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Genes & Immunity《基因与免疫》(或:GENES AND IMMUNITY) (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《基因与免疫》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率1.60%



Genes & Immunity《基因与免疫》(一年8期)。Genes & Immunity emphasizes studies investigating how genetic, genomic and functional variations affect immune ...[显示全部]
















Guide to Authors

To download our complete Guide to Authors, please click here

Article Type Specifications

Article: An Article is a substantial, in-depth, novel research study of interest to the readership of the journal. The structure an Article should follow is detailed below.

Specifications: Unstructured abstract max. 200 words; Main body of text (excluding abstract, tables/figures, and references) not to exceed 4,000 words; Max 8 tables or figures; Max 80 references

Review Article: A Review Article is an authoritative, balanced survey of recent developments in a research field. Review Articles should incorporate a) a review of previously published literature from the past 5-10 years, describing the pros and cons of these studies, b) the authors opinion on how to approach the issue/situation being discussed, c) the authors thoughts on what is necessary to move the field forward in the future.  Review Articles are regularly commissioned, however pre-submission enquiries are also welcome. Please contact Thomni Brunner (thomas.brunner@uni-konstanz.de) or Lise Marie Gougeon (marie-lise.gougeon@pasteur.fr).

Specifications: Unstructured abstract max. 200 words; Main body of text (excluding abstract, tables/figures, and references) not to exceed 5,000 words; Liberal use of tables and/or figures is encouraged; Max 100 references

Brief Communication: These are studies that fall short of the criteria for full Articles (e.g. preliminary experiments limited by sample size or duration, or novel hypotheses). Apart from including an abstract, there is no obligation to divide the text into sections

Specifications: Unstructured abstract max. 200 words; Main body of text (excluding tables/figures, and references) not to exceed 1,500 words; Max 2 tables or figures; Max 20 references

Correspondence: Correspondence provides readers with a forum for comment on papers published in a previous issue of the journal or to address new issues relevant to the research community.

Specifications: No abstract required; Main body of text (excluding tables/figures, and references) not to exceed 1,500 words; Max 2 tables or figures; Max 15 references

Preparation of Articles

House Style: Authors should adhere to the following formatting guidelines

Text should be double spaced with a wide margin.

All pages and lines are to be numbered.

Do not make rules thinner than 1px (0.36mm).

Use a coarse hatching pattern rather than shading for tints in graphs.

Colour should be distinct when being used as an identifying tool.

Spaces, not commas should be used to separate thousands.

At first mention of a manufacturer, the town (and state if USA) and country should be provided.

Statistical methods: For normally distributed data, mean (SD) is the preferred summary statistic. Relative risks should be expressed as odds ratios with 95% confidence interval. To compare two methods for measuring a variable the method of Bland & Altman (1986, Lancet 1, 307–310) should be used; for this, calculation of P only is not appropriate.

Units: Use metric units (SI units) as fully as possible. Preferably give measurements of energy in kiloJoules or MegaJoules with kilocalories in parentheses (1 kcal = 4.186kJ). Use % throughout.

Abbreviations: On first using an abbreviation place it in parentheses after the full item. Very common abbreviations such as FFA, RNA, need not be defined. Note these abbreviations: gram g; litre l; milligram mg; kilogram kg; kilojoule kJ; megajoule MJ; weight wt; seconds s; minutes min; hours h. Do not add ‘s’ for plural units.  Terms used less than four times should not be abbreviated.

Cover Letter: Authors should provide a cover letter that includes the affiliation and contact information for the corresponding author. Authors should briefly discuss the importance of the work and explain why it is considered appropriate for the diverse readership of the journal.  The cover letter should confirm the material is original research, has not been previously published and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration. If the manuscript has been previously considered for publication in another journal, please include the previous reviewer comments, to help expedite the decision by the Editorial team. Please also include a Competing Interests statement - see Editorial Policies for more details.

Title Page: The title page should contain:

Title of the paper - brief, informative, of 150 characters or less and should not make a statement or conclusion

Running title – should convey the essential message of the paper in no more than 50 characters.  Should not contain any abbreviations

Full names of all the authors and their affiliations, together with e-mail address of the corresponding author. If authors regard it as essential to indicate that two or more co-authors are equal in status, they may be identified by an asterisk symbol with the caption ‘These authors contributed equally to this work’ immediately under the address list.




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