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  • 参考译名《血管内治疗杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



JOURNAL OF ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY《血管内治疗杂志》(双月刊). The Journal of Endovascular Therapy (formerly the Journal of Endovascular Surgery) was establ...[显示全部]














Manuscripts considered for publication must be related to peripheral endovascular interventions, written in English, and structured as a clinical or experimental investigation, technical note, editorial, case report, systematic review, vascular image, or letter to the editors.

Case reports may contain descriptions of up to 5 patients; 6 or more cases constitute a series and should be formatted as a clinical investigation. Case reports must have a unique and clinically relevant element to qualify for review, as well as at least 6-month imaging follow-up to demonstrate efficacy of a technique or treatment, if appropriate.

A Vascular Image article should be a brief description of the image and its source.

Authors should read the Editorial Policies at the end of this file before constructing the manuscript; it contains the Journal’s mission and detailed information about originality, authorship, primacy, research and animal experimentation, patient consent, conflict of interest disclosure, funding, permissions, scientific misconduct, confidentiality, editorial freedom and integrity, peer review, contributor publishing agreement, production, publication, article access and author archiving, and article promotion.

Author Resources

The SAGE Journal Author Gateway offers general advice on how to get published, plus links to other resources.

For example, the title, keywords, and abstract are vital to ensuring discoverability in search engines. For information and guidance on how best to title an article, write an abstract, or select keywords, consult How to Help Readers Find Your Article Online.

Authors seeking assistance with English language editing, translation, or figure and manuscript formatting to fit the journal’s specifications should consider the SAGE Language Services.


The following instructions pertain to the construction of files for a submission, which must be made via SAGE Track (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jevt); no mail or email delivery is possible. Submissions not complying with these instructions will be rejected or returned for correction.

As part of SAGE Publishing’s commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent, and fair peer review process, SAGE is a supporting member of ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers and links them with their professional activities, ensuring that their work is recognized.

An ORCID iD is required for corresponding authors during the submission process. It is a convenient way to populate personal data in the author information section. Create an ORCID iD at https://orcid.org/register before starting the submission process. Encourage any co-authors to update their author profiles on SAGE Track with a link to their iDs; the iD cannot be added to the manuscript at a later time.

Cover Letter

Manuscripts (except correspondence) must be accompanied by a cover letter signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors stating (1) there has been no duplicate publication or submission of any part of the work; (2) all authors have read and approved the manuscript; and (3) there is no financial arrangement or other relationship that could be construed as a conflict of interest. If a potential conflict exists, its nature should be stated in the letter and on the title page for each author involved (see Editorial Policies: Conflict of Interest Disclosure).

Title Page File

Construct a title that does not exceed 50 words and does not contain acronyms other than those referring to clinical trials.

List first and last names, highest academic degree(s), affiliations, and email addresses for all authors.

Give the total word count.

Acknowledge all sources of financial support (grants, fellowships, equipment, or remuneration of any kind) and any relationships that may be considered a conflict of interest (ie, employment, stockholdings, retainers, paid or unpaid consultancies, patents or patent licensing arrangements, or honoraria) that may pertain to the manuscript (see Editorial Policies: Conflict of Interest Disclosure).

Give details of any prior presentation, including meeting name, location, and date.

List acknowledgments, any shared first authorship, and other author notes.

Give the name, mailing address, and email address of the corresponding author.

Manuscript File for Blinded Review

Note that the JEVT uses blinded and anonymous peer review, so no information that could identify the source of the submission (eg, author or institution names) can appear in the manuscript file.

There is no word limit for manuscripts, but abstract length is restricted for some types of articles (see Abstract).

Text material must be submitted as a single Word document (not a PDF) named the “Main document.” Type the title at the top of the first page followed by the abstract and keywords, text, references, appendix (if applicable), and figure legends (see below for details). Tables, figures, movies, and supplementary material are delivered as separate files [see Supplementary (Online Only) Material].

Type section heads in bold (initial capital) letters at the left margin (do not center); subheads appear in italics (initial capital) at the left margin. Third-level heads are in italicized type (first word capitalized) and indented to run in with the text.

Section Head

Second-Level Head

Third-level head.

Do not embed any elements in the text, including fonts, links, footnotes in hidden fields, field codes, bookmarks, comments, passwords, objects, worksheets, databases, artwork, or slides (eg, PowerPoint).

Use the formatting function for bold, italic, and sub/superscripts. Symbols, foreign letters, and short (1-line) mathematical formulas may be inline in the text (see Text below).

Because the manuscripts will undergo blinded review, no author or institution name should appear in the text or header/footer.


Give a substantive summary of an original article in 350 words or less, separating the abstract according to Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion. For case reports, the abstract should be no longer than 200 words and divided into Purpose, Case Report, and Conclusion. Technical notes also have a maximum 200-word abstract divided into Purpose, Technique, and Conclusion. Abstracts for review articles may be unstructured.

Provide up to 10 keywords.


Organize the text for clinical or experimental investigations into sections entitled Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Case reports require only Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, and Conclusion. Likewise, technical notes should be sectioned as Introduction, Technique, Discussion, and Conclusion. Editorials, vascular images, and reviews may be structured as appropriate for the material.




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