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  • 参考译名《心理生理学》
  • 核心类别 SSCI(2024版), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率11.30%



PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY《心理生理学》(一年10期). Founded in 1964, Psychophysiology is the most established journal in the world specifically dedicated to the...[显示全部]













Author Guidelines

Journal Aims and Scope

Founded in 1964, Psychophysiology is the most established journal specifically dedicated to the dissemination of psychophysiological science. The journal continues to play a key role in advancing human neuroscience in its many forms and methodologies (including central and peripheral measures), covering research on the interrelationships between the physiological and psychological aspects of brain and behavior. Typically, studies published in Psychophysiology include psychological independent variables and noninvasive physiological dependent variables (hemodynamic, electromagnetic and optical brain imaging and/or peripheral measures such as respiratory sinus arrhythmia, electromyography, pupillography, and many others). The vast majority of studies published in the journal involve human participants. Research based on animal models is published only occasionally, usually in the context of special topic issues where this work is central to the topic and to psychophysiological theory. For additional information regarding the aims and scope of the journal see Fabiani, 2015.

Manuscript Types

Psychophysiology publishes original articles reporting experimental studies in any area of psychophysiological research. It also welcomes theoretical papers, evaluative reviews of literature (including meta-analyses), and methodological developments (e.g., novel experimental and recording procedures and statistical analyses directly relevant to psychophysiological research and providing integration with psychophysiological theory). Selected archival documents of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (such as award citations and obituaries) are also published in the journal. A few times a year the Journal also publishes special issues on topics central to psychophysiology. Letters to the Editor or commentary papers on other articles are not accepted.

In 2020 Psychophysiology introduced registered reports as a new additional format for the journal. Briefly, for registered reports, the submission and related reviews are performed in 2 stages. Stage-1 is based on a manuscript consisting of a thoroughly developed introduction and methods sections. Stage-1 manuscripts are reviewed on the basis of their theoretical merits, research design, clarity, interest to the field etc. If the Stage-1 submission is provisionally accepted, the authors are admitted to a second review (Stage 2) at the time they submit the completed manuscript. Acceptance at this stage is likely, presuming the data are clean, meaningful, correctly interpreted, and if the authors followed their outlined procedures from Stage 1.

For more information about this format please refer to a registered report format for Psychophysiology. Please note that manuscripts that were pre-registered elsewhere and are submitted to Psychophysiology only when completed (i.e., without Stage-1 review) will be processed as any other original paper submitted to the journal and will not be labeled registered report upon publication.

Manuscript Submission and Review: Transparency, Data Sharing, and Transfer/Cascading

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically at Manuscript Central. Psychophysiology requires the corresponding author to provide an ORCiD ID when submitting a manuscript, but all other authors are strongly encouraged to link their ORCiD IDs. We also recommend that the ORCiD IDs associated with manuscripts are made publicly available. Communications about the paper directed to the Editor-in-Chief should be included in a cover letter. Authors submitting an article targeted for a "special issue" should choose special issue as the manuscript type and choose the appropriate special issue title from the related pull-down menu on Manuscript Central. They should also report this information in the cover letter.

Psychophysiology follows publication ethics and best practices, including COPE.

Articles with multiple authors are reviewed with the assumption that all authors have approved the submitted manuscript and concur with its submission to Psychophysiology. We require a CRediT (contributor role taxonomy) statement so that authors can specify their diverse contributions to the manuscript. Changes to the authors list are locked after submission. If changes are needed, please contact the Editorial Office.

Psychophysiology requires that all authors disclose any potential sources of conflict of interest (financial or otherwise), which may be perceived as influencing an authors objectivity. When appropriately disclosed, the existence of a conflict of interest does not preclude publication in this journal. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review this policy with all authors and to collectively list in the online submission system ALL pertinent commercial and other relationships. If no conflict of interest is present, authors should explicitly state so when submitting.

Review process. The Editorial Office will acknowledge receipt of the manuscript, provide it with a manuscript reference number, and in most cases assign it to a Senior Editor for pre-review. The Senior Editor may provide a decision or assign for review to one of the Associate Editors on the Editorial Board (the Action Editor), who will typically select two referees to review each manuscript. Once assigned, correspondence should be directed to the specific Action Editor. Every effort is made to provide the author with a decision letter within 8 weeks of manuscript assignment. If the Action Editor requests that revisions be made to a manuscript before acceptance for publication, a maximum of 3 months will be allowed for preparation of the revision, except in unusual circumstances (to be determined by the Action Editor upon author's request for extension). Please note that names and affiliations of authors are not blinded during the review process, and that reviewers are anonymous unless they explicitly choose to sign their reviews.




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