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稀土学报(英文版)(Journal of Rare Earths) (官网投稿)

《稀土学报(英文版)》(月刊)(Journal of Rare Earths),创刊于1990年,由中国稀土学会、中国有研科技集团有限公司主办的报道稀土理论研究和应用技术的稀土类综合性学术刊物。主要报道有关稀土化学与湿法冶金,稀土金属学与火法冶金,稀土新材料,稀土固体物理与固体化学,稀土应用研究,稀土分析检测;稀土地质、矿物和选矿等方面的学术论文、综合评述、研究快报、研究简报。与国内同类英文版期刊相比,《J...[显示全部]
本刊为:CSCD核心(2023-2024), 高质量科技期刊(T1), SCIE(2024版), EI 中国期刊(2024版), 科技核心(2024自然科学), 知网收录, 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(万方),第一批认定学术期刊,外文期刊,
















Guide for Authors

The Journal of Rare Earths published monthly is a unique international scientific journal which publishes original high-quality works on various aspects of basic theory and applied science in the field of rare earths. The journal accepts contributions from authors both in China and abroad. Therefore, it provides an international platform for the researchers and experts who are engaged or interested in the research of rare earths and related disciplines. The Journal of Rare Earths publishes original research articles, reviews, and communications which reflect the latest progresses in the fields of RE chemistry & hydrometallurgy, RE metallography & pyrometallurgy, RE new materials, RE solid state physics & solid state chemistry, RE analysis, RE geology & ore dressing, etc.

The Journal of Rare Earths has been indexed/abstracted in Sci-E, Ei compendex, Chemical Abstracts Service, INSPEC, Scopus, etc. The Journal of Rare Earths is transmitted globally through the whole-length network print information site Sciencedirect, Elsevier.

Manuscript preparation

All contributions should be written in English either original research or critical review not previously published. Please submit the contributions to the website: https://www.editorialmanager.com/jores/default.aspx. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts and to edit contributions when necessary.

The following are the stylistic requirements for an acceptable manuscript.

1. Title Title should be brief (normally less than 10 notional words) and contain neither chemical formulas nor abbreviations. If the title is long, please supply a shortened version for the running headline.

2. Postal address The name(s) of the author(s), and the names and detailed postal addresses (including postcodes) of the institutes where the research work was done should be indicated in the manuscript. The author to whom correspondence is to be addressed should be indicated. The corresponding authors E-mail is also required.

3. Abstract and keywords Each paper for publication, including review commentaries except short communications, must be preceded by an abstract of not less than 250 words. Compound number must not be used unless they are defined within abstract. The keywords should neither be less than three nor more than six.

4. Units and figures The use of SI units is strongly recommended. All figures should be given in proper place in the text. The minimum resolution for grayscale art and color art is required to be 600 and 300 dpi, respectively.

5. Format of text Usually the manuscript should be organized under the following general headings: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References. The contents should include first, second and, if necessary, third level text headings. Please italicize symbols of physical constants and variables, but not units.

6. References Only journal article, monograph, proceedings, standard, patent, and/or electronic publication, formally published and cited in the text can be listed and must be numbered consecutively by Arabic numerals. Personal communications and unpublished data are not acceptable.

Examples of references


[1] Zhang C, Sun LD, Zhang YW, Yan CH. Rare earth upconversion nanophosphors: synthesis, functionalization and application as biolabels and energy transfer donors. J Rare Earths. 2010;28(6):807.


[2] Wayman CM, Duerig TW. Engineering Aspects of Shape Memory Alloys. Duerig TW, Melton KN, Stoeckel D, Wayman CM, eds. Beijing: Industry Publisher; 1990. 3.

Conference proceedings

[3] Jones P, Hayman D, Denton GM. Recovery of cobalt, nickel and copper from slage using DC-Arc furnace technology. The International Symposium on Challenges of Process Intersification. Montreal, Canada. 1996.

Degree papers

[4] Guo PM. Research on Novel Luminescent Materials for Field Emission Displays. Beijing: Beijing University. 2006. 123.


[5] Yu K, Wu CY. A making method of NdFeB magnetic powder. China: CN 100449657. 2007.

7. Online submission


If coming across any problems, anthors can email to the following addresses for query.

E-mail address: jrechina@263.net; xtxb@grinm.com

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