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  • 期刊简称J DENT EDUC
  • 参考译名《牙科教育杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION《牙科教育杂志》(月刊). The Journal of Dental Education (JDE) is a peer-reviewed monthly journal that publishes a ...[显示全部]















General questions (not for submission of manuscripts; see below). Contact Dr. Nadeem Karimbux, Editor, Journal of Dental Education, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, One Kneeland St., DHS-15, Boston, MA 02111; JDEeditor@adea.org.

Submission. Direct questions about submission of manuscripts through ScholarOne to Susan Kimner, Director of Publishing, American Dental Education Association, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20001; 202-289-7201 phone; 202-289-7204 fax; kimners@adea.org.

Proofs and production. Direct questions about proofs and other matters after article acceptance to Lynn Page Whittaker, Executive Managing Editor, Journal of Dental Education, whittakerl@adea.org.

Reprints and copyright permission. Address correspondence relating to copyright and other business matters to Susan Kimner, Director of Publishing, American Dental Education Association, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20001; 202-289-7201 phone; 202-289-7204 fax; kimners@adea.org.




Information for Authors

The Journal of Dental Education (JDE) is a peer-reviewed monthly journal that publishes a wide variety of educational and scientific research in dental, allied dental and advanced. Published continuously by the American Dental Educaiton Association since 1936 and internationally recognized as the premier journal for academic dentistry, the JDE publishes articles on such topics as curriculum reform, education research methods, innovative educational and assessment methodologies, faculty development, community-based dental education, student recruitment and admissions, professional and educational ethics, dental education around the world and systematic reviews of educational interest. The JDE is one of the top scholarly journals publishing the most important work in oral health education today; it celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2016.

For submission information, please review all instructions below. We also encourage potential authors to view the following video to learn more about ways to publish their work in the JDE:

Types of Manuscripts Considered and Requirements for Each

The Editor will considre the following types of manuscripts for publication:

Submissions for Peer Review:

Original Articles (see below for categories within this type)

Reveiw Articles

Advancing Through Innovation

Solicited or Pre-approved by the Editor:

Letters to the Editor (solicited or pre-approved by the Editor)

Guest Editorials (solicited by the Editor)

Perspectives (pre-approved by the Editor)

Brief Communications (pre-approved by the Editor)

Point/Counterpoint (solicited by the Editor)

Special Reports:

Miscellaneous (submitted by ADEA staff)

Submissions for Peer Review

1. Original Articles

This type of article addresses subject matter in the following categories:

Predoctoral Dental Education

Advanced Dental Education

Allied Dental Education

Interprofessional Education

Community-based Dental Education

Global Dental Education—Manuscripts pertaining to global health education or issues pertinent to the global dental education community. (Not intended solely for submissions from international authors. International authors should submit manuscripts under pertinent topic areas provided in this section.)

Use of Technology in Dental Educaiton


Faculty Issues/Development

Continuing Education

Original Articles should report the results of hypothesis-based research studies and may be either qualitative, quantitative or of a mixed methods nature. Manuscripts must address how the findings advance our understanding of the questions asked in the study and make a novel contribution to the literature. The limitations of the study should also be addressed. Small studies of local relevance/interest, limited to one class/course, or small course/student-based surveys may not meet the criteria to be published as an Original Article.

Original Articles should be no more than 3,500 words, excluding the abstract, illustrations and references. A maximum of six figures and tables can be submitted (the figures can be multi-panel), and the number of references should not exceed 50 (unless the article is a systematic review).

Original Articles should have hte following general organization (see "Document Preparation, Organization and Formatting" below for more detailed instructions):

Title: An informative and concise title limited to 15 words with no more than 150 characters.

Abstract: For research studies, a structured abstract of no more than 250 words should be submitted with the following subheads:

Purpose/Objectives: Briefly summarize the issue/problem being addressed.

Methods: Describe how the study was conducted.

Results: Describe the results.

Conclusion(s): Report what can be concluded based on the results, and note implications for dental education.

Abstracts for other types of manuscripts should be in paragraph form, with no subheads.

Introduction: Provide a succinct description of the study's background and significance with references to the appropriate published literature. Detailed literature review/discussion should be reserved for the discussion section. Include a short paragraph outlining the aims of the study.

Materials and Methods: A statement that the study has been approved or exempted from oversight by a committee that reviews, approves and monitors studies involving human subjects MUST be provided at the beginning of this section, along with the IRB protocol number.

In this section, provide descriptions of the study design, curriculum design, subjects, procedures and materials used, as well as a description of and rationale for the statistical analysis. If the design of the study is novel, enough detail should be given for other investigators to reproduce the study. References should be given to proprietary information.

Results: The results should be presented in a logical and systematic manner with appropriate reference to tables and figures. Tables and figures should be chosen to illustrate major themes/points without duplicating information available in the text.

Discussion: This section should focus on the main findings in the context of the aims of the study and published literature. The authors should avoid an extensive review of the literature and focus instead on how the study's findings agree or disagree with the hypotheses addressed and what is known about the subject from other studies. A reflection on new information gained, new hypotheses and limitations of the study should be included, as well as guidance for future research.

Conclusion: The article should end with a short paragraph describing the conclusions derived from the findings and implications of the study for dental education.

Acknowledgements: The acknowledgments should report all funding sources, as well as any other resources used or significant assistance.

Disclosure: Authors must disclose any financial, economic or professional interests that may have influenced the design, execution or presentation of the scholarly work. If there is a disclosure, it will be published wiht the article.

Clinical Trials: Any educational research studies that are designed as "clinical trials" must register the trial before submitting to the Journal of Dental Education. The registration number must be provided in the manuscript.

