Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases
Author Guidelines
Submission: Papers submitted for publication should describe original work, not previously published elsewhere, totally or partly. Manuscripts must be submitted only in English and should be written according to sound grammar and proper terminology. Submission is only acceptable via Journal URL: http://jad.tums.ac.ir
Manuscript must be accompanied by a covering letter to the Editor-in-Chief, including title and author(s) name and undertaking that it has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
The title page of the paper should only con- tain the title, name(s), degree(s) and addresses (Tel, Fax, and Email) of the author(s).
The manuscript should include: Title; No author(s) name; the Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements and References.
The abstract (no more than 250 words) including Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion followed by 3 to 5 Keywords must be presented.
Tables in limited numbers should be submitted with the captions placed above. Do not submit tables as photograph. Place explanatory matters in footnotes, not in the heading.
Figures should be in limited numbers, with high quality art work and mounted on separate pages. The captions should be placed below.
The same data should not be presented in tables, figures and text, simultaneously.
The reference system for the journal is in Vancouver style. The authors should write the reference numbers in parentheses after the citation, such as (1) as they enter in the text and arrange them in the reference section in order to their entrance in the text not alphabetically.
If a reference is used for more than once, the same number should be used as the first time.
If several sources were cited, they should be cited as (2–4) to refer to sources 2, 3 and 4 and (2–4, 8) to refer to sources 2, 3, 4 and 8.
When the author's name is stated in the sentence, the reference number should be given in parenthesis.