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Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology《电化学科学与技术杂志》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《电化学科学与技术杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向工程技术-ELECTROCHEMISTRY电化学



Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology《电化学科学与技术杂志》(季刊). Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology publishes high–level Communicatio...[显示全部]













Instructions to authors

1. Journal Aims and Scope

The Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology publishes high–level Communications, Research Articles and Mini-Reviews related to all range of electrochemical science and technology. It aims for high-speed reviewing process in 2 weeks and maintains Full Open Access with no fee for both authors and readers. The journal is quarterly published by the Korean Electrochemical Society. Contributions from members and non-members are equally welcome.

2. Manuscript Types

- Communication is restricted to unusual urgent, significant reports. A brief statement explaining the urgency should be included in cover letter. It should not exceed 10 double spaced manuscript pages, including artworks.

- Research Article is the most appropriate for publication in JECST. It should report original fundamental or applied studies in comprehensive but concise manner to provide new scientific and technical insight.

- Mini-Review presents critical analysis of a topical subject. The author(s) can be invited by the journal. A person who wants to submit a Mini-Review should consult Editor-in-Chief by sending 1~2 page proposal before submitting a full review.

3. Manuscript Submission

JECST accepts online manuscript submissions only, via e-Submission. After log-in, upload cover letter, manuscript in Word format (2010 for Windows and later versions), manuscript in PDF, and supporting information if available. The suggested reviewers can be added during the upload. The person who may have a conflict of interest in reviewing your manuscript, such as former advisers, students, or recent collaborators, should not be suggested as a reviewer.

4. Manuscript Preparation

Title Page

The purpose of the title is to underscore the primary objective of the paper. Further, the full names of authors should be mentioned, and a footnote indicating the name of the corresponding author (i.e., the author to whom all correspondences will be directed) should be inserted in the manuscript. If required, the address of the institution in which the research was conducted should be provided in a footnote as an alternative in case there is a change in the corresponding author’s address provided in the manuscript.

- Title: The title should be specific and informative. It should be brief but should define the subject of the paper. If trade names are used, generic names should be given in parentheses. Mentioning key concepts in the title makes it more likely that readers will be able to find the article in a literature search.

- Authorship: The first name, middle initial(s), and last name of each author should be listed without professional and official titles. The complete mailing address(es) where the work was performed should be listed. When the present address of an author is different, the new contact information should be provided in a footnote. An e-mail address for the corresponding author should be included.

- Abstract and Keywords: An abstract should be provided for all articles, communications, notes, and reviews. Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words and explain briefly the reason for the work, the significant results, and conclusions. At the end of the abstract, a maximum of 5 keywords representing the main content of the article should be given.

Main Text

The manuscript will generally include an Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions, but some manuscripts (e.g., reviews) may follow a somewhat different format. Sections should be given Arabic numbers with subsections numbered using the decimal system. For example:

Roman numerals are not used. The Editors reserve the right to combine sections when subdivisions have been used to excess. The authors should assume readers to be professionals who are not necessarily experts in the subject of the paper; therefore, acronyms should be spelled out on first use in the abstract and again on first use in the body of the paper.

- Introduction: The purpose and significance of the research should be stated clearly and put into the context of earlier work in the area. A complete survey of the literature should not be attempted. If a recent article has summarized work on the subject, that article should be cited without repeating its individual citations.




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