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北京理工大学学报(英文版)(Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology) (官网投稿)

《北京理工大学学报(英文版)》(Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology)(双月刊),创办于1992年,是由中华人民共和国工业和信息化部主管,北京理工大学主办的科技类学术期刊,国内外公开发行,面向国内外征稿。本刊是以基础理论、应用科学和工程技术为主的综合性学术刊物,主要反映国内外重要科研成果,促进学术交流,发展科学技术,推动教学和科研工作的开展...[显示全部]
本刊为:EI 中国期刊(2024版), 维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录, 超星收录,第一批认定学术期刊,外文期刊,














Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology is a periodical publication on science and technology published by Beijing Institute of Technology under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. The Journal was inaugurated in 1992 as a quarterly periodical and publishes articles from contributors both domestic and abroad.

The Journal is an academic publication covering fields in engineering science and technology especially the interdisciplinary fields that employ the information technology in engineering disciplines. It reflects major achievements in research, thus promoting academic exchanges, assisting developments in science and technology, and pushing forward teaching and research activities, rendering services in promoting modernization. Readership of the Journal comprises chiefly faculty members in institutions of higher learning, research workers, engineering personnel and doctoral graduate students.

Through the years, the Journal has developed itself progressively in its academic and editorial levels, in its frequency of citation, thus winning successively in its standings.

Relying on its academic quality, the Journal has been accepted as a core periodical in natural science and as one among the statistical resources on Sci-Tech papers in China.

The Journal has been acknowledged and indexed for long periods by more than 10 well known indexing organizations over the world, among which are the Engineering Index (EI), the Scopus, the INSPEC, the Abstract Journal(AJ), the Chemical Abstract(CA), the Cambridge Scientific Abstracts(CSA), and the China Science and Technology Papers Citation Database (CSTPCD), the China National Knowledge Infrastructure Resources Database (CNKI), the Chinese Mechanics Abstracts, the Chinese Science Abstracts in China, etc.

Contributions are cordially welcome to build up a platform for the display of splendid articles in science and technology.


For Authors

Preparation of Papers for Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology

All submissions will be peer reviewed according to the Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology guidelines. The contributions should be original and have not been published or submitted elsewhere. Please submit your manuscript on https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jbit.

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  • 2012/10/28 16:30:00
    当什么臭老九对北京理工大学学报(英文版)(Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology)的点评:
    说的是社会科学版 投稿系统很好
    杜月笙2013/6/5 3:02:07
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