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Catalysis Science & Technology《催化科学与技术》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《催化科学与技术》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率6.10%
  • 主要研究方向化学-CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL物理化学



Catalysis Science & Technology《催化科学与技术》(半月刊). Catalysis Science & Technology is committed to publishing research reporting high-quality, cutting-...[显示全部]














Catalysis Science & Technology


Catalysis Science & Technology is committed to publishing research reporting high-quality, cutting-edge developments across the catalysis community at large. The journal places equal focus on publications from the heterogeneous, homogeneous, thermo-, electro-, photo-, organo- and biocatalysis communities. Works published in the journal feature a balanced mix of fundamental, technology-oriented, experimental, computational, digital and data-driven original research, thus appealing to catalysis practitioners in both academic and industrial environments.

Original research articles published in the journal must demonstrate new catalytic discoveries and/or methodological advances that represent a significant advance on previously published work, from the molecular to the process scales. We welcome rigorous research in a wide range of timely or emerging applications related to the environment, health, energy and materials.

Catalysis Science & Technology publishes Communications, Articles, Reviews and Perspectives. More details regarding manuscript types may be found in the Information for Authors section.

Article types

Catalysis Science & Technology publishes:


Full papers





Preliminary accounts of original and significant work of such importance that rapid publication is justified may be published in Communication form. Material intended for Catalysis Science & Technology Communications should be of specific specialist interest to researchers in the field of catalysis. Full papers based upon Communications will be acceptable provided that they represent a substantial amplification and extension of the original material.

Communications can be a maximum of four printed journal pages in length. Authors must use the Communication template for preparing their submissions; please visit our Author templates & services page.

At the time of submission authors should supply a short statement justifying why the work merits urgent publication as a Communication. Referees will be asked to judge the work on these grounds. The following criteria should be addressed:

The significance and novelty (the key advances made in the article)

The interest to the catalysis community

Details of why rapid publication is warranted

Full papers

Full papers contain original scientific work that has not been published previously. However, work that has appeared in print in a short form such as a Catalysis Science & Technology Communication or Chemical Communication is normally acceptable. There is no restriction on the length of a Full paper.

Authors are strongly encouraged to use the Royal Society of Chemistry's author template, available from our Author templates & services page, when preparing their Full paper for submission. Authors are asked to include a brief discussion in the introduction that sets the context for the novel work and gives their motivation for carrying out the study.


Catalysis Science & Technology Perspectives are normally invited by the Editorial Board and Editorial Office, although suggestions from readers for topics and authors of Perspectives are most welcome. Interested Perspectives authors should contact the Editorial Office at catalysis-rsc@rsc.org.

Perspectives are short readable articles covering current areas of interest. They may take the form of personal accounts of research or a critical analysis of activity in a specialist area. By their nature they will not be comprehensive reviews of a field of chemistry.

Since the readership of Catalysis Science & Technology is wide-ranging, the article should be easily comprehensible to a non-specialist in the field, whilst at the same time providing an authoritative discussion of the area concerned. A Perspective will typically be 10 printed pages in length (ca. 18-24 pages of typescript), although there is no fixed page limit.


Catalysis Science & Technology Minireviews are normally invited by the Editorial Board and Editorial Office, although suggestions from readers for topics and authors of Minireviews are most welcome. Interested Minireview authors should complete the following review proposal form and return it to the Editor at catalysis-rsc@rsc.org.




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