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国际流体工程(英文)(International Journal of Fluid Engineering) (官网投稿)

《国际流体工程(英文)》(International Journal of Fluid Engineering)(季刊),创刊于2024年,是由中国机械工业集团有限公司主管、下属企业合肥通用机械研究院有限公司主办,浙江理工大学协办的英文期刊。IJFE以工程中流体科学问题为特色,着眼于工程中的流体科学最新研究进展,范围包括流体力学、航天器空气动力学、可压缩流动、水动力学、多相流、气泡流、生物流体力学...[显示全部]









投稿须知Author Instructions



International Journal of Fluid Engineering (IJFE)

Manuscript Length

International Journal of Fluid Engineering mainly publishes two types of articles: Original Research Articles and Reviews. We recommend the following page limits:

Original Research Articles report on original and novel research relating to fluid mechanics and should not exceed 15,000 words (approximately sixteen printed journal pages). Please note that the abstract, title, author list, references, and acknowledgments are all excluded from the word limit. Figures, tables, and equations, however, are included and need to be accounted for by calculating a word-count equivalent to the space they occupy.

Reviews can be Brief Reviews that are short, timely reviews that cover recent advances in

established fields or an emerging field of fluid engineering and should not exceed 21,000 words (approximately twenty-five printed journal pages) or can be Standard Reviews that are comprehensive, providing more in-depth coverage in established areas of fluid mechanics, should not exceed 35,000 words (approximately forty printed journal pages).

LaTeX users

Authors are advised to use the LaTeX template. If the version of the manuscript obtained using the “reprint” option fits on approximately twelve pages (excluding abstract, title, author list, references, and acknowledgments), the length is acceptable.

Word users

Highlight the manuscript text, excluding abstract, author list, acknowledgments, and references, and note the word count at the bottom of the screen. Add to that the word-count equivalents for figures, tables and equations as follows:

Figures: An average single-column figure will displace 200 words. An average double-column figure will displace 400 words.

Tables: 6.5 words per line, plus 13 words for single-column tables. 13 words per line, plus 26 words for double-column tables.

Equations: 7 words per line for single-column equations. 13 words per line for double-column equations.


Numerical references are preferred. Include the citation to the dataset(s) in the References list of your manuscript, providing the following required elements: Creator(s), Title, Publisher, Publication Year, and Identifier and may contain these optional elements: Version and Resource Type.

In the References list: Numbering references according to the cited order.

In the text: Citing references by their number in the upper right corner of the corresponding positions.

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