About the Journal
The Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power publishes archival-quality papers in the broad technical areas of gas and steam turbines, internal combustion engines, and power generation. It covers the specific technical areas described in the SCOPE section below. Archival papers for this journal must not only be clearly written and demonstrated to be technically correct, but must also present new, previously unknown findings that are interesting, have lasting value for referencing and educating future generations, and have a relevant engineering application for the technical areas of the journal. "Application" means demonstrating that the innovations or ideas, the computational and/or experimental results, the modeling and analyses of systems, components or processes are useful to improve understanding and advance the state-of-the-art. Emphasis should be on demonstrated engineering relevance. This can take the form of new technologies, processes, concepts, theories, ideas, analyses and experiments that improve engineering designs, clarify understanding of technical issues facing the community, explain previously unexplained phenomena, and/or change the way we think. We also welcome interesting technology review papers and discussions of published papers. The submission of papers that are only of mathematical interest with just a cursory relevance to engineering are discouraged.
Aircraft Engines including engine configurations, design concepts, component and systems interactions, operability, stall and surge, life cycle and component life management, inlets and exhaust nozzles, rotating detonation engines.
Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels including applications to turbine engines, automotive and diesel engines, and power plants.
Combustion, fuels and emissions including advanced engine combustion processes for gas turbines and internal combustion engines, emissions technologies, pollution control and environmental effects, fossil fuels, fuel injection and sprays, rotating detonation combustors, advanced engine combustion.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analyses including all forms of modern CFD techniques that use mathematical analyses to describe and understand the complex flows in the technical areas covered by the journal. Comparisons of CFD results with experiment and published results is encouraged.
Controls, Diagnostics, Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques including all forms of modern experimental instrumentation used to measure and understand the complex flows in the technical areas covered by the journal.
Cycle Innovations including cycles for power production and novel cycles for specialized application, cogeneration and combined cycles.
Heat Transfer and thermal Management focusing on cooling systems, heat exchangers, heat transfer and modeling associated with non-gas path components such as combustor cooling, cavities, pre-swirl systems, seal and clearance control systems and gas turbine air and oil system components.
Internal Combustion Engines including industrial and cogeneration applications, system components and their design, analysis and performance, IC engines for auto, marine, rail, and power generation.
New and Emerging Technologies appropriate to the journal’s technology including additive manufacturing, digitalization and renewable energy.
Oil and Gas Applications including pipeline, pumping and distribution of oil and gas.
Power Generation Plants including the design, operation and performance of power plants, and component interaction.
Steam Turbines including steam and hydro power generation, steam generators and condensers.
Structures and Dynamics including rotor dynamics and vibration, bearings and seals, friction and wear, aeromechanics
Turbomachinery including steam and gas turbines, compressor and turbine mechanical design and performance, secondary flows through seals, and leakage.
Diversity and Inclusion The Technical Committee on Publications and Communications endorses the commitment of ASME to support diversity and to create and ensure inclusive and ethical practices for publishing as well as the science and engineering professions.
Frequency: Monthly
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