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TRANS-FORM-ACAO《交易/形式/行动》 (官网投稿)

  • 期刊简称
  • 参考译名《交易/形式/行动》(季刊)
  • 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向PHILOSOPHY



TRANS-FORM-ACAO《交易/形式/行动》(季刊)。The journal Trans/Form/Ação publishes articles in the field of philosophy.The journal is directed primarily to acad...[显示全部]
















Scope and Policy

The Journal Trans/Form/Ação publishes articles in the field of philosophy. Proposals are blind-examined by two anonymous referees. All the articles published are peer-reviewed by referees of academic titulation equal to or higher than that of the author, except when the editor invites a thinker of notorious knowledge in Philosophy to contribute with an essay. The journal is directed primarily to academic research in Philosophy but also aims at the learned and interested layman, thus allowing the researchers that propose the articles to reach a universal criterion of clarity.

Also, the goal of the journal is to maintain its ranking as a high-standard publication, as attested by the Qualis score issued by Capes (Classification of Periodicals, Annals, Journals and Magazines of Capes, Coordination for Higher Level Graduates Improvement, a Foundation within the Brazilian Ministry of Education); therefore, Capes requirements will also be followed. This poses the need to establish a regional proportionality in the publication of articles from 2006 onwards, always preserving the quality of the submissions: a desirable maximum of 10% articles from Unesp, a maximum of 60% articles from São Paulo (including Unesp), and a minimum of 1 article from abroad. Exceptions may take place depending on the editor's decisions.

The mission of the Consulting Commission is to advise the Editorial Commission, that is, to express its view on submitted articles, refer articles from third parties, issue opinions, and present articles for publication (which may be forwarded to referees).

The Journal Trans / Form / Action does not charge submission fees or evaluation of articles, reviews and translations, being an entirely free posting for authors.

Submission Guidelines

1. Originality

TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO publishes original articles in the form of regular essays, translations, reviews and interviews. The writer who publishes material in this journal must wait at least four numbers (two years) before submitting another manuscript.

2. Theme

The themes dealt with must pertain to the field of philosophy or present a philosophical approach to the topic treated. They may derive from research work or be informative in nature. Translations must be of classic philosophical texts. Reviews will only be accepted for books that have been in publication for two years or less.

3. Review by Referees

Referees are preferably professors of postgraduate programs in philosophy. Modifications and/or corrections suggested by the referees regarding the manuscript (concerning the comprehension of the text or grammar issues) or the content of its contributions shall be forwarded to the respective authors, who will be allowed a short period of time to make the proposed modifications.

4. General information

Manuscripts submitted for publication must be submitted on-line through the journal homepage in “blind mode” (lacking any data which could identify the author) and as Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) files. Papers are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English, or Italian. Manuscripts in blind mode are evaluated (normally by an editor or member of the editorial board) as to their formatting and relevance for publication in the journal; they are then sent to referees.

5. Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts must be submitted in Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf), Times New Roman font, 12 point size, with 1.5 spacing, and have an average length of 18 pages. The following sequence of items should be observed in submitted manuscripts: title, abstract (minimum of 100 and maximum of 250 words), keywords (maximum of five items), main text, acknowledgements (if desired), abstract in English, keywords in English, and references in alphabetical order by author’s last name. The abstract and keywords at the head of the article must be in the language of the main text. The abstract must also to be translated into English and included after the main text, or presented in Portuguese after the main text when the original manuscript is submitted in English. Notes to the text should be included in footnotes and in the bibliographical references at the end of the main text.

