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ZOOSYSTEMA《动物系统》 (Email投稿)

  • 参考译名《动物系统》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向生物学-ZOOLOGY 动物学


生物学-ZOOLOGY 动物学

ZOOSYSTEMA《动物系统》(一年三十二期). Zoosystema is a fast-track and peer-reviewed journal, devoted to the inventory, analysis and interpretation of ani...[显示全部]







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Instructions to the authors

Scope of the journal

Zoosystema is a fully electonic journal, with a continuous publication stream, devoted to the inventory, analysis and interpretation of animal biodiversity. It publishes original results of zoological research, particularly in systematics and related fields: comparative, functional and evolutionary morphoanatomy; phylogeny; biogeography; ecology and species bahaviour; taxonomy and nomenclature. The specimens examined must be deposited in institutional collections. Zoosystema does not publish fauna lists without mentioning the specimens examined. Zoosystema publishes articles on current biodiversity; articles on recent fossils or directly related to current taxa can however be taken into account by the review.

There is no limitation of the number of pages; long, important articles are welcome, but short articles restricted to the description of a single species with no special interest are discouraged.

A complete issue of Zoosystema may be devoted to a particular topic under the responsibility of a guest editor.

General information

The submission of a manuscript to Zoosystema implies that it is not being simultaneously offered for publication elsewhere.

A copyright assignment form must be signed before the final acceptance. Copyright of the published paper, including illustrations, will be assigned free of all royalties to the journal.

Requests to reproduce material from Zoosystema should be addressed to the journal.

Nomenclature should follow the most recent editions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.

Preservation of type and other specimens should be in accordance with the recommendations of the international codes of nomenclature: all illustrated or described specimens must be registered and deposited in an appropriate permanent institution, with staff and facilities capable of ensuring their conservation and availability for future reference in perpetuity.

Their collection numbers, and the depository location, should be indicated.

Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two referees.

Articles already evaluated on pre-print sites are not accepted.

Zoosystema is published online only since early 2018 (PDF file on the journal website). The journal has retained the A4 dimensions (21 × 29.7 cm). Article reprints and thematic issues will soon be available via a print-on-demand system.


Submitted manuscripts, with illustrations, should strictly comply with the present instructions (including for lists of material examined, taxonomy of the species studied, illustrations and bibliographic references). The preferred method of submission is by email. Manuscripts should be prepared with double spaced lines, margins of at least 3 cm, plus all pages and lines numbered.

Submissions should include a text-only DOC file of the article and a PDF comprising all figures, tables and appendices.

Reviewers. Each author can suggest names of potential referees for his/her article. Conflicts of interest can also be indicated.

Structure and format

of the Manuscripts

Structure. Papers are to be written in simple, concise and scientific French or English and should be organized as follows:

title in English;

title in French (exact translation);

running head in the language of the article;

first name(s) and surname(s) of author(s), followed by their full professional address(es) and e-mail(s); a corresponding author can also be designated;

abstract in English, 200-250 words long; including precise differential characters for new taxa;

résumé in French (exact translation, the journal may provide help for translation);

key words in English (5 to 10 max.) i.e., taxa in order of hierarchy; geographic information; references to new nomenclatural acts;

mots clés in French (exact translation, 5 to 10 max.) following the same order as the English keywords;

text of the article, in the following order: Introduction, Material and methods, Abbreviations, Systematics/Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Legends of figures and tables. Very long papers may include a table of contents; papers dealing with a large number of taxa may include an index;

acknowledgements should mention the names of the reviewers and if necessary, material collection and export permits;

the text of the article must not include footnotes.

Systematic treatment

E ach systematic description should be arranged as follows:

name of the taxon with author and date, original reference of the description, taxonomic history, with synonymy, type material, etymology, material examined, type locality, diagnosis and/or description, remarks; for each existing species;

use n. sp., n. gen., n. fam., etc., at each occurrence of a new taxon name; and n. comb. at each occurrence of a new combination; for each new species, a diagnosis and a description should be provided;

descriptions must be written without conjugated verbs;

every taxon names cited in the text should be followed, when first mentioned in the text, in the résumé/abstract and in the captions of the figures, by author(s) and date of description;

use italics for names of genera and species.

Material citations

In accordance to the policy of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle for FA IR data & Open Science policy, the citation of material examined in zoology articles published by the publications of the MNHN is standardized, so as to allow automatic harvesting and submission of the data to international biodiversity databases, such as GBIF, the Catalogue of Life, DiSSCo, etc. Authors are encouraged to prepare their manuscripts according to this model prior to submission, but they will also be given the opportunity to comply upon acceptance of the article.


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