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Građevinar(或:GRADEVINAR)《建筑师》 (Email投稿;官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《建筑师》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向工程技术-ENGINEERING, CIVIL工程:土木



Građevinar《建筑师》(月刊). The journal Građevinar is a monthly publication that has been regularly appearing 12 times a year without any...[显示全部]







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Građevinar is a monthly journal that features research and professional papers and other contributions and articles from the field of civil engineering and other related fields. The journal is also the official bulletin of the Croatian Association of Civil Engineers.


Template for papers

Template for papers

The paper title must be brief (no more than six words), informative and clearly descriptive of the theme treated in the paper. The paper must be devoid of interrogatory or exclamatory sentences, and the authors should restrain from formulating a particular thesis.

The categorized articles must be preceded by an abstract in which the author will briefly describe the theme treated, procedures applied, and results obtained. The abstract will range from 500 to 520 characters in size. Below the abstract, the author must formulate 5 to 7 key words that describe main points of the paper.

Text must prepared be on A4 paper format with 25mm margins in 13px Arial font using 1.35 line spacing. It should be positioned in one column and aligned to both left and right margin (justify). This format is suitable for the reviewer or language editor notes. First page should contain a paper title, names of authors (5 authors max.), authors' affiliations, paper abstract and keywords. Chapter headings should be aligned to the left and formatted in 16px Arial bold.

Figures (drawings, charts, photographs etc.) can be black-and-white or in colour in JPG, TIFF or BMP file format with a resolution of 300dpi. Vector graphic produced with AutoCAD or similar software should be converted to a popular vector format (wmf, emf, svg) or to JPG, TIFF or BMP raster format with size fitted to article format. Photographs, if any, should be prepared in adequate resolution (300 dpi). Every figure or table should be numbered, titled and positioned in the article.

The reference used by the author must be presented at the end of the paper: the reference must not be cited in footnotes. The reference must be presented in chronological order, in the order it is referred to in the text. For citations in the text please use square brackets and numbers: [1], [2]. The first citation in the text should correspond with the first name on the reference list. Formatting citations of reference is given in the following examples: [1] article in the journal (Author's last name and initial letter of the first name, Title of the paper, Title of the journal, Volume, Year in parenthesis, Number of issue in the year, Initial and final page of the paper), [2] Books (Author's last name and initial letter of the first name, Title of the book, Edition number, Publisher, Town in which the book was published, Year of publishing), [3] chapter in the book, [4] papers in conference proceedings, [5] Personal communication, [6] Web site:


Bartolac, M., Damjanović, D., Duvnjak, I.: Punching strength of flat slabs with and without shear reinforcement, GRAĐEVINAR, 67 (2015) 8, pp. 771-786, doi: 10.14256/JCE.1361.2015

Esveld, C.: Modern Railway Track, Second edition, TU-Delft, 2001.

Schwager, T., Poschel, T.: Rigid Body Dynamics of Railway Ballast (Chapter), System Dynamics and Long-Term Behaviour of Railway Vehicles, Track and Subgrade, eds. K. Popp & W. Schiehlen, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York, pp. 451-470, 2002.

Lazarevic, D., Dvornik, J.: Selective Time Steps in Predictor-Corrector Methods Applied to Discrete Dynamic Models of Granular Assemblies, 4th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous deformation, Glasgow, pp. 193-201, 2001.

Person, A.: Personal communication, 20 November 2008, Position of Person in Company, Name of Company or University, City, Country.

APS-The street level power supply, www.transport.alstom.com, dd.mm.yyyy.


An original research paper must contain unpublished results of an original research work in which research information is presented in such a way that the experiment can be repeated and that the described result can be obtained with accuracy specified by the author, or with tolerance acceptable for such experiments, i.e. that the author's observations, analyses, calculations or theoretical deductions can be repeated and that an opinion can be formulated about the author's conclusions and results.

A preliminary report is a research paper containing one or several new scientific data that deserve urgent publishing, but it is not required to have the level of detail needed to repeat or verify the results. Reactions to published work would also belong to this category provided that they contain elements regarded as a contribution to research work.

A subject review is a research paper containing a detailed account of a special civil engineering issue or area, based on the analysis of information that has already been published. The author is required to provide data about all published papers that have contributed to the solution of the problem under study or to the development of the area considered, or that could have contributed to such an area were they not overlooked or neglected.

A professional paper deals with a civil engineering topic and analyses a valuable experience gained in the application of some known scientific achievements that contribute to the propagation of knowledge and to harmonization of original research endeavours with practical needs.


Professional reports and reviews, construction site presentations, views and opinions, reactions to papers published in the journal, software presentations, contributions about history of civil engineering, professional curiosities, bibliographical reports, social information, professional and social information conveyed from other publications, etc.


Technical papers must be original and still unpublished contributions, and should not simultaneously be offered to another journal. The author is responsible for the information presented in the paper and for obtaining any approvals that may be needed for publication of individual pieces of information. The author is required to propose category for the paper submitted, but the final decision rests with the Editorial Board. Technical papers are evaluated by two reviewers as nominated by the Editorial Board.

The authors of categorized papers will be given a complimentary copy of the journal in which the paper was published as well as ten off prints of the paper. The authors of other contributions will be given a complimentary copy of the journal in which the contribution was published.

All papers and other contributions are published in Croatian language.

Authors can submit papers in any European language. Editorial Office can provide translation and proofreading the text, but the authors take over the costs arising. All contributions are proofread by a language editor before publication. The length of scientific and professional papers can be up to 35,000 characters. This length may be exceeded only if approved by the Editorial Board.

Papers must be produced electronically and be PC compatible. Also, papers must be prepared using the templates and submitted both in their original file format as DOC (MS Word) files, and in PDF format. Papers with all annexes should be submitted to the editorial office using the on-line submission system, or sent to e-mail address gradjevinar@hsgi.org.

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