5.1 Bibliography

References must be organized in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name and formatted according to the NBR 6023/2002 guidelines, as in the following examples:

a) Books and other monographs:

CHAUÍ, Marilena. A nervura do real. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1999.

b) Book chapters:

when the author of a chapter is the same as that of the entire book:

MOURA, Carlos A. R. de. Hobbes, Locke e a medida do direito. In: ______.Racionalidade e crise. São Paulo: Discurso Editorial, 2001.p. 43-61.

when the author of a chapter is different from that of the entire book:

ARRUDA, Antonio T. M. Determinismo, responsabilidade e sentimentos morais. In: GONZALEZ, Maria E. Q.; BROENS, Mariana C.; MARTINS, Clélia A. (Orgs.). Informação, conhecimento e ação ética. Marília: Oficina Universitária; São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica, 2012. p. 21-36.

c) Dissertations and theses:

FORTES, Luiz R. S. Rousseau da teoria à prática. 1973. 157 f. Tese (Doutorado em Filosofia) – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 1973.

d) Journal articles (complete titles must be given):

WERLE, Marco A. A angústia, o nada e a morte em Heidegger. Trans/Form/Ação, Marília, v.26, n.1, p. 97-113, 2003.

5.2 Citations

Citations should follow the NBR 10520/2002 norms of the ABNT. Examples are given below.

a) Direct citation – This is a transcription of part of the text of an author, reproduced in double quotes and accompanied by information about the source (author, date, page number). For example:

For this reason, Luhmann (1995, p.35) states that “action systems must always reproduce actions, not cells, macromolecules, ideas, and so forth”.


The environment functions as “[…] the system’s ground, and a ground is always without form” (LUHMANN, 1995, p.444).

b) Long direct citations: citations of over three lines must be separated from the main text as an independent paragraphs, indented 4 centimeters form the left margin, in 10 point type, single spaced, and without quotation marks. For example:

This is what Luhmann is presumably referring to when he says:

One can call a system self-referential if it itself constitutes the elements that compose it as functional unities and runs reference to this self-constitution through all the relations among these elements, continuously reproducing its self-constitution in this way. In this sense, self-referential systems necessarily operate by self-contact; they possess no other form of environmental contact than this self-contact. (LUHMANN, 1995, p.33).

c) Indirect citation: This occurs when ideas and information are reproduced from the work cited, but without transcribing the author’s words. For example:

Since Plato (1972, p.163), the essence of things has been thought of as being outside of things themselves, as inhabiting a world – the world of ideas – in which the identical and the one exclude any sort of contradiction or non-being.

d) Multiple works by the same author in the same year are to be differentiated by small letters added after the year, without spacing (Márques, 2003a), (Márques, 2003b).

e) For works with two authors, names should be separated by a semi-colon (e.g. BROENS; GONZÁLES, 2005). In the case of three or more authors, the form et al. is used after first author’s name (HASELAGER et al., 1999).

5.3 Notes

Notes must be kept to a minimum and placed at the bottom of  pages as consecutively numbered footnotes.

5.4 Annexes and/or supplements

These should be included only when vital for the understanding of the text.

5.5 Authorship

The data and concepts presented in the work, as well as the accuracy of bibliographical citations, are the entire responsibility of the authors. Manuscripts that do not follow the previously mentioned guidelines will be returned to authors, with comments on the required alterations. Manuscripts must be submitted on-line through the journal homepage. The author must include all pertinent information requested by the system (institution, affiliation, address, telephone, e-mail). Incorrect or missing information on the system may invalidate your submission. Note that Trans/Form/Ação does not normally publish texts by graduate students, generally accepting only texts from PhD-holding  researchers. That being said, it is important to note that the journal may accept some works outside of these conditions, in character of an exception, if it considers this reasonable.

Conditions for submission

Authors are required to verify compliance of submitted articles with respect to all items listed below. Submissions that do not conform to these standards will be returned.

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent in "blind evaluation" format (without data identifying the author) through the online SEER platform at the magazine's homepage. Submissions must be in Word (.doc) or RTF format (.rtf).

Papers written in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, and English are accepted. They should be submitted in Times New Roman font, size 12, with line spacing of 1.5. Articles accepted for publication have an average length of 20 pages.

Author identification is done entirely through registering in the system, not as part of the text. Incorrect or incomplete completion of data, and any problems in author registration, may invalidate your submission. It is important to emphasize that the journal does not customarily accept works by students or those without a doctorate, but exceptions may be made to this rule if deemed reasonable.

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