《中国全科医学》英文版(Chinese General Practice Journal,CGPJ)创刊!
原创 CGPJ编辑部 中国全科医学杂志英文版 2024年07月15日 17:00 北京
为适应社会和学术发展的趋势,推动中国相关领域科研人员和成果与国际同事更频繁地交流,《中国全科医学》杂志社有限公司于2024年创立Chinese General Practice Journal(CGPJ),即《中国全科医学》杂志的英文版。
Chinese General Practice Journal将重点发表全科医学(家庭医学)、初级保健、社区健康以及与上述领域密切相关的循证临床医学研究、卫生服务研究、医学教育研究、卫生政策和经济学研究、流行病学研究,以及支持上述领域发展的医疗卫生理论、技术、科研方法和工具研究。
除Editorial之外,Chinese General Practice Journal主要接收以下两种类型的外部手稿:原创研究和系统综述。
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Chinese General Practice Journal欢迎各位专家学者赐稿。文章录用后,将在ScienceDirect平台全文发布,开放获取,全球免费阅读。
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About CGPJ
The Chinese General Practice Journal (CGPJ) was founded and operated by the Chinese General Practice Publishing House Co., Ltd. The company also creates and manages 'Chinese General Practice,' which is published in Chinese language and is one of the most renowned academic journals in the field of primary care and general practice in China.
Aligned with the trends of academic and disciplinary development, and to foster more frequent scholarly interactions between Chinese researchers and their international colleagues, the CGPJ was established in January 2024. It aims to serve as an international sister journal of 'Chinese General Practice,' progressing and developing alongside it.
CGPJ is an academic journal targeting a global research audience. Collaborating closely with 'Chinese General Practice', it features the most outstanding and distinguished works in Chinese general practice and related disciplines, showcasing leading developments and innovations from China to the international community. Committed to the principles of critical, dialectical, neutral, and pragmatic academic research, CGPJ focuses on presenting the key evidences and insights in the field of general practice of China. Its goal is to foster exchange, learning, and collective advancement among general practice colleagues worldwide.
Publication Scope
CGPJ will focus on publishing research primarily in the fields of general practice (family medicine), primary care, and community health. Additionally, it will feature studies closely aligned with these areas, encompassing evidence-based clinical research, health services research, research in health policy and economics, medical education research, and epidemiology studies and other most relevant disciplines. The journal will also highlight research that supports the development of these fields, including studies on relevant medical and health theories, technologies, research methods and instruments.
Specifically, the topic of articles published by CGPJ can be categorized into the following six categories, all closely related to general practice, primary care and community health:
1. Discipline Development Research:
a. Studies on exploring, enhancing, and applying the functional features of primary care/general practice within specific primary care context.
b. Research closely related to research capacity building of primary care/general practice research.
c. Evaluation, localization, or development of research instruments for primary care/general practice research, such as survey instruments - scales, data collection instruments, computer coding instruments.
d. Development of research infrastructure for primary care/general practice research, such as Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs), or multi-disciplinary research team.
e. Methodological studies applicable to solving research questions in general practice/primary care/family medicine.
2. Clinical Research:
a. Studies on clinical issues or pathways in general practice and primary care facilities.
b. Clinical studies on interventions for health risk factors in general practice and primary care facilities.
c. Patient-centered clinical studies aimed at improving health in general practice and primary care facilities.
d. Translational research applying scientific evidence and techniques from other disciplines to clinical work in general practice and primary care facilities.
e. Studies on the clinical scope and disease spectrum of general practice and primary care facilities.