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  • 参考译名《生物传感器与生物电子学》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), 高质量科技期刊(T2), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率7.40%



BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS《生物传感器与生物电子学》(半月刊). Biosensors & Bioelectronics is the principal international journal devoted to research, design, de...[显示全部]














Aims and Scope

Biosensors & Bioelectronics has an open access mirror journal, Biosensors & Bioelectronics:X.

Biosensors & Bioelectronics is the principal international journal devoted to research, design, development and application of biosensors and bioelectronics. It is an interdisciplinary journal serving professionals with an interest in the exploitation of biological materials and designs in novel diagnostic and electronic devices including sensors, DNA chips, electronic noses, lab-on-a-chip and μ-TAS.

Biosensors are defined as analytical devices incorporating a biological material (e.g. tissue, microorganisms, organelles, cell receptors, enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids, natural products etc.), a biologically derived material (e.g. recombinant antibodies, engineered proteins, aptamers etc) or a biomimic (e.g. synthetic receptors, biomimetic catalysts, combinatorial ligands, imprinted polymers etc) intimately associated with or integrated within a physicochemical transducer or transducing microsystem, which may be optical, electrochemical, thermometric, piezoelectric, magnetic or micromechanical (Turner et al., 1987; Turner, 1989). Biosensors usually yield a digital electronic signal which is proportional to the concentration of a specific analyte or group of analytes. While the signal may in principle be continuous, devices can be configured to yield single measurements to meet specific market requirements. Examples of Biosensors include immunosensors, enzyme-based biosensors, organism- and whole cell-based biosensors. They have been applied to a wide variety of analytical problems including uses in medicine, biomedical research, drug discovery, the environment, food, process industries, security and defence. The design and study of molecular and supramolecular structures with molecular biorecognition and biomimetic properties for use in analytical devices is also included within the scope of the journal. Here the focus is on the complementary intersection between molecular recognition, nanotechnology, molecular imprinting and supramolecular chemistry to improve the analytical performance and robustness of devices.

The emerging field of Bioelectronics seeks to exploit biology in conjunction with electronics in a wider context encompassing, for example, biological fuel cells, bionics and biomaterials for information processing, information storage, electronic components and actuators. A key aspect is the interface between biological materials and micro- and nano-electronics.

While endeavouring to maintain coherence in the scope of the journal, the editors will accept reviews and papers of obvious relevance to the community, which describe important new concepts, underpin understanding of the field or provide important insights into the practical application, manufacture and commercialisation of biosensors and bioelectronics.

Types of papers

Full papers should describe original research work not previously published, and should be complete descriptions of full investigations comprising around 5000 words and with up to 6 figures and/or tables.

Short Communications should be concise but complete descriptions of original limited investigations comprising around 3000 words with up to 3 figures and/or tables.

Review Articles should present a thorough and comprehensive overview of the chosen subject and be extensively referenced and comprise around 8000-10000 words. Authors are expected to go beyond a simple compilation of references and analyse trends, shortcomings and accomplishments in their chosen field, charting possible future directions of the research. Illustrations and summary tables are encouraged. Flexibility of presentation is permitted, but authors are urged to arrange the subject matter clearly under the general headings of Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main text (The heading and the sub-headings of the main text are left to author's discretion), Summary and Conclusions, Future Perspectives, Acknowledgements, References. When writing reviews authors should take proper account of all the literature especially recent papers published over the past five years. Exceptions to these criteria may be permitted if you discuss your requirements in advance with an Editor.

If you wish to submit a review to the journal and have not been invited by one of the Editors, please first submit a short proposal using the standard review proposal template directly to the journal editorial system selecting Review Article as Article Type. Only once you have received approval and invitation from an Editor that your proposal has been accepted should you submit your paper to the journal. All reviews should be submitted via Editorial Manager and will be subject to the normal peer review process.




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