & ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE《荒野与环境医学》(季刊). Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, the official journal of the Wilderness Medical Society,&nb...[显示全部]















Guide for Authors

Aims and scope

Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, the official journal of the Wilderness Medical Society, is the leading journal for physicians practicing medicine in austere environments. This quarterly journal features articles on all aspects of wilderness medicine, including high altitude and climbing, cold- and heat-related phenomena, natural environmental disasters, immersion and near-drowning, diving, and barotrauma, hazardous plants/animals/insects/marine animals, animal attacks, search and rescue, ethical and legal issues, aeromedial transport, survival physiology, medicine in remote environments, travel medicine, operational medicine, and wilderness trauma management. It presents original research and clinical reports from scientists and practitioners around the globe. WEM invites submissions from authors who want to take advantage of our established publication's unique scope, wide readership, and international recognition in the field of wilderness medicine. Its readership is a diverse group of medical and outdoor professionals who choose WEM as their primary wilderness medical resource.

Neal W. Pollock, PhD, Editor-in-Chief


Wilderness and Environmental Medicine (WEM) is the official journal of the Wilderness Medical Society. It is published quarterly and is devoted to original scientific and technical contributions related in whole or in part to wilderness or environmental medicine. Non-solicited manuscripts are considered for the following categories:

Original Research: Original studies of basic or clinical research in areas relevant to wilderness medicine. Preferred 3500 word maximum (not including abstract, tables, figures, or references)

Brief Reports: Preliminary findings or small sample-sized studies that generate new hypotheses for further research. Reports should follow the guidelines under Preparation of Manuscripts. Preferred 1500-2000 words (not including abstract, tables, figures, and references), with no more than approximately 10 references.

Case Reports: Brief descriptions of unique wilderness medicine problems or situations. Include narrative abstract, introduction, and discussion of implications. Preferred 2000-word maximum (not including abstract, tables, figures, or references).

Review Articles: Extensive, well-referenced reviews of the literature on a narrow relevant topic. Preferred 4000-word maximum (not including abstract, tables, figures, or references); no more than 100 references. Systematic reviews are preferred over narrative reviews.

Concepts: Descriptions of clinical and non-clinical wilderness medical problems and solutions. Articles may focus on practical "how-to" management techniques and/or new approaches to the planning, management, provision of wilderness medical services, or research. Preferred 3500-word maximum (not including abstract, tables, figures, or references).

Letters to the Editor: Observations, opinions, current topics and/or corrections on topics appearing in WEM, generally not to exceed 1000 words, with a maximum of 10 references, one of which should be to the recent WEM article, if applicable. Original scientific work is usually not considered appropriate for Letters.

Letters in Reply: Replies by authors should not exceed 1000 words of text and 11 references inclusive of the article at issue and the inciting letter.

Editorials: Commentaries on major current issues or controversies with significant implications for wilderness and environmental medicine. Preferred 1500-word maximum, excluding references.

Lessons from History: Classic papers in the medical literature relating to wilderness medicine. Such papers should have been first to describe a new problem, providing new information about old subjects, or describing new, effective methods of treatment or prevention. A complete reference citation of the original article and a commentary about the article should accompany the submission. Preferred 3000-word maximum (not including figures or references).

Clinical Images: Pictures that teach something about wilderness medicine, as well as tell an engaging story. The focus will be on clinical images, each accompanied by text explaining the photograph and briefly reviewing the diagnosis and treatment of the condition it illustrates. If appropriate for the topic, an image and case report should be presented as a mystery, with the diagnosis and discussion appearing after a page break. Preferred 1000-word maximum (not including figures and references) and no more than 5 references.

Wilderness Images: High-quality, high-resolution (300 dpi) digital images of wilderness subjects. Include photo title and informative description (generally less than 300 words) and the appropriate photographer?s credit line. Where relevant, include geographical coordinates of where the image was taken.

Wilderness Essays: Personal essays or anecdotes relating to the wilderness and medicine. Preferred 2000-word maximum.

Book Reviews: Please contact the Editorial Office (abyrne@wms.org) for more information.

WMS Practice Guidelines: Please contact the Editorial Office (abyrne@wms.org) for more information.


Pertinent topics include, but are not limited to, medical, physiological, pharmacological, and expeditionary considerations of: high altitude and climbing; hypothermia and cold-induced injuries; heat/cold-related disorders; weather-related phenomena and natural environmental disasters; toxinology; drowning and near-drowning; diving and barotrauma; hazardous plants, reptiles, insects, and marine animals; ethnobotany; animal attacks; rugged or austere environments; tropical disease and immunizations; search and rescue; and ethical, legal and research issues.


Please read the submission guidelines carefully to prepare your manuscript. Submissions that are incomplete or that do not comply with the guidelines below will be returned to the author for completion before they will be entered into the editorial process..

To submit your manuscript electronically, go to https://www.editorialmanager.com/wemj and sign in. As a new author with this journal, you will be able to create a login name and password for your use only.

Manuscripts are considered for publication in WEM with the understanding that neither the manuscript nor any part of its text, figures, or tables have been published in, accepted for publication in, or submitted at the same time to another journal. Submission can follow publication of preliminary findings elsewhere in the form of an abstract.

When submitting a manuscript, the corresponding author must make a full statement to the Editor-in-Chief about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as prior or duplicate publication of the same or very similar work. Copies of such material should be included with the submitted manuscript to help the Editor-in-Chief decide how to deal with the matter.




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