All correspondence should be directed to the editor, Dr Catherine Armstrong, by email: C.M.Armstrong@lboro.ac.uk
Please submit an electronic copy (word document) of your article. This will be sent for peer review to two members of the editorial board (or occasionally another expert in the field). Authors will be informed within six weeks of the acceptance or rejection of their piece, possibly including the need for minor revision. Once accepted, the article will be sent for typesetting to the publisher. You will then receive proofs for checking, at which point no major revision can be accepted.
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Articles should not exceed 12,000 words.
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The title should be in bold caps; with author’s name in medium caps on a separate line, with the word ‘by’ in lower-case preceding it. Both lines to be ranged left, with line spaces between them.
The first paragraph of the article, and first paragraphs of each new section, should not be indented. Otherwise, new paragraphs should be clearly indicated by indenting.
Sectional headings should be in medium caps.
Quotations of more than fifty words (or four lines of text) should be indented, without quotation marks. Short quotations should be set in single quotation marks within the text; double quotation marks should be used only for quotations within quotations. Quotation marks should normally be set inside punctuation marks, except in the case of quotations within quotations. All quoted matter should maintain complete fidelity to the original source – the style rules do not apply to them.
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In abbreviations, do not use points after contractions where the final letter is the last letter of the word, e.g. ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘Dr’; but ‘Prof.’, ‘etc.’, ‘ibid.’ Also, do not use points in acronyms, e.g. ‘US’, ‘USA’, ‘NY’, ‘ESTC’; but use them after initials, e.g. ‘J. B. Priestley’, ‘R.L.S.’ Pounds sterling, shillings and [old] pence may be indicated by ‘£’, ‘s’ and ‘d’ (italics, no full points) when numerals are used.
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References to books of edited essays should indicate title in italics, editor(s)’(s) name(s) in style: ‘ed.
J. Smith and A. Brown’, volume number if any, place of publication and date, volume or page numbers if cited.
References to articles in periodicals or to individual essays in books of edited essays should indicate author(s), ‘title of article or essay’ in single quotation marks (double quotes for quoted matter in titles), name of periodical or title of the book of essays in italics, editorial names (as above), volume and/or part/issue number, place and date of publication (for essays), date only for periodicals, and page numbers if cited.
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Book titles may be shortened or abbreviated after first citation, either by using the first few words of a title or by creating a shortened title at first citation, in the style: ‘[hereafter cited as ...]’. The abbreviated title in square brackets should be inserted after date and place of publication at the first citation. The terms ‘op. cit.’ and ‘loc. cit.’ should be avoided. Where two or more titles by the same author are cited, the shortened forms must be clearly differentiated. ‘Ibid.’ may be used where a reference to a single work is followed in the next note by a reference to the same work.
A volume number should always be prefaced by ‘Vol.’, in caps; volumes by ‘Vols’ (no full point). Parts or issues of periodicals by ‘No.’ or ‘Nos’. Chapter by ‘ch.’ (‘cap.’ if citing Acts of Parliament). Single page numbers by ‘p.’; multiples by ‘pp.’ (without spaces before numerals).
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[insert Fig. 1 here]
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