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Journal of Fiber Science and Technology《纤维科学与技术杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《纤维科学与技术杂志》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



Journal of Fiber Science and Technology《纤维科学与技术杂志》(月刊). Published by The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan. JFST is a...[显示全部]












Journal of Fiber Science and Technology (JFST)

Guidelines for Authors

January 2016

The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (SFST)

1. Articles

Submission of a manuscript to Journal of Fiber Science and Technology (JFST) implies that the work described is not copyrighted, published or submitted elsewhere, except in a preliminary form.

2. Copyright

Manuscripts are accepted on condition of transfer of copyright to The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (SFST).

2.1 Copyright Permission Request

Copyright Permission Request for use of figures, tables, schemes, etc. should be directed to the Journal office.

3. Preparation of Manuscripts.

Articles of high scientific quality, originalitysignificance, and conceptual novelty that are of interest to the wide and diverse contemporary readership of JFST will be given priority for publication. JFST publishes peer-reviewed Original articles, Technical Papers, Notes, Rapid Communications, and Review articles.

3.1 Original Articles

3.1.1 Original Articles should contain the study and exploitation of fibers and the related fields that have not been previously published elsewhere.

3.1.2 Original Articles must contain an abstract, which should summarize the reason for the work the most significant results and the conclusions. The abstract should not exceed about 300 words.

3.2 Technical Papers

3.2.1 Technical Papers should contain the industrially useful data, design, improvement of fibers and the related fields that have not been previously published elsewhere.

3.2.2 Technical Papers must contain an abstract, which should summarize the reason for the work, the most significant results, and the conclusions. The abstract should not exceed about 300 words.

3.3.2 Notes must contain an abstract, which should summarize the reason for the work, the most significant results, and the conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 150 words.

3.3.3 Comments, questions, and replies on Original Articles are accepted as Notes, must not exceed 1 page, and do not include abstract.

3.4. Rapid Communications

3.4.1 Rapid Communications are restricted to reports of unusual urgency, timeliness, significance, and broad interest, and must not exceed 4 pages. The abstract should not exceed 150 words. A more comprehensive study containing significant additional data and/or analysis could be published subsequently as an Article.

3.5 Review Articles

3.5.1 Review Articles provide a perspective on the development of an aspect of science of interest to JFST readership. They are intended to provide the community with a balanced view of the seminal advances in the field, including the chronology of those advances. The references should lead the reader to the most important advances. The abstract should not exceed 300 words.

4. Review process

4.1 Editorial board finally decides the acceptance of manuscripts.

4.2 Corrections

Corrections are used to make changes to accepted articles. The assigned editor who handled the original manuscript submission will decide whether Correction is necessary. No other corrections are allowed without permission of the assigned editor.

4.3 Revisions

3.3 Notes

3.3.1 Notes are concise reports of compelling significance and novelty whose immediate availability to the scientific community is deemed important. Notes should not be used to publish incremental advances or results from multiple related studies.

Notes must not exceed 4 pages.

The authors should resubmit a revised manuscript with an itemized list of changes that have been made in response to the reviewer's comments/suggestions within one month. A revised manuscript, which is resubmitted after the due date, will be treated as a new manuscript.

5. Change of types of manuscripts

Editorial board would change types of manuscripts after the acceptance of manuscripts.

6. Proof correction

PDF proofs for correction are sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. Please note that authors are responsible for the final proof-reading of manuscripts. It is therefore imperative that authors check the proofs very carefully. Particular attention should be paid to numerical data both in the tables and text. Proof corrections should be returned to the editorial office within 48 hours of receipt. Corrections at this stage should be minor and not involve extensive changes. All corrections must be sent at the same time.

7. Charges

The authors must pay a page charge. Page charge shall be prescribed separately.

8. Submission

Manuscripts must be submitted via web-based manuscript submission and peer review system. Submission to this journal proceeds totally online and you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of your files.

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