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  • 期刊简称J HAND SURG-AM
  • 参考译名《手外科杂志-美国卷》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向医学-ORTHOPEDICS 骨科;SURGERY 外科



THE JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME《手外科杂志-美国卷》(月刊). The Journal of Hand Surgery publishes original, peer-reviewed articles related t...[显示全部]








5、官网电话:(312) 880-1900(主编)








Contact details for submission

Submit articles to The Journal of Hand Surgery at https://www.editorialmanager.com/JHS/.

Aims and scope

The Journal of Hand Surgery publishes original, peer-reviewed articles related to the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the upper extremity; these include both clinical and basic science studies. Special features include Review Articles (including Current Concepts and The Hand Surgery Landscape), reviews of books and media, and Letters to the Editor. Before beginning to write for The Journal of Hand Surgery, prospective authors should read these instructions completely. Authors will also benefit from reading:

Manske PR. Structures and format of peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts. J Hand Surg Am. 2006;31(7):1051–1055.

Flatt AE. Words. J Hand Surg. 2000;25(2):201–210.

The Journal uses anonymous peer review in evaluating manuscripts for publication. Authors must electronically submit new and revised manuscripts in all categories on the Elsevier Editorial Manager (EM) system at https://www.editorialmanager.com/JHS/. Send other correspondence relating to the editorial management of The Journal of Hand Surgery to the appropriate editor:

Brent Graham, MD, Editor-in-Chief

Dawn M. LaPorte, MD, Review Deputy Editor

The Journal of Hand Surgery

American Society for Surgery of the Hand

822 West Washington Boulevard

Chicago, IL 60607

Phone: (312) 880-1900

Fax: (847) 384-1435

Email: jhs@assh.org

Editorial policies: Statements and opinions expressed in The Journal of Hand Surgery are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Editor or Publisher. The Editor and Publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material. Neither the Editor nor the Publisher guarantees, warrants, or endorses any product or service advertised in this publication; nor do they guarantee any claims made by the manufacturer of such product or service.

Special Features

**As of January 1, 2021, The Journal of Hand Surgery will no longer be accepting Case Reports. If you are interested in submitting a Case Report, please consider submitting your article to our Open Access publication, The Journal of Hand Surgery Global Online (JHS GO), here: https://www.editorialmanager.com/jhsgo/default.aspx.**

Review Articles

**If you wish to submit a review article to The Journal of Hand Surgery but have not explicitly received an invitation to do so, please complete the Review Article Proposal and email it to the Review Deputy Editor, Dawn M. LaPorte, MD, at jhs@assh.org for consideration. We ask that you do not submit your unsolicited review article to the journal unless the review editor accepts your review topic in writing.**

The review section of the Journal will feature Current Concepts articles on a monthly basis, as well as review articles in a monthly Hand Surgery Landscape section.

Current Concepts is designed to provide review articles that focus on up-to-date information covering essential topics on a three-year rotation. Authors are invited based on their expertise. Unsolicited material is considered after contacting the Review Deputy Editor, Dawn M. LaPorte, MD, at jhs@assh.org with a completed Proposal.

Current Concepts articles are no more than 3,000 words and include a one-paragraph abstract. They must review recent developments and must emphasize the best evidence for management and treatment strategies. In addition to the article, the authors must provide four choice continuing medical education (CME) questions together with a rationale and references for the best answer. Include at least one reference to a "classical article" that has stood the test of time.

While the Current Concepts manuscript should be able to "stand alone" in the print version of the Journal, the digital version will be able to provide hyperlinks to videos and other articles. The authors are encouraged to submit a technical video with their article. Links may also be provided to other articles already published in JHS that may have described techniques or give reference to evidence-based medicine.

Finally, Current Concepts articles should have no more than four authors and generally have no more than 20 references.

The Hand Surgery Landscape articles are designed to generate interest and comment among readers. These articles present content that otherwise might be outside the traditional scope of a typical review topic for The Journal of Hand Surgery. Invitations to contribute articles for this series are made either by the Review Deputy Editor or the Editor-in-Chief. Unsolicited submissions must first be made as a proposal to the Review Editor using the template and sent to Dawn M. LaPorte, MD, at jhs@assh.org. Some, but not all, unsolicited manuscripts may be sent out for peer review. The focus will be on encouraging thought leaders in the areas described below.

This monthly feature has a word count of no more than 2,000 words and includes a one-paragraph abstract. There is no prescribed format other than the maximum word count. References are required for any statements that should be supported by outside sources.

The spectrum of content considered for this series will include:

Innovative clinical topics



Practice management

Certification matters

The Surgical Techniques section is an online-only section that provides step-by-step details of various surgical procedures relevant to clinical practice. Articles discuss indications and contraindications, surgical anatomy, surgical technique, postoperative management, pearls and pitfalls, and complications; many articles also provide a case illustration. Surgical Technique articles will be solicited from experts and are open for submission upon receipt of a Proposal. Articles should be no more than 2,500 words, and they should include a one-paragraph abstract. Videos and/or high-resolution photographs are strongly encouraged.

Review of books and media: The Journal publishes reviews of books and other media that will enlarge a reader's perspective even beyond specialty core knowledge and technical skills. Acceptable media include educational material in electronic formats, practice management software programs, and software applications for smart phones. For authors and publishers wishing to have a work reviewed, send 2 copies to Dr. Graham. We will not return material selected for review. We will return material not selected for review only when the sender has prepaid the shipping charges.

We encourage readers to submit unsolicited reviews of books and media that they think would be of interest to other readers. Limit reviews to 800 words and include the work's title, publisher, city, date of publication, and retail price. Such submissions will go through the same review and selection process as unsolicited scientific manuscripts.

Letters: Letters to the editor are encouraged. They may be independent observations, or they may relate to a previously published article. Letters must not duplicate information submitted elsewhere for publication or previously published. Letters are subject to editing and abridgement without the author's review. Limit the body of the letter to 300 words, authors to 3, references to 5, and tables or figures to 1. We are more likely to publish a letter relating to a previously published article when we receive it promptly after the article is published. We will forward the letter to the author(s) for comment (maximum 300 words and 5 references). The policies regarding conflicts and disclosures for full manuscripts apply to letters as well.




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