The studies can be registered at U.S. National Institutes of Health Clinical Trials Registry, EU Clinical Trials Register, or WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform.

2. Review Articles

The JDE will not consider articles that consist of a general review of topics or published information that is more appropriate for a textbook. However, systematic reviews that focus on trends, issues, new programs or innovations in dental education that are of global interest are welcome. These reviews should not be exhaustive reviews of the literature, but should be consicse and address important and relevant questions that affect dental education. Reviews should be presented in a scientific format and use the methods of a systematic review. Authors can refer to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions for more details. In addition, the Editor asks authors of reviews to make sure they follow the PRISMA checklist and flow diagram to ensure the highest quality of systematic reviews of meta-analyses.

For review articles, a structured abstract of 250 words or fewer that addresses the question of interest must precede the review. A brief background and significance section with a review of the literature should be provided. The question being asked and the justification for the review should be addressed. As with any systematic review, the search strategy and the inclusion and exclusion criteria should be outlined. The authors should describe the findings of the study to the literature at large. Limitations and future areas of interst/research should be identified. Review articles hsould be limited to 3,500 words with no m ore than 80 references. No more than six tables and figures should be included. Acknowledgements and any conflicts of interest should be documented as described in the Original Article section.

3. Advancing Through Innovation

ADEA invites authors to submit articles for consideration for a new feature in the Journal of Dental Education: Advancing Through Innovation.In health care education we often pilot new methods for learning and supporting our teams. Exploring new approaches to a problem often is based on a limited availability of high-quality evidence. Advancing Through Innovation articles are scholarly insights that are not completed research, yet they meet our standards of originality, clarity of approach, and significance through a rapid peer review process. The goal is to present a problem, describe how it was addressed, and discuss the lessons learned from the experience in order to help others replicate, refine, or redirect the approach to similar problems in their local environments. Following are the manuscript specifications and submission information.

Title: A maximum of 90 characters.

Authors: A maximum of four, meeting the ICMJE author criteria.

Format: Word count: a maximum of 500 words (not counting reference materials).

Submissions are limited to three sections:


Why? (why was the problem addressed)

Briefly explain why this is a problem with context to enable the reader to judge the applicability of the concern to their environment.


How? (how was the problem addressed; what was tried)

Outline how the solution attempted to address the problem, what resources were required, and how the idea was given a chance to succeed.


What? (what went well, did not go so well, and what lessons were learned)

Share successes and failures and highlight how your perspective has changed in relation to why the innovation succeeded or failed.

Images: A maximum of three image files, including tables, photos and/or illustrations.

References: A maximum of five references.

Website: A maximum of one website url, if the educational materials described are publicly available.

How to Submit Articles

Submit articles for consideration to mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jdentaled. Select “Advancing Through Innovation” from the list of article types.

Call for Reviewers

If you wish to serve as a reviewer for Advancing Through Innovation submissions, please email Sue Kimner at kimners@adea.org.

Solicited or Pre-approved by the Editor

1. Guest Editorials

Each issue opens with a "From the Editor" note or a Guest Editorial solicited by the Editor, usually consisting of a short commentary on articles in that issue or on critical topics of interest to readers. The Editor's annual report about the journal will be published in the January issue.

2. Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor should be responses to articles published in the JDE in the previous three-month period. They should add to the discussion in a scientific manner, without being personal reflections or reactions. On occasion, letters that deal with the profession, education and training, as well as issues critical to dental education, will be considered. Letters should be brief, focused on one or a few specific points or concerns, and can be signed by no more than four individuals. The letter should be limited to 400 words and six references in JDE format. Authors should submit letters directly to the Editor (JDEeditor@adea.org).

3. Perspectives

Perspective articles should provide an opinion-based but well-supported commentary on controversies, innovations or emerging trends in dental education. On occasion, manuscripts addressing historical figures/perspectives that are impacting current practices will also be considered. Perspectives articles may also be solicited by the Editor on issues that are critical in dental education. Authors who want to independently submit a commentary should contact the Editor ahead of time by e-mail. These articles will be limited to 2,000 words, no more than 10 references, and no more than two figures and/or tables.

Perspectives articles should consist of a) an introduction that addresses why this topic is of general interest to a North American and/or global audience; b) a main section that contains the information relevant to the area being discussed, the author's perspective on it and the grounds for that perspective; and c) a summary that describes the importance of the commentary/perspective to the current and future status of the topic and recommendations concerning how these items can be addressed.

Authors should submit inquiries for submission of perspectives directly to the Editor (JDEeditor@adea.org).

4. Brief Communications

Brief Communications should be used to inform readers about significant findings in studies based on a limited data set, such as a topic of local relevance/interest or limited to one class/course. These communications will typically contain novel items/findings that are time-sensitive. These articles should include an unstructured abstract of 150 words or fewer. This category of article will be limited to 1,000-1,500 words, no more than 10 references and no more than two tables and/or figures. Authors should submit inquiries for submisison of Brief Communications directly to the Editor (JDEeditor@adea.org).

5. Point/Counterpoint

Point/Counterpoint articles will be solicited by the Editor, who will provide those authors with information about required length and format.

Special Reports

In addition to the above types of manuscripts, the JDE occasionally publishes several types of articles and reports that fall outside the standard peer-review process. These include Association Reports (which are written by ADEA staff members) and special reports/sections/issues (which are the result of special activities or studies conducted by ADEA or other groups and are considered on a case-by-case basis by the Editor). Each year, the ADEA Annual Proceedings and the abstracts of poster and TechExpo presentations at the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition are also published in the JDE. All these types of documents undergo systematic internal review and selected external review as determined by the Editor.




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