Instructions to Authors
Currently CSH Perspectives does not accept unsolicited articles. Authors who wish to submit contributions that have been commissioned by the Editors can access the submission site here.
(To view a PDF file containing the instructions shown on this page, click here.)
The manuscript should not exceed 5000 words in length (excluding references) and should include a maximum of five figures. Please use color artwork only when necessary, because this increases the cost of the print version.
Please submit your manuscript online at http://submit-cshl.highwire.org/. We will distribute manuscripts to the appropriate Editor and contact you to request any revisions they require within 4–6 weeks. After you have made appropriate changes, please upload the revised manuscript on the site.
Note that the initial submission may be a single PDF file, but you must supply the original source files for text and figures when uploading the revised version.
Include: Title page that includes title, authors, departments, institutions, city, state (country), zip code, telephone and fax number(s) and e-mail addresses, and suggested short title (50 characters and spaces) for running head. If more than one author and institution are given, please indicate each author�s affiliation. Indicate which author will be the corresponding author, that is , the author who will be responsible for receiving and returning proofs.
Arrange manuscript pages in the following order:
Title page
Abstract (100 — 140 words)
Main text, including subheadings
Concluding remarks
Figure Legends
How to Style References
All references in the reference list should be double-spaced and arranged alphabetically by last name of the first author. If using more than one reference by the same author in the same year, please label �a� and �b� next to the date on the list as well as in the text citation. Do not use a numbered reference list or cite by number in the text. Make sure that all references cited are included in the reference list and that all references listed are cited in the text. If you are using EndNote, please select the Genes and Development style.
Reference Citations in Text
Cite author and year in text. Use �et al.� for more than two authors. If more than one paper is cited, place in chronological order (Smith 1994; Brown 1995; Jones et al. 1996). For citations of unpublished work or personal communication, provide names and first initials—for example (P Jones, unpubl.) or (P Jones, pers. comm.). These will not be listed in the reference list, which is to contain only published work.
Reference List
1. See Sample Reference List below for style.
2. Include the following:
a. Journal articles: Provide all authors� names (do not use �et al.� or three em dashes), year, article title, journal title (italic), volume number (bold), and inclusive page numbers. For online-only journals or published-ahead-of-print papers, provide a DOI number.
b. Books: Provide all author/editors� names (do not use �et al.�), chapter title, book title (italic), names of editors, volume or edition (if any), inclusive page numbers, publisher, and city of publication.
3. List multiple authors as follows: Brown D, Smith JG, White AS, Jones LR.
4. Alphabetize according to author�s last name.